Some Kudos To The EntertainmentAdultUnion

I just saw that the website has been completely reworked and it looks great.  The ideas and information are more concise, the typos are all gone and the site flows very well.

It is here

It is currently free to join, there is no charge and performers and press and crew are needed, also needed are people who want to be leaders, I encourage everyone in the industry to join.  I have.  I also want to give some kudos to Hill and Howard…That is Melissa Hill and Howard Levine, who have been working to get the word out.  Howard is even on the production end of the business and he sees that this can be good for everyone.  This is how we as an industry can effectively deal with government regulations and outside interlopers who have their own agenda.

Melissa and Howard can be heard Tuesday nights on L.A. Talk radio It’s worth a listen and if you are like me you will see that melissa still has the talent, unlike similar shows, she keeps it moving, entertaining and no dead air.  Why she never made it into mainstream is a mystery to me, she has the chops.

Sign up for the Union, it takes less than minute, show the naysayers that adult performers really do care about themselves and about each other.

131940cookie-checkSome Kudos To The EntertainmentAdultUnion

Some Kudos To The EntertainmentAdultUnion

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5 Responses

  1. I’ve noticed on the website they are offering an awful lot of things from retirement packages to residuals. Its almost too good to be true. Hell they even plan on fighting piracy of the content. I can see the talent looking at this site and in disbelief that they will attain all they are promising to do.

  2. I signed up too, offered help as usual, I gave my availability for running for board election. However, as usual (see APAC), as soon as I asked to know who’s behind it before associating my name to it and as soon as I asked to have my eventual responsibilities recognized for what concerns my help, the communication channel has been closed. The sad thing is that once again it hasn’t been closed with a denial to my requests: it has just been closed with no follow up or a “thanks, but no”. Maybe they are just overly busy. I will wait until next week, then I will draw a line and I will move on making some simple legitimate questions publicly. To my eyes, this is not a good start at all. You seem to know who is behind or at least more than us all, but I would like to know it too, if getting united is really the aim of the Union. All I’ve seen so far are a lot of inopportune random statements on XBIZ which have raised more than one eyebrow among those same people who should be the main friendly target of the Union.

  3. Sabrina, I am glad to read that you are EXACTLY the kind of person that is needed, you are an active performer who can represent performers who are web based in a fair manner. You are smart and don’t compromise your principles. I hope that the Union realizes this and uses your talents and good name in an advantageous manner. God Bless ya doll!

  4. There is no doubt at all that it is an uphill battle but unlike The FSC and APAC at least they actually have goals…and they state them and I will never take any position that isnt supportive….hey ya never know, they may actually achieve some of the goals sooner than expected, remember in the days of Hollywood they said the same thing when actors and actresses demanded residuals…Personally I just want to do my best to be supportive of change that I think is somewhat overdue. I do think it is important for the union to emphasize that these goals are achievable but they will require a lot of work and a lot of performers to stand together to make it happen. I do agree that managing expectations is very important…It’s easy to know to where you want to go but its important to understand ya cant get there overnight

  5. Wandered through site, liked the updates to debate page. Comes across like new members are taking advantage of promised anonymity to ask questions.

    Don’t understand the hoopla around some typos and overlooked updates ie gmail contact info as criticism. Seems like this kind of stuff ought to be expected till they get through hiccups every new organization endures. Hopefully they will prioritize responding to offers like Sabrina’s over pleasing website critics.

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