Some Corrections From The Lesser Site

Nobody Is Suing Alex Gonz or Hustler,

LA Direct is Not Moving To Vegas (They already have an office there but are not moving)

and UAWA is Dead Before It Ever Came To Life

How anyone with half a brain can put any credence in this nonsense is beyond me.  The problem is most people don’t really think because if they did it would be obvious that it’s just noise making.

86720cookie-checkSome Corrections From The Lesser Site

Some Corrections From The Lesser Site

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188 Responses

  1. Sorry Mike but there is word that they are in fact looking into moving to Vegas and that they already have a model house in place.

  2. LA Direct has already moved to Vegas but Mike you already knew that, your up on everything that happens in Porn Valley.

  3. Nick’s right.
    And Mike? How do you know nobody is suing Alex Gonz?
    Can you predict the future?
    And anybody with a half a brain knows that Alex Gonz and Derek Hay are full of shit!

  4. Im clairevoyant…seriously you have to ask this?

    and if you have any real evidence that derek knew alex status or that alex is lying please tell us. If its fact i will be the first to out em.

  5. I don’t know, the author clearly states that his entire article is NOT based on facts but rumors at this stage. He even goes on to ask for help in clarification and information on said story. The rest of the post is simply him giving his reasoning, which seem reasonable, why it wouldn’t work. Who gives a shit if they move to Vegas anyway? Happy trails.

  6. By NOT telling his partners that he knew he had Hep C he is lying. A lie of ommision is a lie none the less.

    Same thing as Stagliaono not informing people he has HIV.

    Mike, as a producer, did you ever require HEP C tests for your talent? What would you have done if you found out after the fact that a person on your set KNEW they had HEP C but didnt inform you or the other person in the scene?

  7. Regarding moving to Vegas. LA Direct is a licensed agency in California. I dont know, but wouldnt they need to be licensed in NEvada to operate there? I know individual states have different laws.

  8. But therein lies the rub he was told by both AIM and CET that he did NOT have Hep C.

    So is it reasonable to believe that he thought he did NOT have Hep C?

  9. There in lies the rub, Gonz can lie with impunity because he knows they cant respond. They cannot publicly say that Gonz is full of shit. He knew he tested postive on the screening test, that is a fact. Anything else is he said she said. Bobbie’s husband has Hep C, she knows about hep C. I find it impossible to believe that she told him you do not have Hep C based soley on an antibody test with absolutely no follow up testing. NO FUCKING WAY BOBBIE TOLD HIM HE DOESNT HAVE HEP C,,,,ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING WAY!!

    It is reasonalbe to believe that GOnz is lying to cover his own ass because he got caught red handed in his years long lie.

    Mike, I will ask again, did any of the test GOnz showed you have an AST or ALT test on them. If NOT, then he did not show you all of his tests. He says he went to a specialist, and there is NO FUCKING way a Hep specialist did not order these liver function tests.

  10. I saw no liver function test what I did see was the test AND where CET cleared him to work in APHSS on July 31.

    So far nobody has offered any proof at all that gonz had any reason to believe that he had Hep C, he had a positive antibody test and AIM and CET told him that was normal that he no longer had Hep C, until someone can offer any proof to the contrary I aint convicting the guy. not saying he didnt have a part in it he did, so did aim, so did cet, so did dr miao and so did sharon mitchel, so did Bobby. Plain and simple the system…what there is of it failed. Instead of pointing fingers at this point it should be fixed

  11. If you did not see any liver function tests, then you did NOT see all of his tests. And, just like all of us, we have NOTHING but Gonz’s words that he was told he does not have hep c, after testing postibe for the antibodies, and no follow up tests.

    And pointing fingers seems to be EXACTLY what Gonz has been doing. I just dont believe for one fucking second that he was told he does not have hep c based soley on a POSITIVE antibody test, and NO foloow up tests. That doesnt even make sense.

    REALLY? Patient goes to clinic. Patient get positve hep c antibody test result. Patient has NEVER had a positive test previous to this. Clinic tells patient, no need for further testing, you donthave hep c? REALLY?

  12. @Mike –
    I think most people only have 2 opinions:
    Either he had Hep. C or he didn’t? I’m not sure most people believe there is some “middle” ground where he was infected with Hep. C, but he didn’t REALLY have it?

  13. I don’t know about the rest of the things, but I spoke to some talent just this morning who said they are looking into suing him. So that’s two different girls who are at this point “carefully considering their options”. So who knows who else out there is also looking into suing Alex Gonz. There really seems to be some merit behind this rumor.

  14. How is there a middle ground. Didn’t he clearly say yes he had it and he thinks he got it as a child? How is that confusing? How do you still think he might not have REALLY had it when he admitted it???

  15. Yer right but it really comes down to the same thing it would come down to in a civil trial…was there negligence on his part? Did he have reason to believe he was contagious and acted in a manner that would show disregard for another persons health. Given what i have if i were on that jury he walks. Again if someone can prove otherwise please do so. Meanwhile lets get away from the Alex Gonz angle and start looking at where the system failed and fix it.

  16. The system is not crap, It is a HARM REDUCTION program, and as such, it does exactly what it is supposed to do. It is the INDUSTRY that needs fixing, and that aint gonna happen.

    A HUGE part of this system is the honesty of those who participate in it. No system can work when people intentionally hide when they know they have disease. GONZ is exactly what is WRONG with they system.

    This system will never improve as long as the industry politics remain in the doctors office. The biggest question is why are private clinics and doctors ‘clearing’ people to work.

    This is how you fix the system. Patient goes to doctor and gets tested. Doctor gives results to patient . The PATIENT then shares his results with who ever he wants, or who ever they are working with. Leave the doctors office out of the INDUSTRY policy. And virtually every single lab these days has a system like the old labdat, where a patient can have access to their own results, much like the old TTS system, so there is no problem with result verification.

  17. The most commonly known HARM REDUCTION programs are the needle exchanges for drug addicts. In a harm reduction program you accept the fact that the behaviour of the participants will not change, You acknowledge the risky behaviour and you deal with the consequences. The harm reduction program does not deal with changing the behavior of the participants. A harm reduction program is a program of LAST RESORT, a safety net because all else has failed. The problem with the porn industry is they are using this LAST RESORT program as their FIRST line of defense.

    The fact is, this LAST RESORT program does exactly what it is supposed to do, remove people from the pool when they test positive, and get them treated. As a first line of defense, a harm reduction program will always be a failure. As a LAST line of defense, it does exactly what it is supposed to do.

  18. What?
    My point was most people would agree there is NO middle ground. Either you have it or you don’t? If your diagnosed with HIV and then take anti-virals to lower your levels, it doesn’t change the fact that you still have HIV. I would assume the same thing could be said about Hep. C and other diseases.

  19. yes agreed but heres a similar scenario as a kid i had mumps, chicken pox and measles, I have also had Hep A and b vaccines (also typhoid and malaria.

    now…because of this would I test positive for antibodies to any of these (i really dont know the answer) it certainly seems likely.

    now does that mean I have measles or hep b or whatever? I would maintain that i do not. ( lets say its measles and I had it as a kid and got over it…all true) I dont and wouldnt tell people that i have measles right now…specially if i tested positive for antibodies and the doctor told me that because I had measles and fought them off as a kid i will always test positive for measles antibodies.

  20. While it’s not medically related, they also have those dumb “buy back” programs for guns and firearms. I, personally, think they’re stupid. But, I guess you can’t argue that it takes some of the guns and firearms off the street?
    All 3 of the harm reduction programs we’re talking about accomplish the same goal: to get STD’s/disease, Needles/Drugs or Guns/firearms either out of the talent pool, limit drug use or to take guns off the street.
    But, the purpose for these programs are EXACTLY the same.
    I’m not in favor of “buy back” or “exchange” programs for drugs or guns, so I’m certainly not going to be in favor of a “human testing program” which has the same basic premise.

  21. But GOnz never claimed that a DOCTOR told him he was “CURED” as you stated in another comment.

    Was there neglegence on Gonz’s part? Is taking the word of a phlebotomist(IF thats what really happened) regarding your POSITVE test results, while working in a field that you know puts people at risk, some might argue a definite YES< there was negligence.

  22. yes actually he did he said jen and Boby told him and thats is likely true what you misunderstood or i wasnt clear on was that they were telling him what the doctor told them to tell him, in both cases (AIM and CET)

  23. an interesting side note

    The drug, Sofosbuvir, has ties to Atlanta.

    “Finally, my baby is becoming an adult, and now it’s going to be used by a lot of people and save a lot of lives,” says Emory University’s Dr. Raymond Schinazi, who helped develop the drug. “And that’s what it’s all about.”

    While treatments for hepatitis C have been on the market for a few years, the combination of Simeprevir and Sofosbuvir with another drug is considered to be the first cure with nearly 100%-effectiveness.

    And it all happened very quickly, at least in terms of drug development.

    “I don’t think many drugs have been discovered and developed in six years from start-to-finish. That’s amazing,” says Dr. Schinazi.

    It’s easy to think Dr.Schinazi is a little biased—after all, he came up with the drug.

    But Emory Dept. of Global Health chair Dr. Carlos DelRio says this development is every bit as big as it seems.

    “The fact that you can cure almost 100% of people with these new drugs is quite tremendous,” he says.

    Still, it comes at a steep premium.

    Dr. Schinazi estimates Gilead Sciences, which bought the rights to the drug, will charge between $75,000 and $100,000 for the treatment.

    It’s widely expected the FDA will act on the advisory board’s recommendation. The combination therapy could be on the market as soon as December.

  24. @jilted
    HIPPA doesn’t mean provider CAN’T respond to public statements, it does mean they better have ducks in a row to prove compliance. TTS responded about test report procedures w/o specifically naming the accuser, as was his right to defend his business.

    In CA doctors are allowed to reveal HIV results to sexual partners…health departments also legally reveal HIV and other reportable conditions to ensure public health via testing after exposure & referral to appropriate treatment.

    No law stands alone!

  25. @Lacey,
    Someone has to deal with the day to day reality of what is happeneing. Could the current testing program be considered to just be ‘enabling’ the industry to continue to exploit people, possibly yes. But the fact is, std’s are being spread aroung, and a last resort program is better than nothing at all.

    Performers should protect themselves, but unfortunatley they dont, that is the day to day reality of the situation. Dont blame the last resort program for what it does,

    Lacey, would you be more comfortable without a testing program? If your answer is they should use condoms, (which is true), the fact is they DONT, so how do you deal with that? Any suggestions?

    I am not “in favor” of the testin program as the answer to the industry problem, i am in favor of providing services to at risk people, regardless of their risky behavior, without judgement.

  26. Exactly Mike!

    The point ..employer must prevent risk exposure, carcinogens/ OPIM-STI doesn’t matter..
    The point…defining what the SAFE level of exposure is…
    Is Viral Load screening enough for HIV, HVC? Works for measles, chicken pox but is it applicable to ?

  27. When a doctor informs the sexual partner of an HIV+ patient, he does NOT tell that person who the infected person is. In california it is the legal duty of the patients physician to notify partners, not the state or county health departments, which is different from other STD’s.

    I am not sure psecifically what you are referring to with TTS, but if it was about their PROCEDURE, and not a specific patient result, then yes they can respond. They cannot respond in a public forum regarding any particular patient. There are legal procedures to do this, and often include the courts sealing the documents to protect the privacy of the ‘accuser’.


  29. i HIGHLY doubt, that based on one single positive antibody test, that any doctor, Hamblin or Miao, said he was cured. And this is the FIRST time I have ever seen it said that this is what the “doctors told Jen or Bobbi to say.’

    Based on one single positive antibody test they told him he was cured. GIVE ME A BREAK Swamp land for sale in Florida.

  30. Ever one would like know why Alex Gonz change from one std clinic new std clinic that did check for his dease. Ever one like know why guy when ask for test buy Lisa Ann not only could give to her dispear from seen very shortly after words. Ever want know why porn news indusrty tell this story can even tell in same manner useing same facts leaving ever one in porn indusrty thinking wow how can that be true. How is Alex Gonz claim he was ignorant stupid about his dease fair all the people he put in harms way over there matter??? Here where I live in Arizona Mike being ignorant stupid well put people lives in harm way consider crime witch punish here with jail time I know California you can get away with there. I agree I do not see LA Direct moving Las Vegas if Alex Gonz try this there authority found out he had there they be knee deep in Alex Gonz ass than up LA Direct ass demand why was this allowed happen . Mike you said Kayden Kross was gone walk way from here jury trial with nothing happening which in the end she plea bargain on her case which mean she admit she was guilty of doing for lesser charge. Mr Marcus plead no contest his trial. So all I am saying little early state nothing gone happen over this. After all other people be sue right now in porn indusrty over ever similar matter like John Stagliano.

  31. again I say…This is what i dont understand……how is it possible that performer safety can even be touted by an industry standard that doesn’t (or didn’t) even require hepatitis testing??….. In my mind I can completely understand how a person may not share his hep poss antibody status if it doesnt even seem like an industry issue as a whole…..and thats the implied sentiment if its not even considered important enough to test for……. Now if I tested poss for hepc would I have handled it the way Alex did?….probably not…..I would have been very concerned and over educated myself on the topic….but I wonder how many positive people are out there working in porn not realizing how dangerous to your health it actually is or could be……and unfortuanatly if any of this was an inital concern it could be easy dismissed if the test isnt even required to be turned over….im curious as to how many of us in our personal lives require our long term partners to provide a hep test along with the standard std tests before we have sex with them condomless.
    I think its a slippery slope to focus this all on one person (Alex) and not take into consideration that when a performer provides entertainment in an industry that doesn’t screen for Hep they are deciding to take on the risky behavior themselves by implied consent…..

  32. Yep..The AFI is consistently recognized as “escaping regulation” with industry leaders proclaiming constitutional challenges to content/context to justify poor business practices while actively and effectively working behind the scenes to reject regulation. Many agencies, institutions and foundations have tried to force regulation on them to address varied industry issues, often resulting in “resolution to study more when attempts to work with the industry failed.”

    Here’s a detailed plan of what jilted suggests…will it

    Using a compromise approach to OSHA standards might preserve expression of unique content while providing more safety for performers, enable patient confidentiality and true performer choice

    Create a LEGITIMATE properly licensed health center co-op; a lab w/ proper mandatory reporting and cooperation with Health Dept., independent physician assisted by PLHCP(s), Patient education regarding OPIM-STI and performer on-set safety, (industry workshops?), receptionist, records, AR/AP … Once first model is proves effective…franchise it.

    Finance the land & building, with standard ROI independently of co-op.

    Define co-op producer membership requirements, sign-up fees, deposit and billing frequencies. (start up fee financing, profit sharing?)

    Co-op members will be billed pro-rata for industry services. Performers and other personnel have access to industry friendly APPROPRIATE convenient expanded medical services if they choose while remaining free to go elsewhere. (Added OPIM-STI protections with one point of care for treatment and surveillance)

    Create a simple performer form to report OPIM-STI related limitations, treat it like 2257 to end patient records issues. Using the custodian with IAFD will go a long way to document exposure and prevention efforts while preserving record confidentiality and preservation.

    Create a logo for compliant producers exclusive use.

    Create a Producer database to enter performer activity to determine pro-rata billing.

    For EACH defined risk of OPIM-STI exposure for each risk;
    Define appropriate test(s) blood, urine, anatomical swab, physical exam.
    Define appropriate initial test, primary test and secondary tests as merited.
    Define appropriate frequency, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual.
    Define appropriate limitations, condom, oral barrier, see ya in two weeks…
    Define & develop education materials.
    Repeat 1-5for any newly defined OPIM-STI exposure risk.
    Appropriate means medically, not producer/performer momentary convenience.

    Condom/barrier use for any positive OPIM-STI, add protocol for everyone to address the OPIM-STI that aren’t effectively prevented with a condom.

    Performers without any infectious OPIM-STI could choose condoms or not, possibly extending performer pool as effective measures reduce exposure risks; limiting talent with infectious OPIM-STI to only condom/barrier protects them from co-infections and superbugs. This does remove the choice for infected performers while reducing everyones exposure risk.

    Lastly for anyone who feels beat up or picked on…this isn’t an attack on you or your industry. It is observation, analysis, and recommendations with an outline that may preserve your continued freedom of creative expression with industry appropriate applications. (Making no promises when it comes to making this fly with OSHA) and finally…I’m not in the industry, but I do respect and honor your right to make Adult Films with hopes you’ll be safe and healthy in the process.

  33. Here hoping that people that in porn indusrty can aford this treament can get after all porn indusrty been in worst depression that ever been in. Porn actors make less for porn movies than they ever have so can hardly see bunch being able aford $75,000 and $100,000 for this treatment. Before tell me Obama care well pay for this you have get freind Derek Hey give people work for him Obama care which unlikely he well do. They would need treatmeant if porn indusrty kept people like Alex Gonz from working in it. Image all money it would save people porn indusrty there be no ordeal over this at all.

  34. Can someone please explain how jen and Boby went from being nurses to doctors who are experts in dease Alex Gonz has??? Ever excuse in this event get lamer ever time defend this. I am sure real smart lawyer who ever is gone put question Alex Gonz point that out.

  35. Yep on partner notification without naming WHO exposed you, doctors and health dept tell all the time….lots of partners find out hard way that they weren’t in a monogamous relationship. Every day..every town.

    TTS responded to allegations that they “removed” a test result from a patient report. Couldn’t happen due to internal process…standard lab printing process.

  36. im not sure why this is difficult to comprehend Jen and bobby told Gonz what THE DOCTOR told them to tell Gonz. jen nor Bobby Diagnosed Gonz

  37. In a nutshell
    Build a INDEPENDENT properly licensed AIM, add a M.D., test for all risks, bill producers.

    Limits forms could be batch processed for producer p/u or delivery. To prevent unauthorized (unpaid) use by other producers, doesn’t matter today but will when OSHA enacts new OPIM-STI

    Performer gets tested, results stay in health center, instead of actual results health center reports limits, (like all labs tested person could get actual results)
    Producer notifies Health center..names of whose limit forms they need..they get printed..ready for p/u
    Producers will know they are only paying their part of the tab.

  38. Here issue Mike you state many times that Jen and bobby told Alex Gonz what state his dease was. You do not explain the fact there not doctor leaving out fact just nurses that work for that doctor. Than go on how was Jen and bobby fault for Alex Gonz responsible with his dease over matter. Not state was doctor that Jen and bobby work for but them instead. Your tossing two nurses under bus leaving doctor out on side walk watch. Than you confuse ever body buy saying well two doctor clear him work. Saying Jen and bobby told him he ok see issue with statment make out be two special doctors said ok for him work you do not eplain all there not doctors.

  39. Mike, this is according to whom, Gonz, the person who admits he ‘blew off’ the positve test? Now its clear, Gonz said that Bobbie said that the doctor said there was no problemi.

    He went to the clinic that he knew would not test for Hep C because he says he didnt want to deal with it. snt that exactIy what Marcus did? He went to his own doctor instead of the industry clinic, and after being told by his doctor that he was clear he hid those positive results because he didnt want to deal with it. History repeats itself, except Gonz is excused, and marcus vilified.

  40. I would like to see the “SPECIALIST” that Gonz went to ‘clear’ him to work. No way on this earth that knowing exactly what Gonz does for a living would any Hep specialist OK him to work.

  41. Has it even been written anywhere before this thread that it was the doctor who told Bobbi or Jen to tell Gonz he was ok to work. Ive read the AVN and XBIZ and havent seen that. Am I missing something? This is EXACTLY why their should be a transcript of what was said, so there is no doubt.

    Gonz said that Bobbi said the doctor said youre ok. Who would have the most to gain by not telling the truth? Knowing full well that neither bobbi, jen or the doctor can legally respond in a public Only in porn

  42. Like jilted point out when Alex Gonz was told state of his dease from one doctor he went differnt doctor who did not test for his dease clear him work. So again you gone keep stick with story Alex Gonz say what happen Mike??? Alex Gonz all ready burn down each ever one excuse you used defend him on pages AVN and Xbizz . That lesser site all ready had Rob Black explain way why LA Direct is going Las Vegas.


    If CET had previously cleared his to work, then why did he feel the need to go somewhere else to get cleared????? Hmmmm.

    If the doctor at AIM cleared him, and the doctor at CET cleared him, then why go someowhere else for the express reason of not testing for hep c? Hmmmm.


  44. I agree with you jilted. It very clear case to what Alex Gonz did he went new doctor offices that had no idea who was did test for his dease get clean bill health work in porn indusrty. That very crystal clear case that he knew state his dease was more than well put other people in porn health at rick long get away with it. The fact he state this him self adds very big nail coffen all other conspiracy theories that did not.

  45. @jilted –
    Was my argument against “harm reduction programs” too harsh for you? You seem to be implying I’m somehow being judgmental?

    Almost every single person in the industry would fucking hate me and my idea of a solution, but it’s the only solution I even see possible:
    (Yeah, I realize I’m going to get a ton of shit for this, but here we go…)

    1. Performers are the direct responsibility of the producer/production company who hires them for a scene.

    2. Producers would be required to send performers and pay for all testing costs. The performers would need to sign a HIPPA waiver allowing the producer access to their medical records to verify that the are, in fact, clean and cannot bring any diseases to set.

    3. The Producer/Production Company then becomes responsible for any and all “infections” which occur.. whether on-set or not. Sorry, it’s called the risk you take when hiring someone.

    I realize the largest problem with this is determining exactly when the infection occured. Was it on set, the night before a shoot, the day after a shoot?
    So, the system would essentially encourage producers to hire people that they would “reasonably” trust the same exact way it works in corporate America. Most employers don’t know exactly who they’re hiring, which is the reason for interviews and drug tests. For every industry on earth, being an employer involves risk. The porn industry is no different. They’re just slick enough to get away with it because most of the talent are only worried about their paycheck.

    4. If performers work for 10 production companies a month, then performers would probably get tested 10 times a month. You work for a different production company every day for an entire month, then you’re probably going to be testing more than your working… tough shit. It’s not the performers decision to make. If I’m a producer who wants to protect my ass then I’ll happily pay for testing if it limits the amount of exposure I would have if a performer got infected on my set. You know, like the same way it happens in the real world.
    So, ultimately, every performers’ test would be set-up and paid for by the hiring producer not because they’re just nice guys, but because they want to protect themselves from risk, i.e. Performer infections.

    Would this ever happen? Probably not.
    Should it happen? I think so.
    Are there still issues to be addressed? Absolutely.

    Could this save the industry from mandated condoms?
    Fuck if I know, but this would be one of the only ways I could see myself fighting against the use of condoms. Of course, that’s just my personal opinion.

    Oh, did I mention that because the producer or production company is paying for the test then you will probably be required to sign a HIPPA waiver allowing the employer to actually see your test results. Oh, you don’t want the employer to get your test results? Well, too bad, then don’t work. If they’re taking all the risk then they should be able to actually determine whether you’re positive for any diseases before you step foot on their set. If there’s nothing to hide then there should be no problem…

    Corporate America will know if you’ve used drugs before hiring you and they also have the option of conducting random drug tests AT ANY TIME (and actually receiving the results from the test. They’re not stupid enough to just take your “word” on it)

    It would be great if the entire world could operate on the honor system, but almost every industry (and person) realizes that the honor system 90% of the time doesn’t fucking work. So, to protect their own asses the production companies would require certain information to limit their own risk. If you don’t want a production company knowing about any sexually-related medical issues, then don’t work with them.

    I mean, we’re not talking about some dude smoking weed on the job. We’re talking about semen, vaginal fluids, spit, piss, shit and maybe even blood here… if you’re worried about someone looking at your medical records before HIRING you to perform rough sex acts of any kind then just go escort or do tricks and be your OWN boss therefore assuming all the risk.

    This isn’t some complicated system I made up off the top of my head. This is pretty much the way most businesses run when dealing with vigorous OSHA regulations… this system has been in place for centuries and seems to work pretty well considering it’s still in existance.

  46. Like. Like. Like. LOTS of EXCELLENT questions /comments as usual, jilted!! Anyone with half a brain knows gonz’s story is total bullshit.

  47. Jilted

    Lab could respond to clear up…
    How so they test HepC..generally antibody then viral load …but it isn’t fact that THIS lab does.
    We notify patients by… Generally giving them printouts and referral to PCP primary care physician.
    We report positive results to HEalth Dept. as mandated.

    If lab responded like that…counts as patient education..vs…this guy is full of crap.

  48. @jilted –
    That could explain why his status was “unavailable” to work when Lisa Ann inquired about it?
    He goes and gets tested at CET where they list him as unavailable. He then goes and tests at the other clinic in order to get his status changed from “unavailable” to “available” to work. BUT, either LabCorp didn’t change his status in time or someone switched it back to “unavailable” knowing he was HEP. C+ to protect the rest of the performers?

  49. Are labs supposed to report available/not for SOME or all stuff to PASS

    That’s what I don’t get…if no one told lab to include HepC wouldn’t they just just give results to patient?

  50. @Lurking –
    Good point. I don’t know?
    It seems kind of ridiculous to have someone test Hep. C+ and NOT report it to PASS in order to protect the other talent?

    So, did CET decide to not report it to PASS? Or, did the FSC have anything to do with making sure the Hep. C+ results were NOT reported to PASS so that it wouldn’t stop people from working? At this point, it wasn’t a required test.

  51. If labs weren’t told to include hep then HOW did PASS get changed? By who?

    We know why…CYA

  52. Add this mix so Alex Gonz get clean sheet health from from new doctor std clinic goes round porn indusrty tell every body clean sheet od health. Porn indusrty than say them self he must be fine after all Derek Hey most respect porn agent say so. We have no issue with him in his past we do not need check with pass see if he safe or not becuase his new doctor std clinic gave all clear pass not know that did test him for dease he has. So porn indusrty said them self well that ok with them safty protocols are neat idea but we do not follow them long doctor std clinic hands out note telling are porn stars ok for them work in porn indusrty why care what pass think after all no one been punish for not following pass guid lines . You really can not blame new std clinic for missing Alex Gonz dease after all they did test for I am sure he did tell them had it. If Alexs Gonz new st clinic knew had his dease in state he had he would been allow to work. If lab does get results for test that person being test for all proves that person did get test for that dease. What if st clinic that Alexs Gonz went was part pass system like Mr Marcus private doctor was part pass system.

    The LAB does not put anything into PASS. THe doctors office or clinic that ordered the test puts information into PASS,,,NOT THE LAB!!!

    Laboratories do NOT give results to patients, The lab gives the results to the doctor or clinic that ordered the test. The patient gets their lab results from the DOCTOR/CLINIC,,,no the lab. These days most labs have internet programs that the DOCTOR can give a patient a password for to access only their test results.

    NO LAB IN THIS COUNTRY GIVES RESULTSTO PATIENTS, and there is good reason for that. Lets say you have a routine chemistry panel done, and it shows your potasium level is very high. If the patient got this result directly he might think he is in bad shape, but you doctor might have prescribed you a certain medication, and maybe your doctor expects your potasium to be high. The lab does not give results to patients, and labs do not INTERPET results, the doctor does that.

    ANd there is no such thing as a blanket waiver to give results to multiple entities. WHen an employer pays for legally mandated tests the employer does get the results, and the employer must have procedures and protocols(WRITTEN) to protect the privacy of the employees.

  54. Well, let’s see… This is all I know at this point:
    1. CET started doing Hep. C testing out of the blue… I have no idea specifically why?
    Did the FSC ask them to do this or did CET decide on their own that testing for Hep. C would be beneficial to each individual performer for their records?
    If a performer popped up + for Hep. C, would CET be required to report it to anyone? Either FSC, PASS or maybe the health dept.???

    Could CET be held responsible for not disclosing a + test result which could result in infecting other performers even IF the test wasn’t “required?”

    By making the Hep. C testing free and not including it on the required testing list, it seems like no one would have a responsibility to inform other talent except the person who tested +.
    And, we all know the answer to that one….

  55. The LAB only does tests that the doctor orders. If the doctor orders an antibody test, thats what they do. If the doctor orders a PCR viral load, thats what they do.

    Patients get copies of their test results from their doctor, not the lab. The doctor interpets the results, not the lab.

    If a particular lab does not run a specific kind of test that the doctor orders then that lab will send the specimen to another lab that does. This is absolute 100% routine procedure for EVERY LAB. Everysingle lab, depending on how big, has a “Send Out” department to take care of this exact thing. Small labs have one person do this, large international labs like Labcopr, and Quest have entire departments doing this one task.

  56. Who said anything about a blanket waiver?

    Do you know if OSHA have a “legally mandated test” list on their site?
    Does the porn industry actually have any “legally mandated tests?”

  57. @Lacey,
    First, sorry if my reply seemed harsh. It wasnt meant to be. My statement about judgement is MY position, and I did not mean for it to be a shot at you. Sorry for any misunderstanding, That said…..

    CET started testing for HEP C after TTS announced they would do a free hep C test for all performers. (SIDE NOTE; TTS decided to do this twodays after I,that is me, had a phone conversation with Sixto Pacheco.)
    CET is not legally responsible for infroming prospective employers of an individual health status regarless if it is ‘required’ or not.(no testing il legally required in this industry.)

    CET is responsible only to it PATIENT, not the industry. They must report hep c to proper authoriteis, and the link here, as long as it is, explains all of this.,%202012.pdf

    Pay particular attention to pages 26,and 27. This is a complicated situation, and the laws are complex, You cant explain all of this in a simple sound bit, or twitter message.

  58. The blanket waiver,,,I have seen several suggestions here, one from Charity Bangs, which on its face seems like a good idea. But she calls for a waiver from performers to make it work, and her ideas for the waiver fall way short of what is legally required, just like the AIM waiver was never worth the paper it was printed on.

    There are NO legally mandated tests for the porn industry as of now. OSHA does mandate POST exposure testing, but the industry has been ignoring this for decades, and getting away with it. WHY, I dont know.

  59. This bears repeating.
    CET, TTS, or any other PASS approved clinic has NO responsibility to the INDUSTRY. Their legal obligation is to their patient, and the patient only.

    The fact is the INDUSTRY is so fucked up and has no clue how to deal with this, and they place the blame for this on the doctors office for not doing what they should be doing. THe doctors office, and the labs are nothing more than messangers, giving results to patients,,,what the patient and the industry does with the ‘message”(the test results) should not be of any concern to the doctor or the lab.

  60. I beg to differ…I have gone to blood lab, Radiology (MRI, CT Nuclear Scans) and tons of times have walked out with actual tests and gotten results BEFORE my primary doc to bring them to specialist.

    Stand alone LABS do provide the written reports…they do not offer assessment or related care..unless the lab is also a clinic where physician, RN, LPN depending on test talks to you about results.(very common in STD clinics)

    Am I incorrect…about TTS, CET and other PASS approved labs enter performer availability into the PASS database, (patient access via web, hard copy isn’t the ?)

    if labs are not the ones entering availability…who is…who changed PASS?

    Do you also have to go to doctors to get tests ordered and pay for that too?

  61. ANd when PASS and DIanne Duke talk about putting together contact lists when someone tests positve for HIV,,,,,,fucking bullshit.

    PASS does not do any of this,,,,the clinic does it. PASS does not notify partners, the clinic does. PASS is nothing but a list of people who have tested in the last 14 or 28 days, NOTHING MORE.

    IF PASS is getting contact information, look for the FEDS to swoop in on that. I am trying now to find the quote from Dianne Dyke saying this exact thing

  62. @Lurking,
    TTS and CET, and the other approved PASS facilities are CLINICS. The clinic sends the specimens to a LAB.

    The lab sends the results to the clinic(TTS OR CET) The clinics, not the labs, put the information into PASS.

    And you are correct that some physicians have on premisis labs, but in those situations it is the PHYSICIAN who releases the result to you. Next time you go to one of these places look at the paperwork they have you sign. Labcorp, Quest, Westcliff/Healthline(AIMS labs), Foundation Lab(CET’s Lab) do not give results directly to patients.

    Labs and clinics are always seperate entities. That is why BioCollections Worldwide had to form the company TTS to do testing. BCW used to collect specimens for AIM in Florida, then Sixto got the idea to do the testing himself when he saw how many specimens they were sending daily to AIM(via Fed Express) Sixto Pacheco is the CEO of both TTS and B

  63. The government (regulating agency, OSHA, DOL…) doesn’t generally MANDATE specific tests to industry, they do state….RELATED offering latitude to the PAID medical providers to do what is medically appropriate.

    If the gov told miners they had to do x,y,z test and tomorrow # showed up the gov would be up a creek. So they word it as RELATED, RELEVANT and leave it up to employer to provide the NECESSARY testing.

    Because the AFI has been skirting the laws for so long, paying the fines and moving forward …now they get specific Cal/OSHA

    Moving to other states may work in short term…an industry lawyer made the case for moving to NV over a year ago worker friendly..NV OSHA not doing what CA is

    Trust me this is bigger than CA…this OPIM-STI has input and support from gov agencies, foundations AMA for one, huge list. It will be federally adopted quickly and move through all 50 states like lightening.

  64. There are certain tests that can be done by a lab without a doctors order, and results given directly to patients. These include cholesterol and pregnancy tests, and a few others. Labs are allowed to do this, but few do because then you get the patient asking, “What does this result mean,” especially for cholesterol tests. THen the lab says, “We dont interpet results, it is up to a DOCTOR to tell you what the results mean for you.

    A doctor or clinic cannot charge more for a test than the lab charges him, but the doctor can charge you for an office visit to interpet the results, and charge an office visit when you go in to get tested. AIM was a non-profit, and they never charged anyone for a test. For a DONATION of $120 you got a free test. Just like getting a free T-shirt for donating $25 to Farm-Aid(am I showing my age by refeencing farm-aid?)

  65. I go to quest LAB all the time…most tests can be processed on premises, some are sent to LAB PROCESSOR also named quest. They only have phlebotomy and processing service.

    CET Cutting Edge Testing is a LAB with extended CLINIC services provided by LPHCP (Dr. Maio)

    Ty for clarifying that PASS approved means they do more than draw sample, process and report.

  66. CET sends their specimens to Foundation Laboratory. many labs have what are called Patient Service Centers, usually in doctor office buildings. These are what you describe as processing centers. The specimens are sent from the PSC’s to the lab. Some PSC’s may have small labs that do a very limited amount of testing, called Point of Service Testing Sites, but for financial reasons, they are far and few between. There are probably about 400 Quest PSC locations in Los Angeles alone. The main Quest Laboratory in southern california is on Burbank Bl. in Mission HIlls i believe, where they process about 35,000 patients blood work every day. I helped design the facility.

  67. On premises lab doesn’t have to be separate entity…CAN be owned and operated by same provider who owns and operates other services..such as physicians, hospitals and more…

    They are regulated by separate agencies and have distinct (separate..additional) licensing, reporting, insurance and oversight

  68. So PASS approved providers don’t charge for writing test orders? Just the test panel they provide?

    Curious because TTS and CET could easily set up co-op process to bill producers. They are already properly licensed and insured (AIM was properly licensed so it bit the ideal in the ass)

  69. AVN,,,,”After submitting to a second test they said,’Youre not in any danger, youre good, youre fine, we are going to clear you to work.”
    Then after testing at CET,’becuase he had been cleared to work by the very same staffers who then worked at AIM….”

    THe XBIZ artcle give the exact QUOTE form Gonz as the AVN aritlce,”Youre not in any danger….we are going to clear you to work.”

    NEVER does Gonz say who specificaly told him this, the says,”They said” and he never says the doctor told anyone to tell him that. This is exactly why this should not be called an ‘interview.’ This is a summary of what was said. by all three entities reporting on it. NOTHING in any of the original articles says anything about the who told him, or who told that person to tell him. This is exactly what is commonly called SPIN control.

    And just for kicks, Dr. Miao is an infectios disease specialist, and has been for 40 years. I would like to see Gonz give his doctor permission to verify that they say he is not infectios, and we all KNOW that aint gonna happen.

    So when exactly did Gonz say the doctor told the phlebotomist to tell him he is not infectios and that he is CURED?

  70. @Mike & @LurkingReader –
    Good points! The first thing that came to mind though were those endless commercials I keep seeing for “Did you have chicken pox or measles as a child.. then you may get shingles.” They play that damn commercial like 40 times a day.
    But, I guess the point would be the same?

  71. Here what Alex Gonz case remind me of washington naval yard shooting. There was guy who had issues had better back round check than Alex Gonz would have gotten through who was allowed on millarty base wherehe killed people over the matter. The acts of what happen are differnt I admit that but how Alex Gonz that creep fallan through system are similar in that becuase actions where not report no one took any action untill bad event force them to. This same case russian govermt told US goverment keep eye on Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Who commit Boston bombing ingor that request untill to late. Pretty clear what I am saying there where alot people that where ingoring this story untill Lisa Ann point out what going on. Here issue being ingor if Lisa Ann did out this guy when she did he kept on work with dease untill his cock got cut in blow job bleeding his dease in some girl mouth. This issue gotton alot worse if that had been the case. .

  72. PASS apiproved providers charge an office visit fee, and they collect payment on their site to forward to the lab. The lab sends a bill every month to the doctor/clinic for all the tests that came from that facility. A lab can charge the Client(doctor or clinic), they can bill your insurance, in which case the clinic forwards the patients insurance information, usually on the same form used to order the tests, or they can bill the patient directly, but most labs will not accept direct patient bill specimens because they so ofter just dont get paid.
    “Writing the test order” is what they do during your ‘office visisit.” This can also be done over the phone or internet, but it is still consodered an ‘office visit’ for billing purposes.

    Doctors and labs, and their relationships, are very regulated. It wasnt until around 1985 that it became illegal for a doctor to have any financial interest in the lab that he sends his own patients too. And this is why the porn industry has such problems dealing with these health issues, because they are so acustom to not playing by any rules or regulations, and they just dont understand or accept that other industry;s do play by the rules. Porn just want to make up their own rules, lol, self regulation, but doctors and labs are not going to play along.

    As a result of all of this, Derek may just end up getting exactly what this whole bullshit was intended to bring about, which is DR.Miao saying FUCK YOU ALL, we’re out of here. That is what this is ALL ABOUT, getting more patients into TTS, who pays LATATA a fee for every LATATA repped performer who test there, and lets not forget the LOYALTY COUPONS given to the talent an agencies for discounts on testing. THIS what all of this is about, nothing else!!!!

    AIM was a nonprofit, that is why you could not use your insurance there, even if you had insurance, because you cannot bill your insurance for a donation to a nonprofit organization.

  73. Blame game….PASS doesn’t get results, counts on provider to make determination and report availability….lab/docs (provider) says..sure we provide the service of entering availability…for the industry required test panel..we did it..what’s the problem?
    FSC didn’t put HepC in panel
    So did FSC call lab/s and say hey add HepC to availability and that’s how it got changed?
    Did they add HepC before requiring as test…then move date from Sept to August 19?

  74. The waiver you sign at CET and TTS(which also isnt worth the paper it is printed on) only included HIV, gonn/chlam, and syphilis. NO approved testing facility has the right to give out any information that the patient does not give them permission to do.

    But PASS/FSC, and TTS and CET will find out one day that their system, waiver is not legal, just like AIM found out the hard way, and paid Darren James a six figure settlement.

  75. PASS/FSC is a voluntary program. The ‘rules’ if thats what you want to call them are: You must test negative for HIV, gonnoreah, chlamydia, syphillis, and now Hep B&C to be listed in our program. There is no LEGAL obligation to play by these self impposed rules, and there are plenty of producers who could care less about any testing, this is all voluntary.

    FSC says this is our system, if you want to participate then you play by our rules because its our system.

    But here is where the HIPPA violations come in. PASS says “We dont have actual test results, just a checkmark that says available.” The problem is, they have specifically stated that you must pass these medical tests to get that checkmark, and that is enough for a HIPPA violation. Why no legal action has yet to take place against this system is a good question, but it will happen one day, maybe soon.

    FSC didnt have to call anybody, they made an announcement to the changing rules in their volutary system. If you want to play in their pool you have to follow their rules.

  76. I find funny jilted that those defending Alex Gonz on this. Are useing same play book that Diane Duke used defend Mr. Marcus over syphilis-infection scandal. I find funny some said your FSC newest poster boy. When they are use FSC argument that used with Mr Marcus defend Alex Gonz.. Do remember when ever one here made fun way Daina Duke defending Marcus on action over his syphilis-infection scandal??? Now hypocrites becuase there useing FSC owen play book try excuse Alex Gonz for what he did. If I was with FSC right now I be laugh at you all Daina Duke say here self so this people are one gone do better job at make porn indusrty safer than we are what a joke.

  77. I don’t think anyone that realizes that Rob Black and Tom Byron own the lesser site give much credence to what is published on it. Tom Byron may be doing the writing but he takes his marching orders from obvious methhead Rob Black. If you don’t believe me that Rob is on meth just listen to his show and take a look at him, you can do that on the lesser site during the afternoon and evening as his live “show” automatically loads on a decent internet connection (think 5Mbps download or faster). Rob looks like he needs a plate of sandwiches and rants so fast that no one can understand half of what he says. He also has a video of a trip around the old Extreme Associates from about 2001 on there, it is very telling and not in a good way.

  78. Lots of medical clinics are not-for-profit entities that can’t bill insurance etc, they are still required to be properly licensed or the state health dept shuts them down….usually after getting a AIM

    AIM snuck by from 1998 to December 2010 without proper license when CaSHD closed them, reopen provisionally to ultimately close doors late April 2011

    AHF complained to state over Burt’s, then filed class action lawsuit pro-bono adding PWL. Yep litigation will bankrupt you but improper license will close your doors quicker…no creditor protections.

  79. “because they are so acustom to not playing by any rules or regulations, and they just dont understand or accept that other industry;s do play by the rules. Porn just want to make up their own rules, lol, self regulation, but doctors and labs are not going to play along.”

    It’s biting them in the ass, probably costing more in legal fees than playing by the rules would be.

  80. regarding the AIM license. They had the same license for over ten years, and it was the STATE that sent them the renewal forms every year. There was a technicality discovered, and it turns out they had the wrong type of license since they opened, withtheir original application being approved by the state. After the wrong license was discovered they were still allowed to operate until it was cleared up, which it was. The litigation did not bancrupt them, as their bk filing clearlt show. They never even paid their lawyers, and owed the lab over $650,000. AIM was a vicim of financial mismanagement, and possible financial shenanigans, and would have closed without ANY of these other things happening, but it makes a better story to say the AHF cause AIM to close than, the money mysteriously disappeared, and then all the records disappeared too. The indistry storyabout the closure of AIM is BULLSHIT, the official,publicly available records PROVE it, and this is just more porn industry spin. 70% of ALL of AIM’s debt, was to the labs. They even ripped off their employees, the same ones who now work at CET. Thier debt to their lawyers, who also got stiffed, was about 15% of their total debt, which in no way caused their bankruptcy.

    No lawsuit was ever filed against AIM regarding PWL, the class action suit was file by Desi and Eli fox after their test results ended up on an industry chatboard.

    AIM was not shut down by the health department. They filed BK, reopened as a regular for profit clinic, and that too went bankrupt because of financial misn=management, NOT because of AHF. The records clearly back up everything I have said here.

  81. Lesser site mharris raise alot interesting facts question on Alex Gonz subject that other beside them want answers for are not getting from so called inside people here. What there getting ever spin out excuse in world for question not right truth full answer to there questions.

  82. Here is a predicition,
    Wathc how fast the industry changes their tune on comdoms when they are required to pay for testing and TREATMENT for the disease in the industry.

  83. Because PASS approved providers are respected for qualifications….that include following the rules. I keep coming back to how availability got changed.

    It is legal for PLHCP (professional licensed health care provider) to provide employers with limitations based on employer paid testing..hard copy/database ..doesn’t violate HIPPA as long as they don’t state WHY/WHAT specifically caused those limits.

    PASS is a database vs hard copy employer limitations notification. Simple available/ not available doesn’t tell why/what caused the limit, only that they did or didn’t pass the PANEL of required testing.

    So CET says sure we sell PLHCP limit reporting, what limits (tests) do you want to know about? The PANEL is created, and they go merrily along…until the mystery

    Roomate says I was available on this day, girl says ..hey you aren’t available…no body told me

    Dr maio wouldn’t just arbitrarily change a patients limits, so
    A. HepC got added to PANEL before 8/19 roll out date
    B. someone outside APPROVED providers made the change

  84. It’s unusual for a PLHCP database to be shared. Usually they are held separately with Human Resource files and limited access.

    Could argue PASS violates HIPPA because it isn’t secure…
    Hospital employees are fired all the time for pulling up patient files, only access allowed is to provide direct service….

    Allowing any/all producers to access any/all performers doesn’t limit access to need to know

    Never came across a shared database before…lots share clinic, share reporting forms but enter into their private databases.

  85. AIM got hit with an injuction in 2009 regarding who was identified as patient Zeta, when OSHA tried to get employment records of ZETA from AIM. Of course AIM never had employment records, but nonetheless and injunction was put in place. You cannot even say the gender of aperson who tested for HIV, their age, or anything that in any way can give even the slightest clue to their identity. Why did OSHA think AIM had employment records? Because Sharon Mithcell testified before a State Assembly panel that AIM had a database that had producers input who worked with whom on their sets that day, in order to more efficiently make a quaratine list if someone tested positive for HIV. This system was suggested, but never put into place.

  86. No quarrel about the fiscal mis-management of AIM
    AIM was closed by Ca SHD in December 2010 when they discovered that the wrong (improper) license had been in place since 1998. They reopened with a provisional license…it was good provided they did certain things…they didn’t do that stuff they closed in april 2011, posted note on door then couldn’t get a new license and announced closure in May. (LaTimes)
    People blame AHF and litigation, unpaid lab fees etc…all true. All spun to fit blame game.

    I never said litigation bankrupted AIM or closed their door…I said litigation will bank you, but an improper license will close your doors creditor protection.

    That ship was going down…lots didn’t get paid…ultimately the wrong license shut the doors.

    AHF initially announced intent to file June 28, 2010 on behalf of Burt’s seeking class action. Desi and Fox got added and made primary after intent to file. in seeking class action they do mention PWL and demand proof that the info didn’t come from database, got court order demanding records preservation..patient/finance…records got destroyed. (PACER public access to court records)

  87. @jilted

    You’re like a walking history:)

    Able to peel the onion revealing more and more layers!

  88. @mharris127:
    There was an uncomfortable moment on Rob’s show last week or the week before where he pulled his shirt up and unzipped his pants. He doesn’t look like a methhead. He looks like someone in his 40’s who is getting in shape a few years too late. If he is able to do his show twice a day 5 days a week for this long then he must be scoring some horrible meth or he is doing it wrong. Rob can talk about the same subject for over 20 minutes which would make him the best methhead in the world when it comes to functionality. Talking fast and looking scraggly doesn’t make you a methhead. He said in 01 he was on all kinds of anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds that he doesn’t take anymore. .05mg of klonopin slows me down to the speed of a turtle.

    Rob said there would be lawsuits before and he was correct. If the current Stagliano one goes well there will probably be more against him too. If it is a class-action one then at least the lawyer will do well. I’m positive that case hasn’t been retracted yet because AVN and everyone would jump at it and say how Stagliano was in the clear all along. We haven’t heard that yet. In a day where girls are finding escorting more profitable than performing I would be surprised to not see people jumping at the chance to profit from suing. That’s how the rest of society works. Maybe adult is catching up and hopefully they are. If I had Alex fuck me I would be suing. It would be sad at this stage in the game if there weren’t lawsuits.

    I haven’t seen a press release for the UAWA being dead. If there is a link someone should post it. Rob may be stuck until all of Cali has mandatory condoms. He talked about “funding not being in yet” before. Funding from where? Clips4sale? I doubt it. I still think Rob is working with the government in some way. When it comes to people pulling for change in the industry there is Rob Black and Rob Black last time I checked. If he is wrong and can’t do it then someone should step up and do it correctly.

    Why not give it a go Mike?

  89. Lacey there’s no other explanation then that CET must of saw that he was available to work knowing he wasn’t cleared to work so they called FSC and had him removed before he could spread his HEP C to anyone else. He must of done that twice because didn’t someone say he went to labcorp twice?

  90. Alright Mike SHOW EVERYONE WHERE CET CLEARED ALEX TO WORK ON JULY 31 everyone wants to see it. Really Mike everyone wants to see proof.

  91. i reprted it so did xbiz and avn we all saw the same tests and paperwork. obviously Im not at liberty to run that. If you dont like my reporting on it go to Robs site if he suits you better….and while yer there…. tell him its JESSICA Drake please….

  92. So now your saying the Dr told Jen and Bobby to tell Alex he’s positive
    for hep c, don’t you think that’s a bit beyond there scope of practice?!! What a coincidence both Aim and CET had there employees not the Dr’s, mind you, but had the employees tell poor Alex he was positive for hep c if that’s the case why do they need a dr?

  93. Jilted I’m confused here when I used to test at TTS I got my results from the lab which is them they didn’t have a Dr. Now I think they a have a plastic surgeon as there Dr. I’m not sure since I don’t use them anymore. There to shady for me.

  94. Yeah Mike sure CET did, once again, if they CLEARED Alex, and made him AVAILABLE to work, then why did he go to labcorp?

  95. This is all Gonz’s word, and I wouldnt put too much creedence in what Gonz says. And he can say anything he wants because he knows they cant respond. I would love nothing more than to see Bobbie say “Fuck you all” and write a book. Then I would love to see someone sue her, and get herb on the stand, under oath, talking about everything SHE knows.

    JW, thank you for your support of Bobbi and Jen. I would like to see more people step forward and do the same. It has been said in the past that Sharon Mitchel was the “Mother Teresa” of porn, that is not correct, Bobbi is. That lady has done more and gone so far above and beyond the call of duty, and done more for more performers than will ever be known, and now this piece of shit Gonz and Derek are trying to put the blame on her. True peices of fucking garbage, atttacking someone ONLY because you know they cant respond, What a bunch of punk ass fucking faggots(literally and figuratively)

  96. I don’t know CET’s doctor schedule but according to Sharon Mitchell on her Porn 101 DVD doctors were only actually at AIM two or three days a week. Therefore I would believe that Dr. York or Dr. Hamblin relayed a message through staff after reviewing Alex’s tests confirming that he was non-infectious. Is that good medical practice — no way in hell but I would believe it. Remember, this is the same AIM that kept blank signed prescription slips in the office so that Sharon could write prescriptions for antibiotics when talent came in with a VD (bad practice, how did these docs know she wasn’t writing OxyContin and Vicodin prescriptions for herself or to sell instead, she is a known drug addict and was/is not a medical doctor).

    As for CET, I don’t know Dr. Miao’s schedule or if other medical doctors are involved in his practice but since Dr. Miao has a burn clinic that he has to attend to along with CET I suspect that similar to AIM there may be days that there isn’t an attending MD in the office. Again if it is true that is bad medical practice but I don’t put anything past the FSC and their policies for affiliated medical practices. You can bet your ass there is a doctor or physician’s assistant (they are allowed to practice as medical doctors in MI) at my doctor’s office during all business hours and if you have Hep C (or anything worse than the common cold) it won’t be the phlebotomist informing you that you have such a disease, it should be the same everywhere.

  97. If Rob Black is in his 40’s (or even 50’s) he certainly did/does some sort of illegal drugs. Rob looks 70 plus. His heart may be in the right place (I don’t know if he truly cares about talent or if he is just trying to get attention) but he is going to cause more problems than he solves with mandatory condoms and a performer’s union.

  98. Lacey I agree with everything you say..except the blanket HIPPA waiver…

    Corporate America, industrial America both look for drugs, and many other health conditions to ensure “employee fitness” “occupational exposure” etc.
    They get to know specific drugs found or not found…before firing they must r/o appropriate medical use. Informal proof, medication bottle or more formal proof…Doc letter that doesn’t state what they are treating, only I have prescribed joe blow chicklets dose and frequency.

    Even energy/chemical companies with onsite medical facilities don’t get specific patient info…they get data about specific occupational risk/hazards/injuries from aggregated data. Those data queries are made w/o access to patient identifiers.

    I.g. you want to work for UPS you have to get a “COMPLETE” physical reported on their form…you go to doc fill out patient info forms, doc looks at patient info, examines patient, runs related tests…
    Unless company has specific b/p, eye, etc it is reported as WNL (within normal limits) so the employee only releases personal info relevant to their occupation.

    Not pertinent to Employer i had cancer…was pertinent to bank that I missed work and needed access to fluids at my workstation so I had to bring docs letter…she is currently being treated by me. she has informed me that fluids are not permitted at workstation, if access to fluids can’t be accommodated at the workstation please allow frequent breaks.

    Lol never forget my bosses face when he read that…he mean you’re really sick and now I gotta give you breaks too? He wanted to fire me for missing 11 days in a year.

  99. @mharris127
    I imagine if I had a federal case go past the 5 year mark and spent about a year in jail I would look much older than I do and Revlon couldn’t even reverse it for me. Who cares how he looks?

    At this stage in the game I don’t see how mandatory condoms could hurt. I only think Rob’s pulling for that because he knows it is inevitable. It is going to happen. Consider it done. If producers want to shoot without condoms it is fine as long as they do it outside of California where they have other laws to contend with. If producers want to go underground in California let them. They’ll get caught. If they don’t and Rob finds out I’m sure he would narc them out.

    I don’t seem to understand the problems mandatory condoms or something like a union would cause. People are now performing with diseases. That’s a bigger problem, isn’t it?

  100. A lab may allow a doctor to give the patient direct access to the lab result. This is exactly what Labdat was. AIM gave people passwords to the Labat system, which was the actual laboratory database of results.

  101. Peeling onions? No, more lke shoveling a huge pile of bullshit. Over the years I have been banned from virtually every single adult industry forum for doing nothing more than stating the same facts that I do here.

    There is one thing the industry fears more than anything, and that is the truth. And the only thing more inaccurtate than the way the mainstream media portrays the adult industry, is the way the adult industry media portrays the industry.

  102. :0 that mean they call you an agitator?
    Lol every washer needs an agitator to get the clothes clean…spin only gets the water out

  103. There may be further lawsuits against John Stagliano if the Katie Summers suit is successful and if there are other performers in the same situation as Katie Summers. Emphasis on may.

    It is highly unlikely that you’ll see any suit filed against Alex Gonz, including a class action suit. One – what are you going to get if you win? He’s now a has been male sex performer who probably can’t get work in his chosen profession. I’m going to guess that he is not a surgeon, hedge fund manager, or corporate lawyer by day who moonlights as a porn star by night. You think he has a lot of assets?

    Second, its not clear that he knew he had Hep C prior to the Lisa Ann incident or that having Hep C prior to now would have excluded him from performing. If being clear of Hep C was not a condition of employment and if he didn’t alter a test result, ala Mr. Marcus, I’m not sure he violated any industry standard or acted outside of the industry norms.

    Third, it’s not clear that under California law he had a duty to reveal Hep C status, even if he knew. It is different from HIV.

    Last, and this is most important, anyone filing a civil suit against him has to have suffered a quantifiable economic harm as a result of his actions. That’s why you go to civil court. Talent can’t file a criminal complaint or an OSHA complaint – that’s done by law enforcement or OSHA.

    Is it creepy to find out after the fact that you had sex with a guy with Hepatitis C – sure, assuming that most porn actresses know what Hep C is. But unless an actress has Hep C, has been shunned from making a living and is undergoing expensive medical treatments as a result, being creepy is not an action. And, even if she has Hep C, how does she prove she contracted it from Alex Gonz since until recently, the industry didn’t test for it. Unless every actor and sex partner she has ever been with is willing to submit their tests, there’s no way to prove from whom it was contracted, when it was contracted and where it was contracted. People can have Hep C for years with no symptoms.

    HIV is one thing. This is something else entirely.

  104. Nice analogy Lurking. I guess it would be very agitating to have someone call you on your bullshit. The industry is so acustom to preaching to the choir. They literally go out of their minds when confronted with their own bullshit. Its comical.

    Your analogy also fits well into the current health, testing standards. The industry system is like a washing machine without an agitator. Sure, some of the dirt gets washed off with the hot water, but it leaves alot behind after the spin cycle.

  105. “I guess it would be very agitating to have someone call you on your bullshit.the industry is so accustomed to preaching to the choir.they literally go out of their minds when confronted with their own bullshit.
    It’s comical.”

    Truer words have never been spoken!
    Keep up the good work jilted!

  106. Talent cant file an OSHA complaint? Got to whole heartedlly disagree with that one BT. Talent, that is employees, are the exact people who can file OSHA complaints.

    The “industry” didnt test for Hep C, but OSHA regulations have ALWAYS included Hep C testing as part of the required follow up after and exposure in the workplace. This is where the suits regarding Gonz will come from, the companies(all of them) who violated OSHA and did not provide the proper testing and treatment for exposure to OPIM. The fact that GOnz has publicly admitted that he knew of his condition is a great help, somehting I am sure Derek never even considered when putting together this interview. Anything you say can and will be used against you. OSHA and even Workers Comp do not operate on a “beyond reasonable doubt” level, the plaintiff need only show that it is likely that the working conditions caused the injury, and the Brooke Ashley case, that went all the way to the California Supremem Court established this. NEVER during that case did Ashley ever provide one single peice of evidence that anyone else on that set had HIV(wallice). It was determined that the activity in that workplace could reasonalby have caused her injury, and she won. Again, she NEVER provided one single test, not one single person testified to knowing of, or even suspecting someon on that set was infected, and they NEVER had to PROVE it happened on that set.

    Having to prove it happened on a particluar set is another industry myth that is so often repeated that people believe it. It would certainly be reasonable to beleive that an act of hardcore pounding anal sex was the cause of the infection, and thats ALL. she needs to establish, exactly like Brooke Ashley.

  107. To be clear,,,,talent(employee) can file complaing with OSHA. OSHA investigates and issues citation if they deem it appropriate.

  108. @BT
    You bring up some great points…time will tell if others file separately or a class action develops re suppressed viral load HIV

    naming the HepC performer as primary in a civil suit would be ludicrous, on the basis of expected recovery again time will tell if he is included as named defendant on any law suits.

    Doesn’t matter HOW LONG someone was an exposure risk…once the risk of exposure was revealed…post exposure to OHSA BBP compliance is mandatory…

    Talent CAN’T file a criminal or OSHA complaint…say what???
    You got many jurisdictions and a blanket statement about TALENT CAN’T

    Before anyone buys into…CAN’T or your specific rights, please contact appropriate forum for your situation.

  109. Let’s hope they file separately because class action suits only benefit the lawyer. They’re like a scam.

  110. @BT
    Good post and of course that is a given. The only logical manner to sue would be a civil case. Someone is going to go to a lawyer and the lawyer will throw a bunch of shit at the wall and go with what sticks. The legal business is almost as scummy as the porn business.

    If Gonz tested positive in 2010 and we know that then someone stands a chance of getting sued over that. Do we know for a fact that Gonz knew or didn’t know? No. One gathers knowledge and builds a case around that. The suit may wind up being brought against someone else in the end.

    As for OSHA regulations an ass to mouth scene can be faked liked any other scene. Filming a male performer having anal sex with a female performer and pulling out, cutting to the female performer’s face, and then going back to the shot of the penis being inserted into the vagina can display the same activities in a safer manner.

    Does that take longer to do? Of course. It complicates what was once a simple process, but safety is more important.

  111. @Cpan,,,,”Do we know for a fact that Gonz knew or didnt know? You answer no. But one might consider Gonz’s very own words when he says he did know, and you can rest assured that statements made in an interview set up by Gonz himself would carry alot of weight in a court of law. And he also said that Bobbie and Jen told him so.

    So CPAN exactly what do you base your “NO” answer to the question you posed? Are you saying that GOnz lied in his own set up interview?

    I think th atone could gather enough knowledge from Gonz’s very own mouth, which he backed up with his own medical docurments, to comem to the very very believable conclusion that Gonz did know.

  112. @BT (Kudos)

    By saying time will tell….it isn’t a lawsuit till its filed…people talk LOTS.

    People talk all the time about suing, till the intent to file, or suit is logged by clerk (regardless of venue) it didn’t happen. Till time limits to file suit run out, people will be exploring their options and TALKING.

    I disputed the CANT part of your statement…going on to point out…what you CAN do is best explored at the appropriate forum..

    Exploring options…civil, criminal, OSHA, and more need to be done at LOCALITY and what applies here doesn’t mean it applies there.

    Even finding out what you CAN do, doesn’t guarantee success or lack of pitfalls w/ going forward. Which you aptly point out.

    Lawyers operating on contingency basis pass on even the clearest cases of injury everyday…costs/fees too high for expected award…conflict of interest…not enough resources to take on case (up front costs, time, staff on hand)

    Even if you have the cash up front trying to find atty isn’t easy…conflict of interest doesn’t JUST mean they represent(ed)a party…it can also mean they are realistic..worked for or have financial ties to other guys KNOWN attorney, had their ass swept and swamped by other guys resources/expertise…

    So it’s easy to say someone is suing someone..till it happens its all talk.

    Then if they do pointed out..doesn’t mean they will get their day in court or win. Lots of merited (good) cases go bad…depositions offer detrimental info and summary judgements happen every day.

    It’s helpful to learn about OSHA, labor policies DOL, EEOC, ADA, even criminal as options… but be real! Even merited complaints and blatant violations take a long time to resolve.

    No matter your resources and options as “employees”, still important to know as short term contracted employees speaking up even w/o pursuing options can and often does jeopardize next contract. “Not what we’re looking for” goes beyond looks and ability to do job….

    Meanwhile…all the talk has raised awareness about everyday risks of the job…knowing this or that is wrong won’t stop it’s reality..what THEY are doing or should be doing…paying/not paying doesn’t stop reality of risks.

    Minimize YOUR risk by getting appropriate routine medical evaluations, and respect your physical limitations. If you know you can do this and they want that, speak up before accepting the risk of injury to yourself and the production.

    Know that just because you act with common sense doesn’t mean the next guy will; That they will compromise themselves and their stated values for the next buck and you can’t stop them.
    Off soap box now 🙂

  113. If folks were serious about criminal or OSHA violations, all they have to do is go to the LA police department or local OSHA office and file a complaint after every shoot they participate in. The law requires the use of condoms as does OSHA. Except for a couple of recent busts, you haven’t seen law enforcement or OSHA knocking on Vivid’s, Hustler’s, or Brazzer’s doors. They can’t be that hard to find.

  114. @jilted

    When filing the case attorneys might reference his public statements..but what someone says outside of a sworn deposition isn’t admissible by rules of evidence.

    IF this guy gets deposed you can bet he will be asked about every quoted statement..was this a correct quote…is this the (test) document you referred to…(many of the question asked here there and everywhere) and those statements will be sifted and weighed for relevance.

    Considering his own words in court of public opinion is all good. Trying to decide what’s relevant is another…depends on the case being tried.

    Public opinion

  115. “The legal business is almost as scummy as the porn business.”
    Lol…they definitely have libraries full of the ways to fairly screw the other guy..lots of hidden tricks to screw or be screwed…urph squirmp der vermph no Vaseline 🙂 just cuz it’s fair doesn’t mean it feels good!

  116. I don’t know about gonz being a dead horse. We’ll see about that.
    But I guess you’re saying Cameron bay is going to be suing someone at CET for giving her HIV test results to John Stagliano?

  117. Exactly my point….laws & rules aren’t more reliable than testing for this at keeping that away. It’s all good to learn and know about them but what’s better to CYA on set…running after the fact or doing what you gotta do for you to keep you safe?

  118. No clue what would be included…only that she is laying low, not worried about agent getting her work or producers hiring, with those doors closed she could be exploring options. Its likely she would get support to file a game changing case.

  119. Because Stag admitted he received Cameron Bays viral load info from CET but not directly from Dr. Maio.
    And Mike, you said it was Jen. And if they call Stag to testify, CET will be fucked.
    And I don’t believe the Alex Gonz story is a dead horse. It’s only just beginning…

  120. @jilted
    There is no law saying he has to be an expert on disease. He was told he was OK to work. Did he actually know he wasn’t safe? We don’t know. He could be playing dumb or he could just be dumb.

    There could be consequences as a result, but can you prove he knew about Hep C enough to not work when told he could? He could get a pass just for playing dumb or being dumb. A judge could say negligence or he may not.

    I can’t find a clear law that he broke and others let him work. If those trying to sue can’t find anything that will stick on him then they will move onto another target.

  121. Gonz knew… He admitted it and his statements can be used against him in a court of law..

    But…just to be doublely positive that Gonz not only knew that he tested positive for hep c and continued to work…but that Gonz also knew he was infectious…. make Gonz take a lie detector test… I am POSITIVE that Gonz will fail if he denies knowing… And so will Derek Hay.. come on Gonz! Take a lie detector test! If you’re being honest have nothing to worry about. But I am sure hell will freeze over before you consent to that…And we know why….Because you’re full of shit!

  122. Looks like both Jen and Bobby will be happy to take a lie detactor test and I can guarantee they’ll pass it with flying colors. Both with Cameron Bay and Alex Gonz then who will Derek Alex hillbilly Mike and even TTS blame for all this crap.

  123. jw: regarding Alex Gonz…He and Derek are definitely trying to throw Bobbi under the bus.

    Regarding Cameron Bay… someone at CET gave stag Cameron’s viral load info…Stag admitted it ….Mike said Jen was the one who did it. But I don’t know if that’s true or not…

  124. Kate trust me its not true in fact cet won’t even tell you who test there. In fact my girlfriend asked if the person who tested positive for HIV tested there and she told my girlfriend were not even allowed to discuss any thing regarding any patient little lone HIV. Even if the person tested there we couldn’t even tell you if it was male or female. That’s how strict they are with HIPPA guidelines The question is why would John say that? Do I think he said that no I don not, but to be honest I really did hear John Stagliano called ATMLA to offer his services because he had tested positive years ago. I think again this is the haters who are out to throw CET under the bus.

  125. jw: Stagliano called Cameron to inform her of her high viral content..Cameron was tested at CET. The people at CET are the only ones who would know Cameron’s test results. So put two and two together…He got the results from someone at CET. And Stag admitted it but said he didn’t’t get the results directly from Dr. Maio. Is he telling the truth about not getting the results from Dr. Maio? Who knows. But we know for sure…someone at CET gave him Cameron’s test results.

  126. Posing a scenario…

    CET confirms retest as positive…first attempts to contact contact made…we don’t know if CET authorized to leave msg or if they did leave msg before next notifications…LaCHD and FSC to implement post exposure plan. Where the viral load number is disclosed as proof..yes this is the real deal…code red..shut the nuclear reactor down w/o ever revealing the name.
    Word spreads about the exposure via post exposure plan implementation…everyone asks who…somebody knows and tells who, next comes the wella balsam commerical…
    someone asks…how is she doing? Anyone know?
    Stagliano having the condition and able to offer a hopeful msg offers to find out when others are hesitant to contact… but no clue what to say etc. so the call gets made.

    Not posing WHO told…just saying it is possible for CET to have acted to implement post exposure plan w/o revealing patient identity that was linked another way….happens all the time.

  127. Kate your not in the industry so I’ll tell you, when you fill out the paperwork you state on the paperwork who gets your test results. Say Cameron put aphss then they get her results. That is it who ever you put on your paperwork there the only ones to get your results. PERIOD. Now as for cameron she has stated the CET Dr called her and told her, supposly she was positive for hiv but maybe her blood was comtaminated. Then she said she called her agent the next day and he took her to TTS for a retest. Then she said John Stagliano called her to tell her about her viral load. According to one of the post they were waiting for the conformation. That took a couple of days so how did John get her viral load when it wasn’t even back?

  128. Your the first person that makes any kind of since. Its about time. Perhaps it was Cameron who let her name get out, after all she did call her agent. And since her name got out, perhaps that’s when John called her agent too. How would he get her phone number. What proof do we even have that she even talked to John. All this does not make any kind of sense. And what a perfact way to get CET out of business by accusing them of not following HIPPA guidelines. That’s exactly what Derek and TTS wants to happen. CET has been constantly been thrown under the bus for whatever reason.

  129. jw, I don’t know what else to tell you. Stagliano admitted that someone at CET gave him Cameron’s viral load info. Stag said he didn’t get the results directly from Dr. Maio. He’s probably full of shit. Stag probably did get the results from Maio and he’s covering his ass. Because Maio could lose his medical license for breaking the HIPPA law..if true…but I don’t know…I’m just guessing… But someone at CET definitely gave stag Cameron’s results…it seems everyone had their grubby hands on Cameron’s medical records but Cameron…Dianne Duke, Christian Mann…Stag…

  130. PLUS Christian Mann runs PASS. He runs FSC. I believe he’s the boss of Dr. Maio. Stagliano I believe is the boss of Christian Mann.
    Something smells fishy to me. Just saying.

  131. @jw
    My guess would be that CET ran the APTIMA test and got a VL (viral load) count…it’s standard to confirm those results doing repeat tests on that sample…then to rule out a contaminated sample and begin diagnostics a fresh sample is taken and tested two different ways.

    The threshold for notification to start post exposure plans is often made before confirmatory tests so a company gets word..hey heads up a VL came in off the charts, we re-ran the sample and got the same results, patient has been notified to get a fresh sample to r/o contamination.

    The patient gets the call..freaks put…looks for emotional support…they freak out and you got two friends telling two friends w/ people saying the doctor or lab ratted them out…later the patient finds out best friend started a prayer chain hoping for good news.

  132. Only thing spread easier and quicker than a communicable disease…rumors about that disease.

  133. Polygraph tests aren’t admissible in court, are they?

    Gonz was given the OK to work. He can say he didn’t know, but he was still given the OK.

  134. @CPanzram: in the state of California Polygraph tests are admissible. The tests are allowed if everyone agrees to them. Gonz would have to agree to admit the test results..but we know he won’t agree…. because if he takes a polygraph test…HE WILL FAIL… Because he’s full of shit! He knew he had hep c. He hid the results..he deliberately went to a place he knew didn’t test for hep c and he knew he was infectious. He didn’t go to any specialists for 3 years until Lisa Ann outed him.

    And Gonz said he knew he had hep c….he blew it off…

  135. Agree with Mike that Gonz is a dead horse, unless OSHA wants to get involved. Suing sounds great, but I’m telling you, there are no grounds for a civil suit.

    With Cameron Bay, there is a potential HIPAA action – the caveat is that’s a federal violation. Now, if you look it up, you’ll find that the feds have levied some serious fines against big insurance companies. It’s a question of whether they will get involved in a case that appears to involve the release of information about one performer. And – don’t discount this – whether they’ll get involved in a porn case. No agency really seems to want to involve itself in porn.

    The fine for a release of info is $50,000 and up to 1 year in jail. I can find no instance where someone went to jail. Also, remember that in porn, talent authorizes the release of information to some entities. So, are the feds going to bring the whole weight, force and resources of the U.S. government down to go after one organization that released some information about a porn performer when other information about her was out there. More than likely, if someone gets the feds interested, they negotiate a fine that’s a fraction of $50,000.

    I think the bigger issue is Cameron Bay’s injury on the Kink set, along with Xander Corvus’s bloody penis. Those are OSHA/workplace safety incidents. There’s no question about whether those occurred. Cameron Bay took pictures of her breast. Xander has written things publicly about a group decision to shove a bloody penis into an actress’s mouth. And Ackworth has written that things occurred on that set that should not have occurred and led to Kink rethinking its policies. And, there’s no question but that the nature of Kink invites a repeat of those injuries. It’s not a matter of if, but when the next injury occurs.

    Peter Ackworth writes literate defenses of Kink’s practices that make it sound as if he, his employees and porn talent are trained professionals who are as skilled at their craft as the supervisors handling biohazard waste. But let’s face it – this whole notion of porn talent being trained professionals, like athletes, is BS. They are guys and gals who are willing to do stuff – or endure stuff – in order to make a buck.

    No 20 year old went to school to learn how to do anal or DP – she simply figured out a way to endure it. No director is trained in sexual safety, if there is such a thing. They’re good with lights and cameras and getting the right angle on the action.

    Porn does have a First Amendment right to exist. But there is no First Amendment right to injure someone or put someone’s health needlessly at risk.

    If you doubt that, don’t listen to the crap that you hear from performers like James Deen. Look at the legal papers filed in the Vivid suit by Vivid’s lawyers and look at the judge’s response. The First Amendment was mentioned, but it was not a primary reason for the Vivid suit. The lawyers representing Vivid, Kayden, and the dude who later said he had no idea why he was part of the suit relied on economics. Vivid said it would hurt their business because consumers won’t buy product with condoms. Kayden said she would have to go outside of Los Angeles to find locations to film content for her website rather than film them in her home and she could not afford the expense, the dude said he would get less work. As to the First Amendment, the judge dismissed that portion of the argument out of hand and in a couple of sentences.

    The Vivid suit was not a First Amendment suit.

    If OSHA looks seriously at porn, you’re going to put squirting into someone’s mouth or on a penis, ATM, ATP, creampies and possibly DP under the microscope because from an OSHA standpoint, there’s probably not a lot of ways to perform those safely. No one is going to be dripping semen from one gal’s vagina or anus into the willing mouth of another gal. BDSM as practiced by Kink is probably out of the question. Big if, but OSHA could have far more impact on porn than the condom mandate, if it chooses to get involved.

    Cameron Bay and HIV is a different matter. She has a heck of a suit if she can prove she was infected on a particular set. That could be a very big bar to hurdle, but, for instance, if she can prove she was infected on the Kink set, there’s an action there and there are deep pockets.

  136. Clue…anytime a company publicly announces..revisiting, revising policy or new policy…they are covering their ass, mostly when a potential liability has been exposed.
    ” that things occurred on that set that should not have occurred and led to Kink rethinking its policies.And, there’s no question but that the nature of Kink invites a repeat of those injuries. It’s not a matter of if, but when the next injury occurs.”
    Everyone knows..till public exposure happened…policy review. Gee it was unfortunate..we didn’t foresee/anticipate blah blah…now we know and are reviewing policy to show (say) how wonderful we really are.

    Whenever disease pops up in mainstream news…FSC uses press releases..we moved up bi-annual testing…we moved up September change…at request of members and Industy stakeholders.

  137. OSHA is involved..working w/ FSC (stakeholders) who proposed detailed policy language in 8/2011 They wrote up lots of good stuff in theory…then included a definition that would have excluded the very people the policy is meant to protect..the IC performers AKA employees.

    Now AVN posts Kernes article…gee we don’t where five year wait to start this policy came from…like it fell out of the shy as a gift…nope FSC specifically asked for and got a five year timeframe to ….create, implement and apply new policy before enforcement would get ugly…..stall..stall…stall.

  138. Gonz is far from being a dead issue. He is the tip of the iceberg. I cant wait for someone to finally file some kind of suit against any entity involved in the industry testing program. I cant wait to see someone like Bobbie on the stand, under oath, testifying about std’s in the industry. Or Sharon Mithell or Dr Hamblin talking about the “industry’ protocols. Interesting days ahead indeed.

  139. @jilted
    I agree. I’m sure Gonz will be the first target, but if that isn’t a path that winds up being promising someone is going to get nailed over this. You can be sure of that. This issue isn’t going to go away. When is AHF going to somehow get involved to further their point that condoms are needed? Have they done anything yet regarding this matter?

  140. Kate and Lurking Reader, first off Kate where did you read Stagliano got the viral load? Was it just something Mike made up? There is no way in hell Stagliano got the results before the conformation test was done. Cameron Bay is the one who put the word out there the minute she called her agent for emotional support. I am telling you CET did NOT break HIPPA guidelines. And Kate for the record Christian Mann is not Dr Miao boss, Stagliano is not part of aphss or pass. And Dr Miao is not even part of aphss or pass any longer. I don’t know what the reason is for him leaving but I do know that Dr Miao and all the staff at CET only play by the books. I know that for sure because my girlfriend was with LA Direct and Derek wanted information on one of his female talent and they wouldn’t give it to Derek so he told them he would never send any of his talent there again. The only time any of his talent go there is if they need results the following morning. Besides CET don’t give kick backs to agents. I told you everything CET does is by the books.

  141. @jw

    I posed a scenario…..have no clue if the patient called her agent or anyone else…in hindsight I regret putting any names…I wasn’t there…don’t personally KNOW any details.

  142. @JW Lets get something crystal fucking clear right now….Im a pretty lenient guy here and yer welcome to say Im wrong but dont come into my fucking house and accuse me of making up a story

    This IS your ONLY warning.

  143. @JW,
    Again, your support for Bobbie and Jen. And I also appreciate all of the dialogue here, from industry ‘insiders’ to the civilians who participate here. I have never seen an industry forum discuss these issues without turning into a name calling, adolescent bunch of bullshit.

    @JW again, Isnt it very frustrating to see people ‘speculating’ about things that you know for a fact, to see people imagining scenarios that you know couldnt possibly be true. I know we may disagree on some issues, but overall I think you have a very very real grasp of what happens on a daily basis in the industry. The BIG picture is made up of a bunch of little pictures, and each little picture is a microcosm of the over all big picture. You and your girlfriend, who actually test at these places in question are your own little picture of the entire industry, and thus, your experiences are a valuable asset here. Because it only takes one single individual to fuck up the entire big picture, every single ‘little picture’ is its own BIG picture. I would bet that not many people had ever heard of Cameron Bay, she was just one little picture in the whole scheme of things, until she, overnight, became the biggest picture in the industry. It could have happened to ANYBODY.

    @JW, I hope you have expressed your support directly to Bobbie and Jen. I am sure they would be very thankful to hear it directly from people they have served for years. They do not deserve any of this, and in the end, there is a possiblilty that trying to place blame on them may end up being one of the biggest mistakes this industry has ever made, and god knows this industry has made plenty of big mistakes.
    JW, YOU have to watch out for yourself, I know you know this, but this industry does not give one single shit about any individual ‘little’ picture. Protect yourself, be safe.

  144. jw, Stagliano admitted that he received Cameron’s viral info but not DIRECTLY from Dr. Maio. I believe Stag even confirmed to the FSC that he had not spoken DIRECTLY to dr. Maio about Cameron. Get it? If Cameron sues and subpoenas Stag, you will find out that he got the results from CET! CAMERON BAY ISN’T LYING!

    Now,Whether Stagliano is telling the truth about not getting Bay’s info directly from Dr. Maio… who knows…But we definitely know for sure that someone at CET DID give him the info. CET DID break HIPAA guidelines.

    Christian Mann runs FSC and PASS. FSC controls CET. I know Christian says they don’t… He’s a LIAR. They DO. FSC may not own CET on paper but when you dictate policy to CET… YOU OWN THEM!
    Christian is the boss of Dr. Maio.
    Stagliano owns and operates Evil Empire.. Christian works for him… Stagliano is the boss of Christian Mann..

  145. Jw, I think either Christian Mann or Dr. Maio was the one who gave stagliano Cameron Bay’s viral load info…. I think the people in the industry are so use. To “doing what they want” and NOT following any laws that’s Stagliano probably had no idea that he was breaking any. He probably never even heard of the HIPAA law…. only after Cameron asked him how he had her results..did he realize he just broke a law… and probably had a meeting with Diane duke and Christian Mann over what to do about it….so they probably deceided that stag would admit he got the results from CET…because it’s obvious he did….but he would deny he received them from Doctor Maio because he could lose hie medical license and also because Maio probably knows to much…so they deceide to throw Jenn and Bobbi under the bus… this is my opinion.

  146. @Kate
    Opinions about the event/s and how they unfolded are rampant, like assholes everyone has one.

    Beyond personal opinion I haven’t come across any proof of what really happened. It’s a FACT that Bay’s personal medical info is out there…I have yet to come across any credible info that her RECORDS are out there to prove HIPPA violations, nor credible info she lied or caused her name to be linked to her info.

    How her info got attached to her name is a mystery at this point.

    Even if the people at the heart of this matter all held press conferences today to get it straight…it wouldn’t be straight because the whole situation affects so many people on so many levels.

  147. @Kate,
    Yes, the truth usually does come out in the END, which is why many things that come out at the START are proven wrong. There is alot of jumping to conclusions here, based soley on he said, she said information. When considering any of these statements you must first ask, ‘who benefits most if people believe this satement?”

    It is no secret in the industry that there are elements who want to consolidate the testing into one entity hat financially benefits certain indistry players. Keep that in mind when you are choosing who to believe and not beleive.

    If I remember correctly, they said that Cameron went to TTS after her intitila test at CET was determined to be positive. It is highly unlikely that the lab that runs CET tests would have run a confirmatoy Viral Load on the original sample, not impossible, but HIGHLY unlikely. One reason for that being: Because Cameron had a history of testing, it was most likely that this was a very ealrly detetion, an “acute” infection, and as such, the virus is in a very active state, replicating quickly before natural antibodies begin their fight. THat is why a NEW sample would be used to check the viral load in such an early detection, the viral load in a specimen even 3 to 5 days old can be much lower than today. This is ROUTINE procedure in labs, and something that alot of people, who may be making up lies to make a certain place look bad dont know about or understand, and it is why people who do know about these things are always very skeptical when hearing these “stories” based soley on he said she said information.

    Without seeing the actual physical evidence, that is the actual test results themselves, ALL of this, on everybody’s part, including my own, is pure spectulation.

    Yes, the truth always comes out, but this is porn, and in porn, the truth is often much simpler than fiction. Like most conspiracy theories, that involve so many people, and so much hearsay, the truth if often much more simple and uncomplicated. ALWAYS ask yourself, who benefits of this statement is true, and how trustworty is the source. Stagliano being the perfect example, a guy who doesnt tell his sex partners he is HIV positive, now all of the sudden he is the arbitor of truth. Kate, maybe he got the viral load result from TTS, the place they said Cameron went ot after testing at CET? Hmmmm.

  148. JW, you are correct about signing a paper with instructions on where to send the results. I have not personally seen the waiver that CET uses, and therefore have no opinionif it is legal,(as you well know, the AIM release was never worht the paper it was printed on and thats why darren james won an out of cour settlement.)

    But again, I highly doubt that CET or TTS would send a positive HIV result directly to any third party, even with a waiver, without notifying the patient first, and giving that person a chance to retract the waiver.

    KATE, I do not beleive that Staliano said he got the results from soemone at CET, all he said was he did not get them directly from Miao, he gave no further indication one way or the other who they came from. Just playing devils advocate here Kate, but what do you base your statement, “Someone at CET definately gave stag Camerons results.” Remember, Cameron said she went to TTS after her initial CET test came back. What tests do you think they ran at TTS, and why isnt is just as possilbe that the results came from TTS?

  149. Jilted: you could be right about stag getting Cameron Bay’s results from TTS…who knows…. I can’t believe this guy was stupid enough to call Cameron Bay. He didn’t know that it was illegal to have someone else’s medical info? Who would call the patient? That’s bizarre. And how does one accidentally give someone else’s medical info out? This was NO accident.

    There is sooo much bullshit in this industry…so many LIARS… It’s hard to keep up.

    And I think Stagliano is a lowlife. He’s definitely no arbiter of truth… I don’t think he even knows what the meaning of the word truth is… 😉

    Thankfully we have you jilted and Nick East… The only two people that I KNOW are telling the TRUTH on here.


  150. Lol Kate…which truth? There are so many.

    Not saying you’re wrong about any of what you say. I do think its possible neither Bay or Stagliano is lying.

    We don’t know who did tell stagliano the VL number, or that the same person who told him VL also named Bay, only that he says it wasn’t Dr.Maio, without naming the source…leaving open tons of possibilities…that he put two and two together…VL from one source name from another.

    Because they both have spoken about it we can be pretty sure of the following…he talked w/ Bay…who was rightfully upset that he knew specific VL.

    Separately…Christian Mann does oversee the FSC administered PASS system. FSC does have some type of agreement with approved PASS providers.

    Beyond grouping the current FSC protocol into discounted Panel and database entry of availability related to the tests run…we have no clue what the FSC/approved provider agreement includes, who @ FSC decides test protocol, or how modifications to that agreement are made. We don’t know if Post exposure notification is even included or if it is what the process involves.

    We don’t KNOW if Mann is point of contact to begin Post Exposure Plan…or even if they were notified… We don’t know if Mann ever talked to CET or Stagliano…no matter how logical the connections.

    Lots of little truths to be revealed, or not..still going to be a long time if ever there till there is AGREEMENT on that story.

  151. @Lurking,
    I am still trying to find the article where Dianne Duke talks about the noticicatons being done by the physician, NOT by PASS. It was one small statement in the article, and it pointed out that PASS does NOTHING when someone tests postive. The docrot who orders an HIV test is LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE for notifying partners, and there is no fucking way on this planet that any porn industry doctor is going to have all of the legal paperwork to reveal an HIV positive person, or their contacts to a third party like PASS. THey would need a very specific signed waiver from every single person to reveal contact names to a third party.

    PASS does NOT do the partner notification!!!!!

  152. @Jilted

    Not talking about partner notification…talking about (PEP)post exposure plan…’what they do when notified a performer has tested positive and how they do it’ is PEP. They are notified in someway by someone to start PEP…don’t need name to start

  153. @jilted

    In CA doctors initiate PN (partner notification)? I know they are mandated to notify the health dept and can do PN but thought local health dept was responsible for initiating PN with docs often willing to PN for spouse/partner w/ info re testing and immediate containment till results are known.

  154. jilted: you’re right ..Stagliano said he didn’t get the results DIRECTLY from DR. Maio… He implies that he got them from CET but not Dr. Maio. That is why I believe Mike mentioned Jen…If he didn’t get the info from Maio then it was Jen.

    And jilted , I didn’t know that Cameron went to TTS after her initial CET test came back… That’s why I believed what Mike said .. about Stag basically saying he got the results from CET but not directly from Dr. Maio… Now that you told me about TTS… I’m suspicious…
    Damn jilted… you’re good!

  155. @Kate,
    You said, if it wanst Miao then it was Jen. Why wasnt it bobbie. Why wasnt it any of the other employees at CET. CET has been in business LONG before they started doing the industry testing, and they have many more employees than Bobbie and Jen,

    CET got into the industry testing because Bobbie knew Miao personally from working at SHerman Oaks Hospital. WHen AIM closed Bobbie went to Miao, and Miao was kind enough to let Bobbie use an emply office in his building to run the testing out of.

    First it was Bobbie, now its Jen, why not any of he other employees? Heres another little tidbit that many might not know, Bobbie is Jens mom.

    As JW pointed out, Cameron came forward right away, and was honest about her situation. For all we know she may have given her test results to any number of people who could have forwarded the information. But if your agenda is to close CET, and there is no doubt whatsoever that a certain segment of the industry has been trying to do exactly this, then what better way than to accuse them of a felony, and HIPPA violations. REMEMBER KATE< who benefits from the accusations?????

    In the long run, I think the attacks on Bobbie and Jen are going to backfire big time. Bobbie is a BELOVED person by the talent, for so many reasons that simply cannot be written here. Bobbie has gone so far beyond the call of duty for years, and this is just not fair, especially allegations from people who have never met with, dealt with, or ever even heard her name before this bullshit started.

    If talent were given the choice of who to believe, Bobbie, stagliano, or Derek Hay, FSC PASS, Christian Mann, Dianne Duke, Mark Kernes, or even Mike South, it wouldnt even be a contest and Bobbie would probably get at least 98% of the vote.

  156. jilted: I didn’t say it was jen.. Mike did.
    And I don’t believe it… In both the Cameron Bay and Alex Gonz cases … all these people are trying to throw Bobbi and Jen under the bus..

    And you have a good point …. Why did Mike think if it wasn’t doctor Maio who gave Stag the info… It had to be Jen?… Why not Bobbi? probably because Gonz and Derek hay are trying to throw her under the bus with the Gonz case….. BUT.. Why not the other employees at CET? couldn’t they have given the info to Stagliano?

    I hope you’re right jilted.. I hope the accusations against Bobbi and Jen backfire big time on these assholes! Such BULLSHIT!
    Keep speaking the TRUTH, jilted!

  157. @Kate

    I hope the accusations re provider HIPPA violations are proven to be speculation and that the accusations/speculation don’t cause the providers to walk away from their FSC agreements leaving performers in the lurch.

    I have no clue what is in FSC approved provider agreements but do know that if these providers feel their professional licenses and highly regulated businesses are jeopardized they may say decide the client isn’t worth it.

  158. @Kate

    Went to the here it is….it was about not throwing people under the bus…did see in original post that the performer named people related to his understanding/justification of working but nothing beyond speculation yet.

  159. @KATE, you wrote in a post that Miao probably knows too much and thats why they are throwing Bobbie and Jen under the bus. Only problem is you got that completely backwards, Bobbie and Jen know more about the thruthful realities of the industry than Miao could ever dream of.

  160. jilted: If Bobbie and Jen know more then Miao does… Why are these people trying to throw them under the bus? Wouldn’t they be afraid Bobbie and Jen will eventually talk?

  161. THere is no IF in this equation. And what you just mentioned are the exact reasons I stated as to why this is going to be one of the biggest mistakes the industry has ever made. Nobody has ever accused Derek of being smart, he is as shortsighted as the rest of the industry, and it is obvious that these guys did not completely think this thing through when they came up with this plan. Bobbie has been around for years. She has had more perfomrers show up at her door at all hours of the night, paid more hospital bills, held more tweeking performers through their withdrawls, and paid for more bus tickets home than any single person on this planet. And this is barely the tip of the tip of the iceberg of what Bobbie and Jen have been doing for years. And when you fuck people over who have given their lives to helping people who barely care about themselves, dont be surprised when you get bitten by the hand thats been caring for you for years.

    Again, this is all about eliminating CET from the testing business, and putting all the eggs in the basket of the company that ‘rewards’ those who use them.

  162. jilted: think and smart are two words that don’t seem to apply to most people in the industry… LOL.

    I hope you’re right jilted! I hope Derek and Gonz and the rest of these losers plans.. comes back to bite them in the ass!

  163. Jilted I hate to say it but I believe you couldn’t be more right. But I just can’t see Bobbie and Jen throwing up there hands and saying the hell with all this, who needs it? They didn’t just happen to open up CET they only did it because according to Bobbie after AIM closed she got phone call after phone call asking if she would open up a place like AIM so that’s what Bobbie and Jen did. Now to be going through something like this I really wouldn’t blame Bobbie or Jen if they chose to walk away. WHO WOULD BLAME THEM???? But isn’t that what Derek Alex TTS and all the other hater’s want? Yes life was so simple when TTS had the monopoly? But its like I once said if TTS puts CET out of business then I bet there won’t be any more loyalty coupons kickbacks and then they can charge what ever they want for the test once again.

  164. Never Mind CPAN! YOU are the one who was defending and making excuses for Gonz! It’s right here! hmmm..

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