Senior Tag – You Can’t Be Tagged If You Are Naked

I came across this in my emailTownship police in Ohio send out friendly info notes…roof scammers, COPS enrollment, lock your cars cuz three got hit on such & such a street for devices & loose change…email header “senior tag” huh..okay so weathers getting nice what new program do we have to keep the  seniors  active & involved…

“We are hearing that Senior Tag is beginning soon and with seniors from multiple districts in the area we expect to see this in the township. Senior Tag is an activity unapproved and strongly discouraged by schools and the police department yet we all know kids sometimes don’t follow the rules. If you are not familiar with this it involves teams of kids trying to “tag” other teams by squirting them with squirt guns. One of the “rules” with some groups is you can’t be tagged out if you are naked. Kids often hide to try to surprise their targets.

This leads to many potential problems for law enforcement. In the past police have received calls on suspicious people which can lead to dangerous encounters, particularly at night, when we confront someone who may be hiding with an object that may look like a real gun. Also, public nudity is a violation of law and kids could face criminal charges if caught.

This may sound like a harmless activity but it does cause many to be concerned when they see kids running through their yards or possibly hiding around their house while involved in this. If you see this occurring and are concerned call our dispatch center and we will respond.

If you are a parent of a senior please do what you can to discourage them from participating in this activity. If they choose to do it anyway they need to know they may face consequences from the school and police if caught.

Stephen P. Gammill
Chief of Police
Genoa Township Police Department”

What Chief Gammil prolly needs to make a bit more clear is that the seniors he is referencing arent old folks…they are high school seniors….Still pretty funny though.

96480cookie-checkSenior Tag – You Can’t Be Tagged If You Are Naked

Senior Tag – You Can’t Be Tagged If You Are Naked

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3 Responses

  1. A bit of background…the game starts April 1st every year and ends the day before the Senior picnic, points awarded on confirmed tags posted at a site…often disputed because once you’re tagged you’re out…even if naked you may be tagged on non-student property…if you’re out you may still act as driver and no drivers should attempt tagging while operating the vehicle. Each participant chips in for the prize and senior donation.

    Two kids (one naked) were caught just after midnight when their dispute over the legit tag was called into 911 as possible prowlers by a truly freighted Q-tip type senior…cops calmed down the lady and released the kids to their parents. Then sent out the press release to appease the seniors who are outraged by the idea of naked senior tag 🙂

    Despite numerous totaled cars and a couple fatalities over the years, never has there been a concern that a “neon super soaker” would be confused for a “weapon” nor has a kid been arrested for being naked.

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