Right On Cue The FSC Rings In

Just as I said they would the FSC has responded to the announcement tha AHF will have enough signatures to put a condom mandate on the ballot county wide.  Just as I said they would they sent press releases to the adult press, LOL.  Got news for ya Diane, you like to talk about wasting monry….there’s a waste for ya, they adult press is already on your side.

But the larger problem is Diane shows a clear lack of understanding on both how the fundraising works.  She makes remarks about how AHF has spent 2 million dollars in this campaign and whines about how that money could be better spent blah blah blah.  Well Diane  that is why the FSC is damn near broke, you clearly don’t understand how to fund raise on a large level.  Even if AHF did spend 2 million dollars on this campaign look at the PR it bought them….National news, damn near every publication in America and that kind of exposure equals donations, and BIG ones.  After all it “appears” that AHF is doing “God’s work.”  I am sure an organization the size of AHF keeps track of spending (unlike the FSC) .

Diane also complains that this is a waste of taxpayer dollars, that clearly isn’t true, every press release about it that I have read stresses that the enforcement budget will come from the permit fees and the FINES that porners will pay for shooting without a permit.

If porners want to win this one they are going to have to reach the voting public who have been conditioned by the mass media to believe that HIV is the highly contagious deadly disease and that condoms are the most effective prevention measure.  That’s the bottom line here and if Diane Duke can’t figure that out the FSC and the people in porn should send her dumb ass packing.  Sending “strongly worded” press releases to the people already on your side isn’t going to do it.

If the talent is REALLY on your side, as you claim, they are your best offense but I expect the clueless people at the FSC have no idea how to cash that in.

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Right On Cue The FSC Rings In

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