Richard Nanula Live Sex Shows and Prostitution

Since I broke the Richard Nanula story I have been flooded with first hand accounts of his dalliances.  There are precious few girls in the biz and I mean count em on one hand, that have not been hired by this guy at one time or another.  He nor only hires them for himself (often bareback) he also hires them and their choice of male to do live sex shows for him.  He also employs girls (and guys) to get him other girls and because he was spreading the wealth pretty liberally, he stayed under the radar.  Until recently anyway.

So someone has probably fucked up the gravy train for many pornchicks, because he paid pretty well, even by “Contract Girl under the radar” standards.

From the data I have he seems particularly fond of girls in school girl outfits and girls in office wear.

And he has been at it for a very, very long time.

But from all I have heard about him, not one person male or female has had anything bad to say about him putting him head and shoulders above anyone else that deals with porn performers on a regular basis, in my heart I still maintain….who cares?  I ran with it yesterday because so many people had it wrong and everyone had it incomplete at best.  Yall seem to have some interest in it so here it is.

He is currently on a leave of absence from his jobs on the board of directors at Miramax and Colony Capital. His former position as CFO of Walt Disney has gotten the most attention it seems.  Smart money seems to think that once this all blows over he will be back at Colony Capital. he has three kids and an ex wife .

It has been widely reported that he was treated (successfuly) for “sex addiction”, a bullshit condition that tries to pharmacologize a compulsive behavior, but dont get me started on that nonsense.

Anyway he is single, he has the money, nobody is complaining I still wanna know why this is so interesting to everyone…..Maybe it’s cuz everyone knows him.  But if  he were a Rock Star or Charlie Sheen this would all be considered no big deal.



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Richard Nanula Live Sex Shows and Prostitution

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24 Responses

  1. Its going to be a matter of time before Rob Black starts spouting off at the mouth about Richard Nanula. Rob Black attacks anyone who is the least bit successful or has money. Nanula is loaded with cash so Rob will consider him a ripe target. Haters will always hate.

  2. Rob, watching your show right now. Did Samanthat or Trinity check and hiv test on this guy, Was it bareback?

  3. I think it would be a very big deal to Richard Nanula, wouldn’t it? One of the reasons prostitution is illegal is due to it’s ability to create blackmail situations. For example, if a highly ranked officer in the military is caught in a compromising position, he/she will be discharged before they can be blackmailed by foreign interests intent on gaining their alliegance over their own country. I do believe that money was exchanged in return for deleting the video! I agree with Rob Black (who needs to turn down the volume on his mic) that it was a shakedown!

  4. Rob Black is the new Donny Long. A loser that has failed at everything. Other losers like RiccoMarin will share the commonbond of loserdom with Mr. Black and give him morale support since they are too broke to provide money. Without cash the new union will fail before the end of the year. You can count on that.

  5. The Irony is that Monica Foster is their source. Lol! Wait. Didn’t she try and shake down Lenny Dykstra for bouncing a check on her for a “Private” LOL!

  6. For the record Monica Foster is full of it, and has absolutely no relevance in the adult industry. Another flunkey turned hater. AFYI might as well just start running UFO stories. Nick East your almost at Monica Foster’s level. What the hell do you do now for a living?

  7. Richard Nanula, Charlie Sheen, countless Football and Baseball players hire these hoes for privates. Nothing new. The only difference is that they pay a little more than the producers do. LOL

  8. Chris come out out of the closet and stop being such a industry bitch. I don’t know Rob Black and seriously don’t give a shit about you and you’re gay crew fucking up the industry and then bitching about somebody trying to clean it up? More power to them! They’ll need it with scabs like you around.

  9. Well here you go.

    SANTA MONICA, July 8, 2013 – Global film and television studio Miramax announced today that Thomas J. Barrack, Jr. has been named Chairman of the company, effective immediately, replacing Richard Nanula, who has resigned. Mr. Barrack is Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer of Colony Capital, LLC. Miramax is privately owned by an investor group that is led by Colony Capital, LLC.

  10. I just have one question: Why did Nanula allow this to be filmed? Why didn’t he just screw her and leave?

  11. I think Ricco is a man. Unless he is a transvestite I doubt he would be “working” on Santa Monica Blvd.

    I don’t always agree with posters (or Mike for that matter) but I don’t think Ricco deserved that comment, he didn’t do anything to deserve that. However, make all the nasty comments about Donkey Long (Mr. Porn Wiki Leaks) you wish, he deserves them.

  12. I think the filming was a cover just in case the cops showed up. With a camera rolling he could claim he was filming a porno and not get arrested for prostitution related charges. Many johns are using that loophole nowadays when they fuck porn performers.

  13. mHarris that is Right! I am a 100% male and straight and married and a 57 year old TEAMSTER Truck Driver and I live in Phoneix Arizona and I Don’t know anything about and or where Santa Monica Blvd.
    I am 100 % for a union and will back Mike South, Rob Black, and or anybody that will PROVIDE assistance to the Female and Male porn talent in having a safe, and profitable living in the Industry.

    I am what MS. Christine Delani, who works for Wetspot Video??
    (must be a amatuer Gay company) in Hollywood and he loves Tom Cruise doesn’t want to see by “knocking” somebody that has a vision of a (UNION) and or a Oraganization better that the Fucking Stupid Clowns to better protect and assist the TALENT in the industry.
    Nothing wrong with that and yes Chrissy I would probabaly send Rob and or anybody money that I EARN drving a truck for a living to help them out. YOU wouldn’t KEYBOARD warrior of PORN. You only concern with to get on this blog and knock everything that might have potential to HELP the TALENT and rant and BITCH like a typical PORN bitch you are.

    Now listen Chrissy; I don’t know Donny Long and or want to from some of the things he has done to people with that porn wikki bullshit.
    But he is right…FAGS have fucked the INDUSTRY up and will continue with the same shit they are doing right now. You obivously are well connected with that Industry and know about Santa Monica Blvd and provide 2 holes for one specials before 3 am.?? I don’t know about that and don’t care about you HOMOSEXUALITY that you are into.
    Look at it this way, You are obivously anti-talent and anti-supportive of the way things can be because you are ANAL frustrated from the lack of ANAL oragasms you can’t have anymore. That you problem ,amigo!!
    STOP that whinning and Bitching Krissy. Find a another career and or trade. I have mine and earned what I have making a very good living and invested in Homes and MY family. YES!! I am a OUTSIDER and wouldn’t even think about being in a Queer run inustry with FAGGOONS like you that have FUCKED the Porn Industry over for their benifit. I am again a Customer of porn and Have told YOU who I AM and what I beilive….Can you FAGGOON on Santa Monica Blvd?
    You made you bed now lay in it….but don’t knock the ones that are trying to get things “cleaned out” and HELP the talent out. We know you over their at Wetpot on the panties videos don’t give a shit about the TALENT unless its some BI dude you give dope to and suck off….

  14. I will not go to Lukeisback because of the hateful posts (and the fact that Cindi posted a link to an extreme snuff flick) and twelve year old mentality her commenters maintain with their name calling and smearing campaigns. And yes, I know she’s cleaned it up since then, but it seems the cockroaches have scattered and are finding their new homes here!!! Free speech or not, the cockroaches only concern is degrading and taking the credibility away from this site, and don’t think they are not being paid!!!! I feel careful consideration should be given before letting some of these seemingly evil cockroaches start turning people away from one of the most interesting comment boards on the internet today. Please Mike, don’t let the twelve year old schoolyard bullies overtake these comment sections. They will destroy them otherwise!!!

  15. Hey Nick, You are right! I think Chris Delani is your old “roomate” that used to rant and rage on the other “lesser” site.
    He knows something about a Blvd in hollywood that I do not.
    Anyway. You should get involved as a past male talent in the Industry get that UAWA going and give it a shot.
    More people involved that know the inside the Industry and cared about the other “employees” (talent).

  16. Come omn guys lets stick to intelligent discourse here and leave the name calling and such to the lesser sites. We can disagree without falling to that lvel


    Carry on

  17. Thank you for the comment, Mike. The remarks made about Ricco (which you have rightfully removed) were nasty (and not in a good way either). The removed comments actually reminded me of LIB before Kelly took over (and XPT at its prime) where almost anything was allowed (and one reason why I didn’t post much over there). I agree that we should keep civil in comments here.

  18. One of the things I appreciate about Mike’s site is the level of discourse. Even when I disagree with a post, they are generally thoughtful and well argued.

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