Porn – The Business of Pleasure

I watched the CNBC special and was oddly surprised. Partially by the lack of any any honest verification of what was presented as fact, but mostly by the fact that it was biased…..Towards us.

They trotted out the old horse shit numbers, 13 billion dollars a year, blah blah blah.  A porn made in Porn Valley every thirty six seconds, and something like 38,000 dollars a second being spent on internet porn.  then they g on to talk about how porners have fallen on hard times blaming it mainly on “tube sites”  and” filesharing”.  Steve Hirsch remarks about the piracy issue as though it is the responsibility of someone other than him and his company to police the internet for people posting his content.

They also trotted out the usual suspects, Wicked, Digital Playground and Vivid and Jesse Jane. Who all pretty much stuck to the script.

they overlaying tone was that of women in the industry and as such you would have thought that Samantha Lewis runs Digital Playground, Joy King runs Wicked and there are few if any men left in power in porn.  No mention at all of Ali Joone or Steve Orenstein.  The only company with no female representation was Vivid., they let Steve Hirsch do the talking there.

They did a segment with Jesse Jane “back home” in Oklahoma where they come to the errant conclusion that top girls in the biz make 30K a month.  That’s a very wrong fact, top girls in porn can make that in a week feature dancin, not counting all the other avenues for making money.

The surprises were a pretty kid glove treatment of Max Hardcore and his, at the time, upcoming trip to Club Fed and the common sense approach Joy King used in her lengthy segment.  Joy is good.

The truth for all to see moment came from Steve hirsch, who said that porn has been around since the days of cavemen and it isn’t going anywhere.

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Porn – The Business of Pleasure

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One Response

  1. I spoke to them earlier in the year when they were considering a trip to Charlotte. They backed out to talk to Hirsch instead. I got the impression then that this was nothing more but a ratings thing and would have little substance.

    Thanks for the South notes. Seems I was better off taking a dump last night than watching this.

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Mike South

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