Porn Journalists:

Mark Kernes wrote me to take issue with my statement that there are no real journalists in porn, he claimed that Scott Ross is very much a real journalist. I don’t know Scott, he may well be, I have spoken with him a few times and he does get things right when he interviews me. On the other hand I do know Kernes and I would say without hesitation that he is a real journalist. His responses to me are always grammatically correct and coherent and they are usually well stated and free of self serving hype, even when he is wrong, which is usually the case ….:)

Truth is when I said that there were no real journalists in porn I was being a smart ass, if you can believe that.

Some Fun, Compliments of Adella and Beau (Who sent them on the same day)

That’s Fucking Cold!

But not as cold as that

Ah Yes…Think Of That Next Time You are Thinking of Popping the Question

Hell Hath No Fury….I like the way she threw some of his clothing into the tree.

Kinda Makes you wonder what the note she left him under the wiper says don’t it


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Porn Journalists:

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