Porn Awards Continued Why Can’t We Do Better?

I didn’t mention it in the previous article, maybe I should have. These Shows produce a LOT of revenue and I understand that capitalism is a good thing and all of that but what I am suggesting is that the talent in particular should be treated better at these shows.

Do you know how many first hand accounts I have of girls who spent a LOT of money on make up and dresses and what not, all excited about their first AVN Awards Show and then have their hearts broken when they were told they couldn’t walk the red carpet? Many of these girls were even NOMINATED.

We all know that very little in porn is award worthy, For the most part there is no creativity in it, no hard work, no art, no special skills its all about patting ourselves on the back for what really isn’t even mediocrity.

Look at The Sex Awards  for another example.  Who does these nominations?  There are sites nominated for best website that haven’t been updated for more than two years.  If you are going to give out an award that proclaims something to be the best shouldn’t you at least have a clue about your nominations?  This particular example is just embarrassing, or at least it should be.

I remember when the AVN Awards were fun and I like to think that when I won them the industry had higher standards but in reality we all know that they are meaningless but at least back then it didn’t cost me a big pile of money just to go and then get turned away from the red carpet.

We CAN do better and we really need to start addressing that, or at least that is what I would like to think but then I look at the fact that Diane Duke is still employed and then I think….well …maybe not.

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Porn Awards Continued Why Can’t We Do Better?

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5 Responses

  1. You are way to hung up on these awards. I would think most people are going for a night out to have fun with their peers. I don’t think they’re as invested as you in whether or not the nominations were correct. The money is spent to go to a fun party. People spend hundreds hanging in some loud club with a few friends, write about how stupid that is. Also, looking at the Sex Awards as an example isn’t very helpful. They haven’t happened yet, so for all you know they will be terrible and no one will show up the next year. 2 posts on this was 3 posts too many.

  2. Been there, done that – and it doesn’t get any better.

    The industry in it’s various forms is always splintered, and there is always the suck up factor. AVN awards are filled with companies that have ties there, the XBiz awards the same, and so on. It’s not really surprising.

    It’s perhaps two things: The absence valid, non-suck up level business model to make an awards system that is self supporting, and the lack of a transparent and verifiable voting method to select the nominees and winners.

    The adult awards are essentially an extension of magazines or online sites, which spend the other 364 days a year hitting these same people up for ad dollars. The temptation to tie an award to an account that pays you the most is pretty obvious.

  3. HagFag swards. That’s all it
    Is.Homos and Whores with
    Diseases. Spend a grand to
    Go to Vegas. Act like total idiots.
    come back broke. Cocksuckers!!!

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