Pole Taxes: Are Lawmakers Really That Fucking Stupid?

Hardly a week goes by that we don’t see this idea floated in another state.  Now it’s Georgia.

What I don’t understand is why any state thinks it can be done. Courts have repeatedly determined that exotic dancing is constitutionally protected free speech, as such any such efforts to tax it is a tax on free speech, something the constitution expressly forbids.

It is highly doubtful that any such “tax” cloud pass constitutional muster any more than a tax on people attending fair tax rallys would.

The answer to the states problems isn’t in additional taxes, it is in spending less.


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Pole Taxes: Are Lawmakers Really That Fucking Stupid?

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2 Responses

  1. The idea of a politician confiscating less of the wealth produced by individuals in the pursuit of happiness, is about as likely as a 50 year old pornographer asking an 18 year old stripper if they can just put on some warm pajamas, drink some hot chocolate, talk about fashion trends and cuddle.
    I’ll sooner be convinced of “man made” global warming.

  2. don’t vegas showgirls get taxed? why aren’t they protected by free speech? what’s the difference? i’m not arguing whether they should be taxed or not. i guess i never heard of stripping being protected from taxes based on the 1st amendment. what about journalists? should they be tax exempt because they’re profession is allowed by free speech?

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