Optimism Bias Answers A Lot Of Questions In Porn

I was interviewed by Vice.com last week and in the interview I was asked why I thought porn people didn’t believe bad things would happen to them from risky behaviors. My answer was essentially that people believe what they want to believe.

Last Night I was watching a documentary TV show and the term Optimism Bias came up, a light bulb immediately clicked on in my head so I looked it up

From Wikipedia:

The optimism bias (also known as unrealistic or comparative optimism) is a bias that causes a person to believe that they are less at risk of experiencing a negative event compared to others. There are four factors that cause a person to be optimistically biased: their desired end state, their cognitive mechanisms, the information they have about themselves versus others, and overall mood. The optimistic bias is seen in a number of situations. For example: people believing that they are less at risk of being a crime victim, smokers believing that they are less likely to contract lung cancer or disease than other smokers, first-time bungee jumpers believing that they are less at risk of an injury than other jumpers, or traders who think they are less exposed to losses in the markets.

Although the optimism bias occurs for both positive events, such as believing oneself to be more financially successful than others, and negative events, such as being less likely to have a drinking problem, there is more research and evidence suggesting that the bias is stronger for negative events. Different consequences result from these two types of events: positive events often lead to feelings of well being and self-esteem, while negative events lead to consequences involving more risk, such as engaging in risky behaviors and not taking precautionary measures for safety.

This certainly explains a lot in porn, from the idiotic idea that condoms cause more STDs to acceptability of extraordinarily risky behaviors like ass to mouth and choking out.

I suspect most of us practice it, I know I do, for example I ride a motorcycle despite the absolute fact that I am 37 times more likely to die in a crash than if I were in a car. In my mind I consider myself experienced enough to minimize the risk but admittedly not much, mostly I see it as an acceptable trade off for the stress relief and pure enjoyment I get from it.

I expect many of you have similar circumstances.

But when I ride my motorcycle I am not endangering others per se, like ass to mouth for example and I dont tell anyone ever that riding a motorcycle is as safe as a car.

maybe this whole concept is how the need for workplace safety rules were born in the first place.  I think performers may indeed have optimism bias but none performers like Diane Duke clearly know better and are exploiting that concept in performers.

Is porn operating under Optimism Bias or just plain delusion.

105780cookie-checkOptimism Bias Answers A Lot Of Questions In Porn

Optimism Bias Answers A Lot Of Questions In Porn

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35 Responses

  1. Age also plays a factor in this. Young people think they have a shield of invulnerability and nothing bad will ever happen to them. Its why so many young people have no life or health insurance. Years ago my 18 year old cousin was murdered and the funeral home refused to bury her unless we came up with a $5000 deposit. So we passed the hat and family members came up with the 5 large.

    Insurance or planning for the future? Who needs that, thats for old people…

  2. That’s right Karmafan. None of the Youngsters today have any future.
    They rely on free loading on the government and everybody else.
    whata fucked up bunch of people in porn today. Get some fucking insurance if you are going to do porn and get HIV and other diseases and expect everybody else to pay for it. Ain’t going to happen.

  3. Optimism Bias seems like PC version of ‘Treetop Tall & Bullet Proof’

    Used to hear that quite that quite a bit as a kid right before the ‘Look before you leap’ cautions contemptuously blown off. Karma…finding out they were right.

  4. Suspect that’s something like ‘Hegelian dialectic’ vs ‘middle of the road isn’t neutral’

    Had a relative who used to give me a nickel for ‘fancy words’ and a quarter to accurately define/explain the nickel words.

  5. I’m surprised you posted this. To me, optimism bias explains why you feel that the scenes you shoot for Southern Bukkake are dramatically safer than those shot in the Valley, even though you shoot without condoms and use a much less rigorous testing protocol. I’m not saying your ideas without merit (although Georgia has one of the highest STI rates in the country), but I’d be interested to see how you view the relative safety of your own shoots in light of what you just posted.

  6. I take the safety of others much more seriously than I do my own, my “relative” safety speaks for itself zero stis of any kind since 1992. Those who profess to know my protocols are morons they certainly dont. Find one single person ever who claims to have gotten an sti on one of my sets….they dont exist because it aint happened… I have also stated many time my protocols wont work for porn valley because I shoot in a VERY closed loop porn valley doesnt.

  7. But unless I’m misunderstanding, none of those have any basis in science or data. To me, that’s what optimism bias is. Thinking you’re an exception, and that you can do things others can’t, even when data is lacking or is says otherwise.

    It works hand in hand with confirmation bias, in which we give more weight to things that support our desired outcome or position. It’s not something particular to you — all humans are subject to it, and we should be all working constantly to question our assumptions — but unless you can give me some data otherwise, or show me how the CDC or others might agree, I can’t buy that you’re somehow an exception.

  8. Hey I give ya the data you dont wanna believe it I could care actually. Theres risk in everythihng I do what works best for me because in the end thats who I answer to.

    The people who seem to think that bullying me works dont seem to have figured that out yet….It doesnt, I could care.

  9. While it’s no secret I disagree, I’m not trying to bully you. I ask the same of anyone I work with — that we question our assumptions, that we avoid going to easy villains and conspiracy theories, and that we always make sure we question data, especially if it support our pre-existing assumptions, and that we realize that denigrating an opponent isn’t the same as having our own house in order. Getting production safer shouldn’t be a competition. It’s something all of us should be vigilant about, and something we all should be working on improving.

  10. LOl I aint offended man…but if ya think Ive had a scientific study done well youd be wrong I could put it on a spread sheet for ya and make it look official or something if ya like.

    and i dont think you were bullying me….I Laughed at rob who said keep me on my boat….yes please everyone keep me on my boat ethanol free gas is over 4 buckjs a gallon right now and that fucker holds 200 gallons PLEASE keep me on my boat LOL buy mo ads…

  11. Well, I think that’s part of the issue. If you’re not dealing with actual data, you’re going to be more susceptible to optimism bias. But yeah, sure, if you’ve got any data it’d be interesting to see. You’ve got my email.

  12. @mikestabile

    Lurkingreader@gmail any time kink.com or the FSC is ready to release ACTUAL data about ALL performers. If they wish to subset it by gender, sexual preference and further by genre it’s all good, if not combined results would work too.

    Mike South and other independents nationwide could add their numbers but then we get into data collection consistency. Shouting we haven’t had an onset transmission in ten years only works of you have data for all revenue producing sets.

    As spokesman for Kink.com you’re in a unique position to help create and promote effective policies that protect all performers regardless of…pick your non-discriminatory term.

  13. 1. I think Mike is missing my point but heres my data 1992 number of scenes shot dozens number of STDs 0

    repeat for all years up to and including this year

    2. I would NEVER mix my data with that of porn valley because the circumstances are so different as to be night and day comparison of one data set to the other is meaningless

  14. Years fo the adult industry ‘actual data’ disappeared out of that Public Storage locker when AIM’s records, medical and financial,(including performers personal info and credit card numbers). Well, actually AIM’s copies of the medical data disappeared. And not one single word about performer privacy being violated when this happened,,,not one single word.
    The actual data does exist, and will never be revealed>>by the industry.

  15. The FSC put out some talking points, encouraging industry members to write to California senators in opposition to ab1576. In those talking points they claim, TENS OF THOUSANDS of jobs,,,and 5-6 billion dollars in revenue to the state.
    Where does this data come from? Actually a better question would be, “Out of who’se ass did these claims come from? Where is the “actual data” to support these claims?

  16. @Jilted
    Those boxes of data and patient info that WAS at
    Public Storage are now at Sean Tompkins home
    in San Antonio, Texas. He has all the case files there.
    So they just didn’t get tossed by Public Storage.
    Everybody in the porn industry has a case file on them
    and its in white boxes. Have fun !

  17. Are you a porn producer who uses humans with their naturally occurring risks as your artistic medium?

    If so then it seems there is more in common than not. Legislation is happening in CA and it will take time before it moves through the states yet I anticipate that it will be swifter than civil unions and erasure of antiquated sex laws.

    This is the time for independents nationwide to work together to create effective laws that make it easier to respond to risk levels vs cry later when all or nothing laws are imposed on them.

  18. @jilted

    The FSC PASS database has much less controversial data at their fingertips. Voluntary submissions by straight performers that can be used to analyze total number performers, testing frequency percentage of green checks vs scarlet x and much more without even adding outside data to track, gender, straight only, gay testing for straight production, number that performed within previous thirty days etc.

    Talk is cheap…calling bullshit methodology on AHF, LACPH and other data is just hot air till you present different outcomes using actual data applied to same methodology and/or any known scientific research modals.

  19. @jilted

    Lol…which is why I love the ‘debunked’ ‘flawed methodology’ and similar arguments against sourced data studies. I’m not saying the studies are perfect but they trump unsourced premises in the legislative process despite twenty years of successful use to attract and maintain performers as an artistic medium.

  20. That wouldn’t get you much. The way the system works, a red x doesn’t mean that a performer has tested positive for anything, just that he or she isn’t cleared to work (which can also be from not having tested at all in the past 14 days). PASS doesn’t get the actual test results — those stay with the testing centers.

  21. The results stay at the testing center yet somehow Dianne Duke knows the results of people on the quarantine lists. She says she knows that nobody on any qlist has ever tested positive, and no on set transmission, Pretty bold statement considering,as PASS claims, they dont get test results. So Mike, where does Dianne and the FSC get the information when they put out press releases saying nobody on a qlist has tested positive,,,where do they get that(actual data) information from? If PASS doesnt get results then how do they know when to call a moratorium. Are the doctors telling her, violating HIPPA perhaps?

    Oh wait, I forgot, PASS doen not notify ANYONE when a person tests HIV+,,,the doctor does the qlist, and somehow DIanne and John Stagliano get the results. Actually the industry does NOTHING when a performer tests positive, the docrot does all the work. Great system there. ONLY IN PORN is a harm reduction program considered prevention, and a FIRST line of defense.

    Mike, do you know how John Stagliano got Cameron BAY’S results,,,so much for the privacy of PASS. LOL

  22. @mikestabile

    Are you saying that numerous APHSS/PASS screenshots posted at varied sites are photoshopped to include…Date of test, facility, green check or scarlet x and last column for test expiry?

    If the only thing available via PASS were a name with scarlet x or green check for today or future date then the FSC party line would be true, no one would know if the red x was vacation, expired test or even prior booking..simply unavailable.

    Since the scarlet x appears on a form with performer name up top & starting from left to right (IIRC) facility name, test date, green check/ scarlet x, test expiry….it absolutely tells anyone who registers or uses a registered access PW the following…

    So & so tested for the well documented and publicized test panel (or some portion of the panel) and the scarlet x is directly linked to testing positive for one or more tested STD while the green check says they passed the panel but doesn’t exclude the possibility that they used prophylactic antibiotics/antivirals to do so.

  23. I can see how you’d assume that, but no. It’s fairly common for tests to be lost, or for them to be inconclusive and for performers to have to go in and retest. It still generates a red x, but that doesn’t mean they tested positive for anything.

  24. And we’re back to BENGAZI!

    From the FSC Moratorium FAQ:

    What happens if a performer tests positive for HIV?
    If an active performer tests positive for HIV, a moratorium is immediately called and the industry immediately halts all production.

    How are moratoriums called?
    The doctor at the PASS facility that conducted the test checks to see if that performer has worked on adult film since 2 weeks prior to his or her last negative test. If he or she has, the doctor alerts the Free Speech Coalition, and the Free Speech Coalition calls an industry-wide moratorium. Production is halted while everyone can be retested to make sure no performers are exposed to the virus.

    What happens during a moratorium?
    During a moratorium, film production stops while doctors work to determine if any one else was exposed, and to establish a genealogy of the virus.

    All performers who have worked with or had sexual contact with the positive performer prior to performer’s last negative HIV test are tested and retested. In some cases, third generation partners may be tested as well. The goal is to immediately figure out if anyone else was exposed to the virus and to stop any potential on-set transmissions.

    The HIV Positive performer is interviewed to determine the timeline and 1st generation partners. If the performer had sexual contact with other performers off-set, the PASS doctors and FSC will work to make sure those people are informed and tested as well as any other individuals with which the performer had sexual contact.

    *I don’t know why I even bother responding. I know this is only going to launch another conspiracy thread* #ReadyforHillary

  25. LOL “Fairly common for tests to be lost” Really, fairly common? As a clinical lab employee for decades, I can say unequivocally that this statement is absolute bullshit. I am positive that this would be pretty shocking news to Sixto Pacheco and CET. Fairly common, LOL.

    “Inconclusive” We had a less than 1% inconclusive in my seven years at AIM, actual number about 10 per month. The only inconclusive HIV results I ever handles turned out to be positive after retesting, with a new specimen, and these were very early detections.

    If youre dealing with a place where it is fairly common to for tests to be lost, stop going there, immediately.

    Performers tests used to be done

  26. LOL THe GOAL isnt to see if anyone was exposed,,,,,the goal is to test the people who WERE EXPOSED.

    The FSC does NOTHING to inform people they WERE EXPOSED. That would require the testing facility to be giving names to FSC and PASS, which they do not do. OR, are you saying the testing facility is giving NAMES to the FSC. I am sure again, Sixto Pacheco and CET would be very interested to know that the FSC is being given the names of people on the infected performers contact list,,,,,a CLEAR HIPPA violation. LOL,,,dude, the more you talk the deeper you dig.

    “During a moratoruim production stops” Another laughable statement, and a policy with less enforcement than an OSHA regulation.

  27. @Mikes,
    What happens when a performer goes to a non industry clinic and tests postive for something, like syphillis, or HIV? Or should I say, “What happend WHEN an active performer went to another clinic and tested positive for HIV?

  28. I’m just posting what’s already on the FSC FAQ list. I’m not claiming any special information here. But yes, let your imagination run wild.

  29. LOL Shouldnt that be the FUA list,,,Frequently Unanswered Questions.

    And what is the PASS protocol when someone tests positive for Hep C. I guarantee you that one aint on the FAQ(FUA) list? And nobody from FSC will EVERY answer this question. I wonder why?(not really)

  30. Lmao…are you seriously offering a copy/paste of one of the numerous FSC posts that made me decide I had something to offer when it comes to policy? Keep in mind…my offering it in no way implies you or anyone else is obligated to sign on.

    With that said, my experience with policy proves that no political party or organization is exempt from corruption on some level or another. At any given time those being called out for corrupt behavior are screaming ‘conspiracy’ as a way of deny, deflect and distort the issue on the table.

    So anytime you or anyone from the FSC is ready to put the bullshit rhetoric aside I’m ready to talk to them about pursuing barrier free protocols using LPL (lowest permissible level) and varied response to varied threat levels…just like every other American industry.

    My stance on equal rights means they don’t get excluded from work, nor do they have a ‘I’m special and unique’ ticket exempting them from workplace labor rules. Employers need people to do the job…employees need employers to make a living.

    For anyone who thinks I need to STFU…and let porn do their thing….I’ll STFU when porn stops their rampant viral media efforts to demand regulated compliance from Banks, Doctors and every other profession/industry they attack.

  31. @mikestabile

    That was open mouth insert other foot…so it doesn’t say every performer with a scarlet tested positive, it says our approved providers have a dismal compliance rate with standard testing protocols?

    Yeah I’m sure that’s something Jilted can jump right on with irrefutable data and stats. Btw do you know that for a test to pass FDA it has to demonstrate consistent near perfect results when processed correctly…so if PASS is getting an inordinate amount of inconclusive and false positives then perhaps it’s time to reconsider the affiliate provider process.

    Tell that story to someone who doesn’t know how to read data, studies and associated footnotes.

  32. @jilted

    Then it didn’t happen to a porn performer it happened to the general public whose rates are exponentially higher. SMH…do people really believe porn, escorts and prostitutes are segregated vs a subsegment of the general public?

  33. @mikestabile

    Are you saying that PASS approved providers lose more tests than other providers?
    Are you saying that when they lose a test they report a scarlet x vs no report? I’m trying to wrap my head around how they report a scarlet x on lost reports…if they lost the test/report then how are they reporting something they no longer possess as a reference?

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