Only In Porn Part Deaux:

AVN reports on JKP filing bankruptcy..

“Former CEO Bob Friedland has fled to New York, where he has not been heard from since. ”

OK If they ain’t heard from him how do they know he is in New York? There’s a LOT of people want to know where that scumbag is….not the least of whom is the IRS

Sombebody Famous Was There, I don’t Know Who She Was But She Is Famous:

Only in porn….Cindi Loftus writes

Internext, Who Was There?

Cindi Loftus writes:

“People keep asking me if there were any famous porn people at the convention and the answer is YES! I saw and talked to-…Hillary ?… ”

Hillary who? Clinton? Duff? Edmond Hillary? I love it….
From An IM With A Fellow Porner:

[13:02] South1226: read my lips
[13:02] South1226: real sex and real death are too real for real movies
[13:03] South1226: that’s what nobody in porn gets
[13:03] xxx: lol- you have you zen like moments
[13:03] South1226: as soon as a dick comes out or a pussy gets spread the storyline is abandoned and the movie has lost its audience
[13:04] South1226: if I wanna watch a movie I will go rent Pirates of the Carribean
[13:04] South1226: if I want to watch over tattoeed former wards of the california penal system banging stripper looking girls I will rent porn
[13:05] South1226: theres ya a zen like moment

Yo, Word:

Here’s some straight dope from yer hillbilly porner. You guys have prolly read that Mike Tyson is considering a move into porn, combine that with the tempest in a teapot that was Collin Farrels sex tape and you have the makngs of….a dud.

That’s right y’all…this is PORN, outside of a few gay guys nobody gives a fuck who the GUY is in the porn, take any D level mainstream chick and she has way more juice than Mike Tyson and Colin Farrel combined.

So would y’all knock it the fuck off…hell even they gay guuys don’t wanna see Tysons nasty ass….

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Only In Porn Part Deaux:

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Mike South

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