“Today Sponge” contraceptive makes comeback
Between 1983 and 1995, about 250 million polyurethane “Today Sponges” were sold to an army of fanatically loyal women. Then the FDA cracked down on its maker because of unsanitary conditions at the manufacturing plant. Even though the safety of the Today Sponge was never in question, the manufacturer discontinued the Sponge rather than upgrade its plant. Now, 8 years later, a new manufacturer is bringing the Today Sponge back to the market.
This is almost too easy, but lets see who knows
Luke leaves setgo for adult.com:
As noted earlier he is leaving setgo, word I get is he is accepting a better offer from adult.com.
The Colon Tour:

The Colossal Colon
Yup. That’s a giant crawl-through model of the human colon you see there, and it’s on tour around America – coming soon to a city near you! The purpose is to educate folks about the dangers of colorectal cancer.
Word on the street is that is that after you finish the journey you will emerge a Democrat.

Emerging Democrat
One for the Techno Geeks:
Sony introduced a new Blue Laser DVD recorder in Japan today, because of the much narrower bandwidth of the blue laser this DVD can put 23 Gigabytes on a single DVD that now holds 4.7 Gigabytes. The downside is the price (around 3000 USD) and the fact that you can only play a blue laser recorded DVD on a Blue Laser Player. Still Japan uses NTSC Video same as the US does and this would allow the recording of any curently available DVD all onto one DVD (Most Movies require two DVD Disks because the current recorders cannot duplicate the RDSL-Reverse Disk Spiral Layering that is used to get 9.4 Gigabytes onto a single sided DVD) If yer a real techno geek watch for these to show up on the US black market.
XXX Writes: DUC out at setgo:
Yep DUC, aka Luke Ford is leaving setgo for a better offer, word is its gonna be one of the big sex sites. Watch setgo rankiings plummet….
Mary Carey’s Tits:
Are about as real as Gene Ross’s Hair
I Got a Press Release from Elegant Angel Today:
Telling me they signed Zupko…..Gee I had that story on Friday of last week. Hey Im precognizant. Now if only I could get a read on the Big Game Numbers….
AVN.com has a new new look:
And it loads faster too….
Speaking of :
they are reporting that Mike Albo has indeed been let go by Larry Flynt Publications. Albo long wrote and edited almost everything in Hustler Erotic Video Guide but he was best known as a regular on the gossip sites and as the guy who beat up Luke Ford in front of the LFP Building. Now Albo can join Gene Ross in the list of has beens that never were. I can hear Luke laughing from here.
772150cookie-checkOKAY Here’s a Porn Trivia Test…Tell me WHY the following story has relevance to the Porn Industry:no
OKAY Here’s a Porn Trivia Test…Tell me WHY the following story has relevance to the Porn Industry:
“Today Sponge” contraceptive makes comeback
Between 1983 and 1995, about 250 million polyurethane “Today Sponges” were sold to an army of fanatically loyal women. Then the FDA cracked down on its maker because of unsanitary conditions at the manufacturing plant. Even though the safety of the Today Sponge was never in question, the manufacturer discontinued the Sponge rather than upgrade its plant. Now, 8 years later, a new manufacturer is bringing the Today Sponge back to the market.
This is almost too easy, but lets see who knows
Luke leaves setgo for adult.com:
As noted earlier he is leaving setgo, word I get is he is accepting a better offer from adult.com.
The Colon Tour:
The Colossal Colon
Yup. That’s a giant crawl-through model of the human colon you see there, and it’s on tour around America – coming soon to a city near you! The purpose is to educate folks about the dangers of colorectal cancer.
Word on the street is that is that after you finish the journey you will emerge a Democrat.
Emerging Democrat
One for the Techno Geeks:
Sony introduced a new Blue Laser DVD recorder in Japan today, because of the much narrower bandwidth of the blue laser this DVD can put 23 Gigabytes on a single DVD that now holds 4.7 Gigabytes. The downside is the price (around 3000 USD) and the fact that you can only play a blue laser recorded DVD on a Blue Laser Player. Still Japan uses NTSC Video same as the US does and this would allow the recording of any curently available DVD all onto one DVD (Most Movies require two DVD Disks because the current recorders cannot duplicate the RDSL-Reverse Disk Spiral Layering that is used to get 9.4 Gigabytes onto a single sided DVD) If yer a real techno geek watch for these to show up on the US black market.
XXX Writes: DUC out at setgo:
Yep DUC, aka Luke Ford is leaving setgo for a better offer, word is its gonna be one of the big sex sites. Watch setgo rankiings plummet….
Mary Carey’s Tits:
Are about as real as Gene Ross’s Hair
I Got a Press Release from Elegant Angel Today:
Telling me they signed Zupko…..Gee I had that story on Friday of last week. Hey Im precognizant. Now if only I could get a read on the Big Game Numbers….
AVN.com has a new new look:
And it loads faster too….
Speaking of :
they are reporting that Mike Albo has indeed been let go by Larry Flynt Publications. Albo long wrote and edited almost everything in Hustler Erotic Video Guide but he was best known as a regular on the gossip sites and as the guy who beat up Luke Ford in front of the LFP Building. Now Albo can join Gene Ross in the list of has beens that never were. I can hear Luke laughing from here.
OKAY Here’s a Porn Trivia Test…Tell me WHY the following story has relevance to the Porn Industry:
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Mike South
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