New Study Released Yersterday on STD Rates In Porn

Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing of Adult Film Performers: Is Disease Being Missed?

Rodriguez-Hart, Cristina MPH; Chitale, Rohit A. PhD, MPH; Rigg, Robert MD; Goldstein, Binh Y. PhD; Kerndt, Peter R. MD, MPH; Tavrow, Paula PhD


Background: Undiagnosed sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may be common in the adult film industry because performers frequently engage in unprotected oral and anal intercourse, STIs are often asymptomatic, and the industry relies on urine-based testing.
Methods: Between mid-May and mid-September 2010, a consecutive sample of adult film industry performers recruited from a clinic in Los Angeles, California, that provides medical care to performers was offered oropharyngeal, rectal, and urogenital testing for Gonorrhea, and rectal and urogenital testing for Chlamydia.
Results: During the 4-month study period, 168 participants were enrolled: 112 (67%) were female and 56 (33%) were male. Of the 47 (28%) who tested positive for Gonorrhea and/or Chlamydia, 11 (23%) cases had been detected through urogenital testing alone. Gonorrhea was the most common STI (42/168; 25%) and the oropharynx the most common site of infection (37/47; 79%). Thirty-five (95%) oropharyngeal and 21 (91%) rectal infections were asymptomatic. Few participants reported using condoms consistently while performing or with their personal sex partners.
Conclusions: Adult film industry performers had a high burden of STIs. Undiagnosed asymptomatic rectal and oropharyngeal STIs were common and are likely reservoirs for transmission to sexual partners inside and outside the workplace. Performers should be tested at all anatomical sites irrespective of symptoms, and condom use should be enforced to protect workers in this industry.
(C) Copyright 2012 American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association

Contrary to what the L.A. Times would have you believe the study had nothing to do with the STD Rates of prostitutes in Nevada.

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New Study Released Yersterday on STD Rates In Porn

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