Not A Peep Out Kayden Kross And After AshleyMadison Hack

You see Ashley Madison owns arrangementfinders.  For those unfamiliar with the story got hacked last week and the hackers have threatened to make all of the members names available to the public.  Thats a problem, because AshleyMadison as well as are cheating sites.  While arrangementfinders is closer to prostitution, it offers to hook girls up with sugar daddies, where as ashleymadison is more straight up have an affair.

the hackers were quoted as saying in a manifesto : “Users almost always pay with credit card; their purchase details are not removed as promised, and include real names and address, which is of course the most important information the users want removed.”

This makes hacking the company very lucrative for blackmail purposes.

The parent company Avid Life Media has claimed to have hired a top level security firm to deal with the threat.

If you have joined Ashleymadsion, arrangementfinders or any of Avid Life Media’s sites, you should be concerned.

121460cookie-checkNot A Peep Out Kayden Kross And After AshleyMadison Hack

Not A Peep Out Kayden Kross And After AshleyMadison Hack

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7 Responses

  1. Why is Kayden’s name in the title? What would she say about the company from a cyber-security perspective? You seem petty or just weird here.

  2. seems your memories are somewhat short…Kayden bought her way ti the job title of president of arrangementfinders a few months back this data breach also included other AshleyMadison properties (like arrangementfinders)
    You should be very careful whom you entrust with your personal info. Its why I use third party processors like Netbilling, and ccbill. according to my agreements with them I am not allowed access to the card numbers or other personal info of my members. The less anyone knows the better.

    If you are the president of a company that gets hacked you have something of a responsibility to step up…IM not so HU

  3. Billy…you own sites I t6hink…as do I if my customers personal info was compromised I know the first person they would hear from is me and I expect you would do the same. The buck stops here…doesnt matter if I am at fault or not, the responsibility is mine because I am the guy at the top

  4. I agree that top management of this company should step up and at least apologize and make sure their computers are secured so this doesn’t happen again. Kayden of all people should know that.

    On a more sordid note I wonder what politicians and mainstream entertainment celebs are sweating bullets right now about this information making it way to the public.

  5. I was gonna say the same thing mharris. Celebs don’t always have time to go dating. Gotta be lots of them that used that service to find a prostitute…. I mean Sugar Baby.

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