More Info On The Hep C Positive performer

The more I learn about this situation the more disturbing it is to me.  It has apparently been well known by some performers for weeks, why did nobody out him?  I understand that Hep C can take up to a month to verify but Alex Gonz has had it for six weeks and has continued to seek work.

It took Lisa Ann to get it to the worlds attention.  meantime if you knew and didn’t tell you are helping him potentially kill people.  That shit is just WRONG.  How can talent do that to the people they work with?

Apparently Alex isnt the only one, rumors are that there are several who know they are Hep C Positive and opted out of the free testing so that they could keep working.

It’s time EVERYONE tested for Hep C.  Hep C will kill you quicker than HIV these days.

I see no other option than for the industry to stop shooting until everyone is tested, Hep C is deadlier than HIV

I am appalled….Really!


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More Info On The Hep C Positive performer

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24 Responses

  1. So sad to hear this! I did a scene with Alex years ago and he was fantastic to work with. I cannot understand anyone in this industry not wanting to look out for their health or the health of their coworkers. There are enough people trying to kill the industry all together and with things like this you are only helping them!

  2. It has been well known in the industry for YEARS that there are Hep C positive performers. I am glad that Lisa Ann discovered this before working with this guy, but Lisa, you have worked with Hep C postive performers in the past, and you didnt know it.
    Now that one has been outed we will see if he is blackballed as if he has HIV. Once he has been blacklisted there will be no reason not to out the others. Looks like a few careers are about to end.

  3. Yes it will Mr. Mike!
    Just lost a friend here in Arizona and I will not forget watching him in the Hospital dying and taking his last breath with his children and family around crying along with a Catholic Priest giving his last rites.

    *********************Now I will break the news now to you ALL********

    There is going to be a VERY big 200 or so man and one lady by the name is Jennifer White gangbang Produced by Devil Films up there
    in Los Angeles shot in Orange county, Ca. I will not disclose the locations that they are going to shoot with A-List male talent that have been exposed already to Hep c and passing the love around to other Male? talent? maybe Mopes. The test doesn’t require Hep c and or a ,and b either.

    They are making a big deal of this last of the directing credits of Jim Lane , former director for JM productions and formerly of SMASH productions and Formely..well, you get the picture. Now amatuer real estate agent. The Law enforcement agencies along with swat teams
    are being put together and this is going to be a very BIG bust.
    They want Mr. Lane and Mr. Leal so bad they are watching them and following them ever where.

    So Come on down fellas and spread some of that Hepie c and whatever else you would like to contribute to Jennifer asshole and pussy. Its all going to the shitter and Derek Hays and FSC people don’t give a rats ass who gets exposed and dies. August 17th 1:OO pm is the gathering point and will be driven by limo bus and charter busses to the gangbang location. Contact Adam Wild, who used to
    work for Mr. Rinadi? before he croked.
    I can’t wait to see the CNN and PornNews Network that sunday morning…how about you Mr. Black and Byron? Come on down and share the love of other men and Jennifer’s Holes.

  4. Kitty Tyler? Kill the Industry? Trying to kill you!
    Do you really give a shit? Do you USE condoms and check for
    Hep A,b,c? Do you check his genitals out before you suck his cock and or other Male talent? DO YOU……?
    Who Really give a shit in Porn valley and Miami??

  5. Your beloved Derek Hays is coming across the “XBIZ” now saying the Adult industry only requires Pcr-dna optima testing and not Negative Hep testing?
    How about testing for Nuclear waste and other deadly diseases too
    We as the public don’t want that shit in our towns and cities either.
    Keep it up there in Fucked up , selfish California and LA.

  6. If this person has the follow up tests done, and it is determined that he has an acute infection, that must be reported to the County Health Department, who will be legally obligated to do an investigation, including contacting all sexual partners.

    It was only a matter of time before one of the Hep C performers was outed. Be on the look out for agents who decide to drop certain performers for no know reason. AHF is going to have a field day with the agents on this one.(1700.33)

  7. It is a shame that this type of thing cannot be tactfully handled “in-house” instead of smeared in print and online for anybody – even those out of the biz – to read. If it was handled “in-house” correctly, with the proper people being notified and adequate procedures initiated by those involved, it would be a lot better for all. I’m not talking or suggesting about trying to sweep this under the rug; rather, let’s get the industry back to the position where this type of occurrence can be handled by the industry itself rather than find it necessary to air its dirty laundry in the faces of the public – and do it safely!

  8. To handle a problem in-house, you first have to acknowledge that there is a problem. During the condom debate, the industry position was: there are no STDs in the adult film world because we test; if there are STDs, it’s not a big deal because you can treat them with a shot of antibiotics; if you’re going to whine about STDs, you have no business being an adult performer; and don’t tell us how to regulate our industry because we have a First Amendment Right to pass along STDs.

    An industry that takes those positions has already proven itself incapable of handling this in-house.

  9. Mike seemed pretty outraged on AUG 12, and back then he thought that Gonz only had it for six weeks at that time. Now that Gonz says he’s had it his entire carreer, and actually found out years ago, for some reason its now CET and Bobbies fault. What changed Mike?

  10. easy I found out why he thought he was fine and I could see why. I had no idea that aim and cet had both cleared him to work and told him that he only had antibodies not hep-c. back then it was easy to lay it all off on gonz, now not so much…we have pretty well beat this dead horse enough i dont expect to change anyones mind and I have opted to give gonz the benefit of the doubt because the doctors all told him he was fine to work until he went to a specialist. Had he gone back to cet instead of to specialists he’d prolly be working today. but its beside the point. And gonz isnt trying to work. what it does illustrate and I think we all agree on this is that our system doesnt work, and likely will never work and as a result condoms are our likely future.

  11. Mike? you were REALLY outraged. You even said that “hep c will kill you quicker than HIV these days” ” HEP C IS DEADLIER THAN HIV”
    “I AM APPALLED” what has changed?

  12. I have also learned that Hep C can actually now be cured completely in most cases, but mostly I have learned that gonz had no real reason to believe he was infectious…am I still mad hell yes but more at the people who cleared him and told him he was fine to work, after all they were the authority figures here…they were the doctors who should have known better

  13. Why didn’t he go to specialists in 2010?
    Why did he wait until Lisa Ann outed him 3 years later?
    Why hide the results if He wasn’t contagious?

  14. Gonz had no real reason to believe he was infectious?
    Than why did he hide his results?
    Why did he go to a place he knew wouldn’t test for hep c?

  15. THese CURES youre talking about, which cost about 100,000 dollars, and are not yet FDA approved, how does this relate to Gonz.

    Mike you are MISSING the MAIN POINT,,,,GONZ did not notify HIS sex partners, Gonz does not have the right to choose what information to withhold from his partners. This industry is based on CONSENT, and you CANNOT consent when you dont know all the facts. Gonz could have explained the situation, and let his parnters make an INFORMED CONSENT. GONZ failed to do this.

    I dont give a flying fuck who CLEARED him to work or not, GONZ withheld this information from his unprotected anal sex partners, and there is NO FUCKING EXCUSE in the world that makes this FACT go away. AND there is NO FUCKING WAY IN THIS WORLD that Gonz knew the level of his infection lets say one year after the 2010 test because he never sought any medical care.


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