Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Often my site here works like a mirror, it reflects reality or maybe it serves to show people what others see when they look at you.

Such is the case with the recent post from the lovely and talented Miss Kayden Kross titled

The Formal Introduction of Shannon Silva

I got no fewer than six emails from furious porn chicks who thought that Kayden had “dissed” them. I will spare them the embarrassment of naming them here.

What Kayden described in that post was a porn stereotype, and she apparently did it well enough that some of the girls who probably served to validate the stereotype were certain that it was a veiled shot at them.

It wasn’t

But if you read that and saw yourself, it should probably send you a message.

Allow me to help you here, throwing rocks at the mirror isn’t going to change the reflection.

Mirror, Mirror indeed.

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Mirror Mirror On The Wall

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Mike South

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