Ok this is kinda like an Oxymoron. Janine signed with Vivid and is gonna do a black guy? The background is that Janines B/F Jessie James of West Coast Chopper fame dumped her for Carmen Elektra or J-Lo or somebody and Janine is furious. So much so that she is gonna do a scene with lex just to spite Jessie, whom she claims is a bigot (note my correct choice of adjectives here) OK for starters if she resigned with Vivid she isnt going to be doing black guys, we all know that and even if she does do a guy, any guy….who cares? Her shelf life expired years ago….and the whole sleeve thing….hideous.
Can you say too little too late.
.kids Why it Wont Happen:
I got several emails that exclaimed what a great idea this is but it won’t happen…Because its a smart solution for one, but the biggest reason is because this is not about “protecting kids” It is about making money for Jason hendales company and more importantly it is about keeping adult under the thumb of government. anyone, including the lawyers, who tells you otherwise, is either incredibly ignorant or waiting anxiously to line his pockets.
Here We Go Again:
If you are the sensitive type who doesn’t believe that when bad things happen, sometimes you share in the responsibility, don’t read this.
This whole thing with Natel King aka Taylor Summers, is a sad thing, and no I don’t mean to imply that it is her fault, it isn’t, it is the fault of the person who killed her. Truth is though had she not fallen victim to the age old mind killer called greed she would be alive today.
She told friends that this guy creeped her out, even said that he might kill her, I’m sure it was half joking but why did she do it if she had worries about him? The answer is greed, he was paying her 800-900 dollars for a 3 hour bondage shoot, thats about 3 times the normal rate but Natel let her greed cloud her judgement.
Just like the people who were scammed in the Nigerian money transfer schemes on the internet, just like the victims of short and long cons, they all want something for little or no effort and common sense becomes clouded by greed.
What happened to this girl is inexcuseable and I would personally pull the lever to flash fry his sorry ass, but had Natel listened to her common sense, instead of her greed, she would be alive today, sadly someone else would be the victim in her place. No matter how much money you are promised you won’t collect it if you die, someone should have reminded Natel of that.
If you find yourself in this type of situation, ask yourself why, the answer might someday save your life.
1206150cookie-checkLukeford Reports that Janine is Going to do a Scene With Lexington Steele Luke Ford Says Vivid Resigned her:no
Lukeford Reports that Janine is Going to do a Scene With Lexington Steele Luke Ford Says Vivid Resigned her:
Ok this is kinda like an Oxymoron. Janine signed with Vivid and is gonna do a black guy? The background is that Janines B/F Jessie James of West Coast Chopper fame dumped her for Carmen Elektra or J-Lo or somebody and Janine is furious. So much so that she is gonna do a scene with lex just to spite Jessie, whom she claims is a bigot (note my correct choice of adjectives here) OK for starters if she resigned with Vivid she isnt going to be doing black guys, we all know that and even if she does do a guy, any guy….who cares? Her shelf life expired years ago….and the whole sleeve thing….hideous.
Can you say too little too late.
.kids Why it Wont Happen:
I got several emails that exclaimed what a great idea this is but it won’t happen…Because its a smart solution for one, but the biggest reason is because this is not about “protecting kids” It is about making money for Jason hendales company and more importantly it is about keeping adult under the thumb of government. anyone, including the lawyers, who tells you otherwise, is either incredibly ignorant or waiting anxiously to line his pockets.
Here We Go Again:
If you are the sensitive type who doesn’t believe that when bad things happen, sometimes you share in the responsibility, don’t read this.
This whole thing with Natel King aka Taylor Summers, is a sad thing, and no I don’t mean to imply that it is her fault, it isn’t, it is the fault of the person who killed her. Truth is though had she not fallen victim to the age old mind killer called greed she would be alive today.
She told friends that this guy creeped her out, even said that he might kill her, I’m sure it was half joking but why did she do it if she had worries about him? The answer is greed, he was paying her 800-900 dollars for a 3 hour bondage shoot, thats about 3 times the normal rate but Natel let her greed cloud her judgement.
Just like the people who were scammed in the Nigerian money transfer schemes on the internet, just like the victims of short and long cons, they all want something for little or no effort and common sense becomes clouded by greed.
What happened to this girl is inexcuseable and I would personally pull the lever to flash fry his sorry ass, but had Natel listened to her common sense, instead of her greed, she would be alive today, sadly someone else would be the victim in her place. No matter how much money you are promised you won’t collect it if you die, someone should have reminded Natel of that.
If you find yourself in this type of situation, ask yourself why, the answer might someday save your life.
Lukeford Reports that Janine is Going to do a Scene With Lexington Steele Luke Ford Says Vivid Resigned her:
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