Look At Me I’m A Twittering Attention Whore



Where else can you get pearls of wisdom like these (all from porn chicks)

 “Im at the airport. Im going to best buy when I get home.”

“I’m on my lay over”

“Fuck this free internet. It filtered my own blog out. Apparently it’s been flagged under “sex”. All I ever talk about on there is coffee.”

“I missed you guys like crazy! I wonder how I ever lived without twitter”

 And these are the more literate ones.

Maybe it shouldn’t surprise that the generation that would rather spend 10 minutes texting what could be said in about 30 seconds would find this appealing, I mean after all it’s texting with a mass audience, some people even send it to their Iphones for Gods sake.

I mean who must you think you think you are to think that anyone would find it interesting that you are going to Best Buy when you get to wherever your home is?  Are you going to do a gangbang in the small appliances section?

Or this one from a pornchick who is a well known escort:

I don’t think people realize I only fuck 20 times a year for work. So 345 days left I am very horny!

Hmmm I’m guessing “tricks” don’t count, but I am actually more impressed that she knows how many days are in a year and can do the math.

Maybe it’s the instant gratification that some poor sap out there actually immediately answers you because you are now cyber friends, which is essentially the same as your old make believe friends but maybe just a tad more pathetic.

I’m pretty sure twitter actually has a use, I mean other than spam bots and programs that add followers, so that the cyber salesmen can sell you penis pumps and natural breast enhancement products.

Me….I’ll just stick to blogging


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Look At Me I’m A Twittering Attention Whore

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9 Responses

  1. Just a coupla things:

    1. Why spend so much time raging against twitter, This isnt the first time I’ve read a twitter rant on this site (i realize more than one person writes here, so if it wasn’t you my apologies).

    2. If you have a problem with XXXX, why not just call out her name? Any moron could use the “Twitter Search” function on the site like I did and find out all of the quotes except one came from her account.

    If people want to waste hours of the day updating other folks on the mundane details of their life instead of doing something productive in the middle of the worst recession in the last 60-70 years….. consider it a gift to you. Survival of the fittest, right?

  2. Don’t worry Kayden, he didn’t mean it. He just wanted an excuse to use that attention whore graphic.

  3. Curtis ….because it isn’t about who said it…thats mostly irrelevant whats relevant is how retarded it is…to me anyways….

    I love slaughtering golden calves

  4. never tried twitter. maybe i value my privacy too much. but it makes sense why it’s so popular. most people just wanna feel connected i guess. the more you mention it the more twitter gets popular and the more you see naturally-attention-seeking-whores.

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