Lets Talk About These Contests

Every year around this time I  get emails from people complaining that whatever winner of whatever contest (think Miss Freeones) cheated to win.

Well duh.  Does anyone really think that Christy Mack is popular enough to win that on her own merits?  Seriously?   Sure she is a pretty girl and maybe a nice person I dunno I have never met her but to understand it you have to understand that it is not a popularity contest.  it is a who can send the most traffic to freeones contest.

In all honesty its a pretty genius idea too…lets get all the pornchicks to start sending their fans to us, we will appeal to their vanity by giving them a title to make them think they are loved or popular or whatever and we get to leech their traffic for the price of the prize purse.

Think Im kidding?  Consider this.  In all of these contests you can vote once per day.  Why is that?  because a one shot hit to the site isnt really worth anything but when they come back day after day everyday thats way more valuable traffic.  The voting is generally policed via IP address because traffic is measured by IP addresses….If I come to your site 3 times a day with the same IP address Im still only one visitor but if I come with a different IP address every time I am 3 visitors….and if I have alexa installed in my browser IM REALLY valuable that way. So if I write a script that uses a proxy server to connect to the poll, vote for my favorite girl, disconnect, then start over with a new IP address I can rack up thousands of votes a day for a girl and freeones (or whoever) LOVES me because I am inflating their traffic stats, they don’t care who wins, they care who sends the most traffic.  if that were not the case you’d only be allowed one vote period.  If they only allowed one vote, the results would look a whole lot different.

Now I’m not saying that Christy Mack wrote a script that did that…maybe she did maybe not but it isnt hard….almost anyone can do it in an hour or two and someone with some net savvy and a bare minimum of programming skills can do it in 5 minutes. So if you get a couple of fan bois doing it for ya your odds go way up….but rest assured all of those front runners have fan bois doing it for them as well.  The sponsoring site doesn’t care because they are getting what they want…traffic.  Freeones and most others doesn’t even make you log in to vote…they just want the visit.

If they wanted to do it right you would only get one vote, youd have to login to vote it would check it against your email address and your ip and your login and the people in the poll would change positions in the voting order and the vote button would change positions on the page.  Dont hold your breath till that happens.

So bear in mind while Christy Mack may be “Miss Freeones” what she really is, is the winner of the who can send us the most traffic for free contest.



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Lets Talk About These Contests

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12 Responses

  1. “And I shall shed my light over dark evil, for the dark things cannot stand the light… the light of…Mike of the South.” Might make more sense if you read the Green Lantern. Just Saying.

  2. The cash prizes would probably be minimal compared to whatever ad space they sell — the higher the traffic the more money they can charge for the ads. Also if they are getting ready to sell their site more traffic can raise the site’s price. Alexa is (relatively) easy to manipulate but I understand is widely used in the adult business to measure the traffic of a website. Sean wrote a nice analysis of this regarding Donkey Long’s (meanest person to ever grace porn) XXX Film Jobs ripoff site on his site The Real Porn Wiki Leaks (www.therealpornwikileaks.com). You may have to search for the article but it is an interesting read.

  3. Ahh Mike thats sweet of you to say, reminds of my stay at Ruckers. Anyway…with that said I conducted my own survey on my blog and though the results are not entirely in, one would be fairly safe to say that Christy Mack would not have come close to winning any competition. Not totally surprising, her own crayon box put a whooping on her, and then she let a Flowbee sneak up on her. That is a sure sign of someone who just doesn’t have her head into the game. Just saying. Yeah…probably gonna get poked in the eye on this one but not too worried about it…I have safety goggles. Vivid is handing em out.

  4. I was once a judge in an amateur dance contest. The judges were to score the girls from 1 to ten on five or six different aspects of their show. One judge scored EVERY dancer except for one straight ones all across the board, and to the lucky girl he gave straight tens, thereby guaranteeing her a win!!! And somehow it stuck (even though all the other judges realized the con) and the girl won the contest!!! She certainly did not deserve to win!
    I guess what I’m saying is that it seems that just about every contest seems to be able to be cheated in some way or another, eh?

  5. hey nick did you know that AVN has a very similar system for voting on the avn awards….now you know the REST of the story

  6. Any model who participates in these contests and doesn’t realize that what he/she is doing is directing traffic is severely naive.

    A couple of years back, Gamelink did one of those sports-based playoff / bracket type contests, where girls were pitted against each other. The ones with the most votes went on to the next round.

    I participated in the first round, and after I progressed to the second round, I started being pretty public about what the prize for the winner would be, because we were all “working so hard to drive traffic to GL”. No answer. I kept asking a couple times a day for a few days, with no answer…so I stopped asking people to vote. Obviously, I didn’t win that second round LOL.

    The Feminist Porn Awards is similar – it drives traffic to a sex toy store in Toronto. Every year people send in DVDs and clips to see if they’ll win, and it drives traffic to the brick and mortar as well as their online store. They win because they’re a small, specialized store trying to compete with the two giant mega-retailers in Toronto. Knowing that going in helps you not take things all that personally either – it’s all business at the end of the day.

    As long as a model entering a contest knows that what she’s doing is helping to drive traffic, I think it’s fine to participate and encourage guys to vote. I’m currently pushing votes for Exxxotica because (1) I’m attending the thing and (2) I KNOW it’s driving Exxxotica traffic. I don’t have some false assumption that if I win it’s because I’m the “most popular girl everrrrrr” LOL. If I win, I know it’s because I kept (technically) begging guys to vote for me. If I don’t, it’s not a critical award anyway (and are ANY awards these days critical awards?) so it’s no biggie. By helping drive Exxxotica traffic, it’s also letting the guys know I’m going to be appearing, so it’s kinda a win-win. I don’t mind helping drive traffic to an event I support anyway.

    But yeah, entering a contest and pretending you don’t know you’re helping the event/website running it is kinda stupid, esp these days 😉

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