Lets Talk About Christy Mack

As you all know War Machine had 24 charges added against him this week including attempted murder. he sits in jail with no bond (and rightly so)

A fund to cover Christys expenses has now almost reached its goal of 100 thousand dollars, even though Christy has insurance and almost 100 percent of her hospitalization will be covered by that insurance and the rest is eligible to be paid by the state of NV.  Christy even announced that she would donate any extra to charity, a good move on her part for multiple reasons.

However you may feel about Christy Mack it is nice that people got together in her time of need but I have to ask, and so should you, where were these people for Cameron Bay? Sophia DelGado? Darren James? Rod Daily? Derrick Burts….you get the picture.

Why no outpouring of love and empathy for them?  The brutal nature of her attack?  Death is pretty brutal anyway you look at it.  The circumstances?  There are a lot of questions about why Corey didn’t immediately call the police and why was he there to begin with Christy was less than forthright in her statements to the press but she has that right I suppose.  What is it that makes her circumstances worth 100,000 in sympathetic gestures that she really doesnt need and will donate to charity but say Cameron Bay certainly needed to stay alive, fortunately for her AHF stepped in.

It’s a good question, I don’t have an answer, if you think you do I’d love to hear it.

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Lets Talk About Christy Mack

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9 Responses

  1. Koppenhaver should be held accountable for physically assaulting Mack – there’s no doubt about that. I think though, that the reason many in porn have been willing to support her, yet vilify people like Cameron, Derrick, and other’s who’ve contracted HIV is because:

    1) Porn’s “power elite” TELLS pornstars not to support the performers who get HIV (and most “good” pornstars know to do exactly as they’re told – God forbid they think for themselves).
    2) the issue of HIV isn’t nearly as “dramatic” and “exciting” as a physical assault which stemmed from someone who’d already been vilified by the porn industry. This situation gave the porn industry a chance to play the hero card.
    3) the issue of HIV doesn’t link in with the MASSIVE MMA fanbase as the Koppenhaver/Mack situation does. A lot of people in porn saw this as an opportunity to connect with tons of potential porn viewers.
    4) someone might have an interest to protect the reason (if there is one) for whatever the truth is about Corey being there.
    5) Puba and other similar studios see the potential of cross promoting porn with MMA in the future – this situation severely damaged that as being much of a possibility in the future.
    6) The element of sextrafficking is relevant to the entire issue, which is a nightmare for porn’s “establishment”.
    7) Certain parties involved in the first Koppenhaver assault at Brooke Haven’s birthday party might have interest in seeing him put away for good.
    8) The way that Christy has stated that she met Koppenhaver is a bit strange to me. She’s said on multiple occasions that he was stalking her (or was obsessed with her on twitter). She has claimed to have had no interest in meeting him UNTIL Koppenhaver was booked for a Hustler magazine shoot, and someone paid Christy an “obscene amount of money” to do the shoot and meet him. That sounds almost like someone in porn pimped her to him in a way. Here’s a link to an interview where she relates the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm062-WLeZY
    9) Porn’s lifeline is recruiting fresh meat for the future. If porn doesn’t show a united front in regards to Mack, a lot of potential new recruits will never enter the porn industry for fear of being on the receiving end of a beat down.

    The Puba network got a TON of mainstream publicity & advertising via the Mack/Koppenhaver matchup. Christy’s website is their most popular site. Someone out there might have interest in insuring that she continues to be a porn team player, because in time, she will heal and she COULD continue in porn if she wanted too (though she stated that she won’t).

    Once you get HIV, considering the stigma in straight porn about it, you are totally out of the game (unless your name is Stagliano). I don’t think a lot of pornstars like to even THINK about HIV because it’s their worst nightmare and ends their porn career. Really, at this stage I wonder WHY there just isn’t an HIV poz arm of straight porn as there is in gay porn.

  2. Monica’s post started off so well and then went off the rails into incoherency and way way way off-topic.

    whether its HIV or any other reason, if you aren’t in the business any more people in the biz just don’t give a shit about you or your life. Christy Mack was still in the biz with Puba and hanging out with other porn stars. The unfortunate people who got HIV disappeared and only reappear to hang out with AHF.

    her point #2 is spot on
    her point #3 is spot on
    #5 makes no sense and is completely off topic
    #6 is ridiculous and again way way way off topic
    #7 even if that were true, they have 0.0 percent to do with the Clark County District Attorney
    #8 once again way way way off base and the worst conspiract theory ever.
    #9 that’s actually probably kind of true and her best point.

    The Puba network didn’t orchestrate this to make joins to Christy’s site, that’s just insanity to think that.

    Her last statement is completely correct except once again at the end her last sentence is ridiculous.

    I think its important to note that Cameron Bay, Sofia Delgado, Rod Daly, Derrick Burts, Darren James, and I am adding TJ Cummings to this list even though bc he isn’t a part of AHF you ignored him, were all assumed rightfully or wrongfully to have contracted HIV through THE COURSE OF THEIR OWN POOR DECISIONS AND CHOICES (drugs, receiving anal creampies from untested tricks & johns, and/or barebacking untested civilians. Christy Mack on the other hand is considered (correctly) to be a victim of extreme violence that was not her fault.

  3. I think Christy should use the $100K to live on while she heals and to transition herself into another career, probably in an adult related capacity such as a editor/PA at Kink or an independently employed camera woman serving the adult industry on a contract basis (since her face will be too scarred up to continue in porn and her tattoos will keep her out of any business environment outside of the adult entertainment industry). Gift income is not taxed to the recipient so she won’t be taxed on it. Now the way I see it she has two choices (remember, the tattoos on her neck and arms will keep her from getting a cushy sit-down job, at least outside of porn) — set herself up in a non-performer role in porn or work in a cheapskate, dirty factory for the rest of her life at a shitty $30K a year.

    Whatever way she goes, I wish Christy well and hope War Machine is getting fucked up the ass forcibly by five bubas every night at the jail.

  4. I dont think there will be any scarring really she only spend about 24 hrs in the hospital and required no surgery. additionally a plastic surgeon has already donated his skills for any surgery she may need after healing.
    Im not minimizing what happened to her by any means, War Machine is where he belongs and he should be a harmless old man before hr even has a prayer of parole. but all on all Christys injuries were far less traumatic than those who contracted HIV in the biz…just my iopinion your may differ and thats fair personally I wuld like to see something good come of all this but thats far more optimistic than I can be really. Best we can hope for is prolly 25 to life for Koppenhaver.

  5. I sincerely hope you are correct on the no scarring, Mike. The pictures of Christy circulated after the attack looked horrifying to me. I am also glad that evidently there aren’t any seriously internal injuries (if there had been, she certainly would not have recovered enough in 24 hours to be released from the hospital). I still think that she should use the $100K to live on until she is healed (even with no permanent scarring I would be surprised if she is healed enough to go back to a job that depends on her looks so soon and I read somewhere that she is considering not going back to performing anyway) and possibly set herself up for the future. She could set herself up as a camera woman in adult for much less than $100K (last I checked Sony professional cameras started at $3K and went up to about $10K, last I knew a good lighting kit could be bought for about $2K-$3K, even adding tripods and a supply of recording media I think she could set herself up with a good used van (to haul equipment around with), camera and equipment for less than $50K. It really isn’t that hard to learn to use modern camera equipment and having done porn she should know what angles and actions to film by now. After that if there is leftover money (after keeping enough to live on and pay professional expenses until she can get started in an alternate career if that is her wish) I can see her making the charitable contributions she has discussed. If she prefers being a make-up person she could go to cosmetology school for less than $25K, she can complete it in 18 months or so — figuring 18 months of living expenses at about $45K-$50K if she is frugal. It is unfortunate that Christy was attacked but this is an opportunity for her to set herself up for a comfortable lifestyle long-term and she should take it by the horns and run with it IMO.

  6. She looked like he was chasing a prize belt no doubt. To advocate starting a personal business with the fund originally intended for later donated or covered services is outrageous..even more so as a response to the difference in how this fund and event went viral while those getting the virus are virally shunned. Fortunately she is acting with more sense!

    Acquiring HIV or being the victim of a pissed off abuser without the benefit of MMA training thus resorting to knife, gun or other weapon leaves too many without a job and no fund for setting up an paycheck as suggested. For every hater who said Christy Mack should have known he was violent there are ten turning their backs on women cut from ear to chin leaving scars beyond the most skilled surgeons ability to hide.

    Hats of to Christy Mack and the woman who refused the reward for turning war machine in for not taking the loot by the horns and running with it.

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