Latest HIV Is False Positive

Just got word from a trusted source that the latest HIV is another “false positive”….all these false positives lately…kinda makes ya wonder dont it



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Latest HIV Is False Positive

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46 Responses

  1. I am RIGHT AGAIN. cue the recycled speech Diane! Lol 🙂
    Ps.. Now whoever the performer is that HAS HIV will either suddenly “retire”, mysteriously disappear or will continue working in the industry as usual because THE TALENT DOESN’T CARE ABOUT ANYTHING OR ANYONE INCLUDING THEMSELVES.. Passing HIV on to others to them? Ain’t no big thing.. It’s a manageable disease after all! Lol!! #onlyinporn

  2. Are you claiming that false positives are so rare that this must be a conspiracy? Quotation marks as if “false positive” is like some made up thing. If that’s what you believe why not come out and say so? You’re the voice in the wilderness of immorality right? Instead you do this gossip journalism tactic of clearly insinuating and then going ‘what could it mean?’ … wink wink

  3. So Nina didn’t retire after a false positive, so you’re saying that she has HIV. And you’re also saying that people are aware of this but don’t care because they don’t care about their health. Seems like a very rational point.

  4. I won’t claim a conspiracy like Common does but three false positives in a row does not give me much trust in the reliability of whatever lab produced them. I suspect this issue is from a lab fucking up the testing, not a conspiracy to hide infection information. I wonder if Mike can find out if the same lab was behind all three recent HIV false positives. If that is the case than my theory is reasonable. I do agree with Common that three false positives in a row is not statistically possible, the chances of that happening legitimately are probably one to a billion or even more remote. That does make me wonder if any positive results for any VDs are slipping through this lab’s cracks, if they can’t get three HIV tests in 24 months correct and cause moratoria due to false results they are likely fucking up a lot more tests.

  5. Better more false positives than the alternative though, right? I mean, I hate to scare people, but I’d rather have it err that way.

  6. “in a row” meaning over a period of time with a lot of tests in that time period though, right? What are the stats on false positives?

  7. The one and only false positve in about 7 years from AIM and my lab was actually a clerical error, not a testing error, that the lab actually discovered less than ten minutes later due to our protocols that were literaly a quadruple set of follow up procedures,,,,,Like I said in the first thread,,,the industry testing system is now a Toyota, compared the the Benze you used to use,,,,and this is just more proof of that. How does any lab release that many false PCR tests needs to be looked into,,,too bad the ‘industry’ doesnt have anyone who would have clue what to look for in any procedure and protocol manual for PCR testing, but , ya get what ya pay for,,,most of the time.,,,,WAKE THE FUCK UP APAC, ALL OF YOUR MEMBERS are paying Benze prices,,,and getting a used Toyota,,,,,,,,,If these labs are releasing false positives,,,just think,,,WAIT FOR THE DAY THEY RELEASE A FALSE NEGATIVE THAT A BENZ LAB WOULD HAVE CAUGHT, BUT YOUR TOYOTA LAB IS CERTAINLY GOING TO MISS ONE DAY,,,,,,THIS IS WHAT APAPC SHOULD BE CONCERNED WITH,,,,,

    Mike,,,please put something out about this,,,,,,how many false positves,,,actually this lab should probably be reported to CLIA and the FDA exept your powers that be are clueless about this,,,,this many false positive from my lab, you would see people fired,,,on the spot.

  8. Spawn,,,,not better,,,not good at all,,,,,I worke for the AIM lab for seven years, handlee every single test,,,,NEVER released a falso positive,,this is a perfect example of a failed quality control,,,and quality control goes bothe ways,,,positive and negative,,,,from someone with 30 years of lab experience, this truely frightens me,,not for me but for the PATIENTS , the performers,,,,WAKE THE FUCK UP APAC.

  9. Can you clarify? Are you claiming that nothing but human error causes a false positive? Also, off topic, but when/why did you develop the typing out a lot of commas thing?

  10. True but in general labs hardly ever fuck up — especially with HIV which can kill you (and others in the process) if it is left untreated (and a positive test is supposed to be confirmed before releasing the results anyway). Assuming the same lab handled each of the false positives (there are four labs handling PASS testing) one, fine, everyone fucks up once in a blue moon. Two, maybe. Three, WTF!!!!! If there is a number four, someone’s dick and nuts (or all ten fingers) need to be cut off and shoved down their throats over it as well as the lab kicked out of PASS (actually the latter should happen now). If it goes to five, the lab involved needs to be shut down and its management sent to prison to be ass raped nightly for the rest of their lives after cutting their dick and balls off then shoving them down their throats. Diane Duke as the HWCIC of the FSC would also deserve the same treatment with all ten fingers and nightly ass reaming for not kicking the lab out of PASS after earlier incidents at that point.

  11. No bobo, that is NOT what I said, I did not even insinuate that…This HARM REDUCTION program that the industry uses if for a very specific group of people, who share a very specific set of common circumstances,,,,the people and entities that used to administer this program put together a very comprehensive set of protocols specificly for this very specifice group of people. In the past several years, many things have changed, one huge thing being the group of people now have a whole different component, including but not limited to a whole bunch of crossover performers, MANY more than in the past, and the proliferation of increased prostitution off set.

    And most important, the labs now performing the test are using minimal legal standards, as opposed to the old procedures and protocols that went far, far, far, beyond the minimal standards, because we recognized the very unique group of people we were dealing with.

    For my lab, while servicing AIM, false positves werent rare, they were non existant, because of our unique procedures and protocols,,,,the one thaat was released by our lab was a ‘reporting’ error, not a ‘testing’ error. For the life of me I cannot see how this nuber of false positives does not raise MAJOR re flags for the industry, but then again, thats what you get when you have the FSC, who is absolutely clueless about these types of things running the program. I never insinuated in any wat this is a concpiracy,,,it is simply inadequate procedures and protocols for such a unique program. Mharris says everyone fucks up,,,We never fucked up like this,,,never. We did miss Darren James in his first test back from Brazil,,,but he was well within the ‘eclipse’ perio of detection for the Roche 1.0 test we used at the time.

    Another thing boblovlaw, the straing of virus Drren was diagnosed with had NEVER been diagnosed in the United States prior to him,,,the Roche 1.0 at the time was NOT designed to pick up this particular strain, and the fact that I,personally happened to be at AIM that day, spoke to Darren, knew he had been in Brazil is the a major part of what prevented what would have been a much larger disaster than it was. His test released on April 13(i believe) could easily have been released, Not Detected withoug the personal knowlede that he had been in Brazil,,,this in and of itself is a long story that would take pages to fully explaing.

    The industry is now paying Mercedes prices for Toyota service.

    Hope that clarifies it for you boblaw,,,any more question feel free to ask,,,thanks

  12. In a row meanign that the last three times a positve was annnounced, all three times they said within the next two days it was a false positive,,and that is a record that woul have lead to the instant firing if my PCR tech had done that.

  13. boblwa,,just for clarification, and this will help me answer your questions, do you know what a HARM REDUCtION program is?

  14. The industry may not like me, and the fact that I know that their bullshit claims of the efficiency of the testing program protecting performers is laughable, but even my harshest industry critics do not question the performance of me and my lab when we serviced the industry,, Our record speaks loudly and clearly for itself, and beyond reproach, We even won one of the highest award in our industry for PCR testing, the Roche Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory of the Year,,,,and were named the Roche Center of Excelence for the United States, in 2005, specifically for our performance during the 2004 incidents in the adult industry. Specifically because of our work, the Roche 1.5 HIV/PCR test was approved for use in the United States, and the Red Cross began using that test to screen all blood donations. During the 2004 outbreak I personally delivered samples of the infected blood to a plane on a runway at LAX headed to the World Health Organization headquarted in Europe for additional testing. We also had all the samples from previos months going back 6 months(well beyond the legal requirement again) for every single person on the qlist, and the index patient himself,

    boblaw, believe me when I say,,,dont try to ask your picky little questions, or put words in my mouth,,,,I AM THE SOURCE FOR INFORMATIONT regarding this shit,,,,,I WROTE THE BOOK!!!

    ps,,,,the techincal advances in PCR testing is growing literally every single day, and is amazing,,,which is why for the life of me I just cant understand this,,,last three announced positves were all false,,that record also speaks for itself,,and it says,,,we are a Toyota, but thanks for paying for that Mercedes. Unfathomable in my book,,,I would have quit, or taken AIM to a new lab if this was my track record. and bob,,,,i am notorious for my rants and bad grammar.

  15. Roche Diagnostics held virtually all of the early PCR patents, most of which have expired,,which is why there are so many Toyotas on the market these days.

  16. “This proves that the system in being works”. Or something similar… This is fucking brilliant marketing. On the skin of performers, but still fucking brilliant marketing. Comunist Russia’s propaganda in the 70’s-80’s couldn’t have done better. I’m not welcome anyway, but i’m done with shooting in porn valley. For good. I feel for the few performing friends i have over there and especially for the newcomers, who get their health exploited in the name of politics and “economics”. It’s sad to say, but porn valley industry is, after today, as respectable as the Alps fishing industry. Probably, as relevant as well.

  17. Let me temper my last remarks a Little bit,,,I am not saying the labs are deficiant, i am saying they are not running proper unique protocol that this Harm Reduction program requires, They people running the tests are not handling it as a specific program for a specific group of high risk individuals, they are treated in the legally required routine matter, and for this early detection Harm Reduction program that is woefully inadequate.

  18. The system works as it was designed to work…protecting FSC/Stakeholder $$$$ FISCAL HEALTH $$$$ vs performer/industry participant PHYSICAL HEALTH.

    Unearthing the differences between tests included reading and verifying my comprehension of the ‘fine print’ associated with each test. The fine print outlines adherence to CLIA guidelines in labs as essential to accurate test results in each and every test literature I read.

    Borrowing Jilted’s Toyota vs Mercedes analogy. The way I understand it Jilted’s description of 2004 events is the stuff that gives Mercedes superior crash survival ratings not a leather vs cloth seat comparison. CLIA guidelines are the assembly line that gets the test sample processed in the lab and reported to patient.

    The FSC is presenting these false positives as flat tires …normal and expected …how often does A new car get to the dealer lot without tires?

    These false positives are isolated but if they were a lab skirting CLIA guidelines it wouldn’t be a single test here and there it would be recalls that haven’t happened.

  19. Mike South

    I think you should still be releasing the name. Why you are not? Yes, it is apparently a false positive, but people who get false positives may test positive in the future. The name MUST BE RELEASED.

  20. It may be a sad reality, but until someone loses a lot of money being sued for shooting a scene where someone contracts hiv this “system” will never be all that it should be. The laws proposed regarding condoms do allow performers more avenues to sue producers and I’m interested to see if those laws are ever negotiated by our industry to form something that really should be in place to make things as safe as possible for everyone involved. In order to do that the producers need a real trade organization that can lobby on their behalf and get out in front of things to negotiate what laws will hit the books rather than try to fight them altogether.

    A couple of people have mentioned Toyota and Mercedes….. they have N.A.D.A ( new car dealers association) to lobby and work with state and federal lawmakers. We have the FSC which has been clinging to freedom of speech and freedom of artistic expression for way too long. A real trade organization gets its power from the very top. FSC doesn’t really have that support so you can only blame them so much. But if we had a real trade group a lot of these issues would be dealt with.

  21. Why? even if a performer knew the person they were about to shoot a scene with had HIV.. They wouldn’t even give a shit.. They would shoot the scene anyway…. These people are mentally ill and or low life’s…they don’t care about anything or anyone not even themselves…I mean how many times have certain people said on here that the performers really do care but are too afraid to speak out for fear of losing work just over condoms alone.

    So they continue to shoot scenes without condoms and risk contacting HIV with every scene they shoot because THEY REALLY CARE! LMFAO! No! That’s a LIE. the REAL reason the performers say absolutely nothing and continue working/shooting scenes in this industry condomless anyway IS BECAUSE THEY DON’T CARE. TRUTH!

    I mean come on ..on the “gay” side don’t performers WILLINGLY Shoot scenes with people they KNOW to be HIV positive? YUP!!!, and even though SOME of these people shoot WITH condoms….who in their right mind would do that? Who in their right mind would willingly shoot with an HIV positive performer condoms or not. I wouldn’t! I wouldn’t want to take the chance.. No matter how small that chance may be Of contracting HIV? Hell no! So who would shoot with these people? Answer? NO ONE IN THIER RIGHT MIND WOULD. THAT’S WHO!

    It is a PREVENTABLE disease after all! We all know how not to get it… I certainly don’t want it… No one in their right mind does…

    And don’t tell me this is a homophobic or discriminating thing to say…Lol! Stick that politically correct shit up your ass! It’s called having SMARTS. It’s callled NOT BEING AN IDIOT! IT’S CALLED TAKING PRECAUTIONS! But these people are crazy and or low life’s so they don’t understand this common sense FACT!

    The point is these performers DON’T CARE PERIOD . NOT ABOUT THEMSELVES OR ANYONE ELSE. And, I am willing to bet there are already a number of performers working on the “straight” side who are HIV positive and they KNOW IT. But, again, they just DON’T care. In their delusional minds they see HIV as being a MANAGEABLE disease.. And some others with it are just low life’s who don’t care who they pass it on too.. PERIOD.

    For example…do you really think Sheena Shaw is the ONLY performer currently working in this industry stags is fucking? ( and If you believe that there is a bridge I would like to sell you over in London. Lol)

    These performers KNOW he has HIV but DON’T CARE. I don’t know if he still shoots scenes with the performers are not but if he does or when he did the performers KNOW/KNEW he has/had HIV.. No one is/was tricking them into doing it…They are/were willingly participating? Why? Because they DON’T CARE!

    Ps… these performers are a sad/pitiful group of individuals. 🙁

  22. common sense

    you make some valid arguments. I am just recently coming to grips with the fact that performers truly don’t give a shit and think it will never happen to them. They are perfectly fine getting chlamydia 8 times in their career, herpes, and all that fun stuff. I understand all that is unavoidable, but the HIV stuff I am starting to see the light that nobody cares. I think the fact nobody called out Stags for willingly putting all his performers under his banner at risk, seals the deal. I know the industry rags on and on about how they hate the girls escorting because it often leads to bareback sex, but they seem to turn a huge blind eye to all the off camera party and bar sex that happens very often without protection. It is what it is.

    Not one male performer publicly voiced his outrage for doing bareback scenes with Sheena while she as having bareback relations with an HIV positive man.

    Do mandatory condoms help when filming scenes? not really because what the performers do in their personal time could be anything. From the male performer that seduces a girl at a party or a bar with the “I am a tested performer you don’t have to worry”, to the porn chick living the gimmick by blowing a random guy in a club bathroom, to the girl who fucks a bi guy thinking it is hot while knowing he does gay porn with HIV positive men, it is all there to see. All the mandatory condoms do is allow the industry to beat its chest and say “no on set transmissions”.

    I guess, really, should any of the fans care anymore? The performers are sending the message, NO.

  23. Why do fans care? I can understand a discussion between people in the industry or that have been involved in the industry on the testing side ( jilted) But really why do fans care? These woman aren’t likely to give you the time of day…. unless you’re paying them. What was the phrase, captain save a hoe? So why not just watch and enjoy? According to common we are all scumbags…. so why come here slumming? We are talking about adults that should be able to make sound decisions about their health.

    So as a fan/ caring human being wouldn’t you be better served worrying about your own health and things that impact you on a daily basis?

    We all eat out at fast food… we all go to sit down restaurants. We are all aware of the shit they put in our food. From farm or ranch by the time it hits the drive thru or table we are seated at…. we are consuming some fairly disgusting additives…. if we really really cared we wouldn’t be putting much of those things in our bodies.

    So why do you care about what porners do? I can’t predict the future but i feel fairly safe in say none of the std’s we deal with in porn will ever jump out from your computer and infect you.

    And if you really do care isn’t it more appropriate to wish someone well rather than critisize a woman for being a dumb slut or a male performer for being a woman hater? I can assure you thats not the case with everyone in the biz.

    Solutions are more than welcome discussion, but the off subject criticism is getting old.

  24. @insider

    “Solutions are more than welcome discussion, but the off subject criticism is getting old.”

    As an outsider the highly critical industry policy opinions I regularly foist on folks here have been welcomed with a level of tolerance and respect that makes these personal attacks against industry participants sickening!

    @Commonsense vitriolic rants attacking performers show less respect for fellow humans than any of the things Common offers as proof performers don’t care.

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