I see Kayden is back in the headlines of the lesser blogs again and it’s the same old song and dance. About the only thing they have right is the fact that a continuance was issued (not granted because Kayden didn’t ask for it)
What astounds me is how little fact there is in any of what is being said… like that I said charges have been dropped, I have never said charges were dropped. I said they will be dropped and I still expect that to be the case. I challenge any of you to show me any place where I made the statement that charges had been dropped.
They are right about one thing…It does resemble a soap opera, but….Let us step back a moment, the only reason this is a “Soap Opera” is because people like Darrah and Gene Ross and Scott Fayner keep reporting made up facts and accounts that are based on what other people are reading into it. Kayden nor myself has made any official statement except an interview with AVN where she said she couldn’t comment on the case, and that is still the case.
When the truth comes out about the so called disabled vet who lost his home and the rest of the bullshit most people will see it for what it is. Some people may well suffer consequences.
But it would be an extraordinarily poor strategy to splash everything in the porn press, This is far more important than satisfying the ego of a degenerate like Gene Ross or a moron and wannabe like Darrah, this isn’t the Jerry Springer Show or something that can be adjudicated on The Peoples Court.
There’s a reason I am behind Kayden 100%, it is because it is the right thing to do and if you knew what I know, and eventually you will, you would understand this.
Over the time I have worked with Kayden she has proven herself to be trustworthy, smart, funny, articulate and most of all a happy and honest person. She has become my friend, someone very near and dear to me. Sure she is my friend and that alone will get her my support, but in this particular instance it is much more than that, I believe her and I believe in her, she has had plenty of opportunities to lie to me and she never has and I know she isn’t about this.
I love ya Kayden, you earned that.
A few of the facts other people have stated that are 100% wrong
That Kayden is facing federal charges, She isn’t, never has been
That Kayden was investigated by the Feds, she wasn’t never has been
That Kayden is making a plea deal, she isn’t, it hasn’t even been discussed.
2521150cookie-checkKayden and the Court of Public Opinionno
Kayden and the Court of Public Opinion
I see Kayden is back in the headlines of the lesser blogs again and it’s the same old song and dance. About the only thing they have right is the fact that a continuance was issued (not granted because Kayden didn’t ask for it)
What astounds me is how little fact there is in any of what is being said… like that I said charges have been dropped, I have never said charges were dropped. I said they will be dropped and I still expect that to be the case. I challenge any of you to show me any place where I made the statement that charges had been dropped.
They are right about one thing…It does resemble a soap opera, but….Let us step back a moment, the only reason this is a “Soap Opera” is because people like Darrah and Gene Ross and Scott Fayner keep reporting made up facts and accounts that are based on what other people are reading into it. Kayden nor myself has made any official statement except an interview with AVN where she said she couldn’t comment on the case, and that is still the case.
When the truth comes out about the so called disabled vet who lost his home and the rest of the bullshit most people will see it for what it is. Some people may well suffer consequences.
But it would be an extraordinarily poor strategy to splash everything in the porn press, This is far more important than satisfying the ego of a degenerate like Gene Ross or a moron and wannabe like Darrah, this isn’t the Jerry Springer Show or something that can be adjudicated on The Peoples Court.
There’s a reason I am behind Kayden 100%, it is because it is the right thing to do and if you knew what I know, and eventually you will, you would understand this.
Over the time I have worked with Kayden she has proven herself to be trustworthy, smart, funny, articulate and most of all a happy and honest person. She has become my friend, someone very near and dear to me. Sure she is my friend and that alone will get her my support, but in this particular instance it is much more than that, I believe her and I believe in her, she has had plenty of opportunities to lie to me and she never has and I know she isn’t about this.
I love ya Kayden, you earned that.
A few of the facts other people have stated that are 100% wrong
That Kayden is facing federal charges, She isn’t, never has been
That Kayden was investigated by the Feds, she wasn’t never has been
That Kayden is making a plea deal, she isn’t, it hasn’t even been discussed.
Kayden and the Court of Public Opinion
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