Jules Jordan Video And Why Porn Is In The Toilet

Ya wanna know why porners bottom lines are in the toilet?  Look no further than Jules Jordan Video.

Yup Jules has good product and the fact is I like him but he distributes videos for Brazzers.

Now why is that a bad thing?  Its because Brazzers owns a lot of tubesites, some of which are among the most popular websites in the world and all of which contain copyrighted content.

Lets look at some of the companies who have full scenes and/or videos available for free on one or more of Brazzers tubesites.

Adam and Eve, Digital Playground, Vivid, Wicked, Zero Tolerance, Red Light District, Hustler, Anabolic, Combat Zone, Evil Angel, Elegant Angel, New Sensations, Evasive Angles, Devils Films, JM Productions, XPlor Media, John Thompson, Magma, SOD, M Video Group, Dorcel and just about anyone else you can name, including Jules Jordan….

Starting to get the picture?

By distributing for these people Jules is putting money directly into their pockets, money that they use to further kill the industry.

It’s this same short sightedness that put this biz in the ruin it’s currently in….Anything for a buck, whoring product and a lack of any kind of ethical behavior.

If you saw the name of your company listed here maybe you’d like to have a word with Jules and or the folks at Brazzers….I’m sure they’d be delighted to hear from you.

It’s time to make a stand people.

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Jules Jordan Video And Why Porn Is In The Toilet

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4 Responses

  1. I think its more than just brazzers doing this shit dude as you say
    i am quite aware which ones are the most popular
    At the end of the day people that wont pay for porn in the 1st place will not really change there minds to soon
    unless they cant get free content
    at the moment its just the way it is unfortunately to a degree
    things will change in time with new laws enforced etc

    few years back before all the tube shit came along people were just ripping off limewire etc
    getting dodgy recoded dvd rips
    now yeah its tube sites.. whats the diff man??
    outing only certain people to blame is a waste of time

    the world as a whole financially has not been in a good state in more recent times
    so this is all expected

    also jules jordan video is not the reason porn is in the toilet
    i think it is one of the reasons decent porn still exists if you really notice

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