It’s Time For Porn To Be Preemptive


OK people, performers, producers, agents and fans.  We all want what is best for the industry and most of us want what is best for the people in it.  With the current situation being what it already is and likely to get worse before it gets better, I would like to suggest that it is time we voluntarily go all condom until we can get things under control at the very least.

An indefinite all condom policy would go a long way to illustrating that we really are responsible.  Use the time to implement some real condom neutral policies and some meaningful methodologies to keep STDs within our industry under control.

It would also give us time to work with legislators and health care professionals and just maybe head off pending legislation requiring condoms period.  I realize that thanks to complete idiots like Diane Duke it is probably way too little way too late but it really is our only hope at this point.

Not to mention….It is the RIGHT thing to do.

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It’s Time For Porn To Be Preemptive

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6 Responses

  1. This was suggested months ago. I don’t want to sound like Captain Hindsight, but if we would have listened then we wouldn’t have these problems maybe minus the hep-C because we don’t know how long Gonz had it. We’ve known the FSC are idiots and waited until a path of destruction was made until we decide to protect against it? If no one is going to listen to an organization trying to do this then I doubt asking nicely is going to make much of a dent. The fact that this conversation is happening shows that mandatory condoms were inescapable. People really need to work together for the sake of health and the business. How do we do that and who do we use? Who isn’t going to be like FSC?

  2. How many more of our children need to contract HIV, folks? The people responsible for allowing condomless porn to continue need to be put in jail!!!

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