Comments on: It Is Sad That This Biz Has Sunken To The Level It Has The institute for the advance study of insensitivity and pornography Fri, 14 Jul 2023 11:04:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: MikeSouth Sun, 09 Nov 2014 03:38:26 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

You nailed that one brother. I am afraid my optimism regarding this biz is somewhat unrealistic….sadly. Kinda like what you wrote about voting Libertarian….why is it so hard to expect to find a politician that will keep his/her hands out of my pockets and his/her nose out of my business…

By: mharris127 Sat, 08 Nov 2014 04:04:55 +0000 In reply to MikeSouth.

That is very true, Mike. I wasn’t thinking of that when I posted but I can think of a couple of ways others including TRPWL, AVN and XBiz “cheat” the Alexa system. I am still surprised that AVN and XBiz score as “well” as they do, I won’t tell how either but I quite reasonably estimate that the competition gets between four and nine clicks for ever click on this site on average with TRPWL being on the low end (more because of the lack of quality articles pertinent to the adult film industry then anything else, there is a lot of fluff on that site) and both AVN and XBiz on the high end, I am on TRPWL looking for a laugh daily and just checked out AVN and XBiz to verify that the format is what I remembered.

By: MikeSouth Sat, 08 Nov 2014 01:13:13 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

As I have outlined many time Alexa is easy to cheat….both AVN and XBiz do it…I wont tell you how because that makes things even worse. making yourself look better on alexa is relatively easy, making yourself look worse than you are is next to impossible. Alexa is a reasonable tool to combine with other tools to get an idea of a sites traffic but if you are buying a site based on that sites alexa numbers that would make you an idiot. (dont laugh it has happened) The better consideration of a sites value comes from its google analytics, info like the quality of back links, the age demographics as well as race and gender and other things that factor into targeted marketing. No mater what my alexa is if you are trying to sell bibles on my site an ad here probably isnt worth the money. On the other hand if your targeted customer is male or female age 25-50 educated and not devoutly religious my demographics are very good and if your targeted customer is a pornographer or an educated fan an ad on my site is worth more than I charge for an ad.

By: mharris127 Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:24:22 +0000 In reply to common sense.

I was using global scores but just checked and Mike South’s score for the US today is 37,262 which is much higher than Donkey’s and Dr. Flip Flop’s but lower than the scores you list for XBiz, AVN and GFY (surprising as this site has much more news than AVN ever did — I would have expected this site to have more traffic, GFY is a webmaster forum so I don’t really know how they have such a high amount of traffic). I am not surprised about Whiteacre’s Shelley Lube-and-Hate Blogspot scoring 6.4 million (remember, lower numbers mean more traffic). What I want to see is the score for the Dr. Flip Flop’s marital advice and how to make your wife love and obey site that he is probably working on now that I have given him a new nickname. 🙂

By: mharris127 Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:09:17 +0000 In reply to LurkingReader.

I wouldn’t call Whiteacre a genius but OK (maybe an evil genius but not a genius of the normal variety), maybe he needs help in that area as well.

BTW I do wear loafers myself but not because I have issues tying my shoes. I just happen to like having shoes I can slip on and off my feet at the airport (X-raying shoes is part of the security procedure post-11th September).

Signed, the Sex Doctor of Mike South Blog — Dr. Harris. 🙂 (Hop/Rob should get that reference).

By: common sense Fri, 07 Nov 2014 05:24:24 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

@harris: here’s an interesting fact. The site Donny long supposedly runs, porn wiki leaks, that Tompkins and Whiteacre among others helped take down but is now back up, even gets more traffic in the U.S ( 52,792) then TRPWL (54,688) does. hahaha
So does xbiz ( 26,381) avn (18,652) and gfy (8,650) gfy has an even better global rank ( 3,119) and woman beater michael whiteacre aka ari bass’s the devil and Shelley lubben blogspot ranks a pitiful 6,404,590. Lol

By: LurkingReader Fri, 07 Nov 2014 04:19:23 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

To think people wonder why Loafers remain a choice footwear for academics….keeps genius’s from tripping over laces.

By: mharris127 Fri, 07 Nov 2014 01:07:27 +0000 In reply to Cindi Spiegler.

Cindi, here are some current stats for you. This site’s Alexa rank is 44,079 (it has actually dipped considerably since the end of the last moratorium as nothing highly important to the biz at large has happened lately). Here is a link: . The lesser site TRPWL has an Alexa rank of 95,503, the chart shows spikes during three high-news times this year but never approaches the much higher score of Mike’s site at any time. TRPWL also has dipped considerably in the past two months. Link: . The way Alexa works is a ranking system, not a linear system so Mike’s Alexa represents much more than double the traffic of TRPWL — it is hard to estimate the proportion of traffic using Alexa’s numbers but I can say that Mike’s traffic is much more than double Sean and Flip Flop’s, maybe even triple or quadruple (or even more) the traffic that TRPWL receives. Also 6.3% of TRPWL’s traffic lists this site as the site visited directly before the TRPWL visit. That likely means with the number of posts regarding Dr. Flip Flop here lately people may be reading articles here and then going over to TRPWL to laugh at the lies being posted over there by Dr. Flip Flop already knowing the real scoop from Mike.

Also, TRPWL’s server is crap, according to Alexa TRPWL loads slower than 99% of websites worldwide. In comparison Mike’s site loads faster than 64% of all sites worldwide (even faster than Google’s US site, the number one trafficked site).

By: mharris127 Fri, 07 Nov 2014 00:28:24 +0000 In reply to mharris127.

Just letting Common Sense know that I am fine. Again, thank you for your concern about me, I really can’t see where I posted anything to lead you to have concerns that one of my medications was causing any issues last night but oh well.

Welcome to the Mike South Institute site, Common Sense. WTF is with these screen names, anyway — first a guy calling himself Dickhead and now Common Sense and Whistler. No problem but I feel funny addressing someone by these names, especially the guy going by Dickhead. There are also people using screen names here that are (obviously) used by different people on thelesser site (you know, the one Dr. Flip Flop writes articles for under the name Deep Throat) such as Cindi Speigler, Sean Tompkins, Ari Bass (Dr. Flip Flop himself on the lesser site), Michael Whiteacre (yes, the one and only Dr. Filp Flop’s nom de porn on the lesser site) and Patufa (Dr. Flip Flop’s dog of all things).

You can add to the lowbrow nature of the biz lately the nasty antics of Dr. Flip Flop and his below the belt attempt to harass Jilted for speaking out about things that in his opinion need changing in the porn industry (some of which I respectfully disagree with but I would never stoop to Dr. Flip Flop’s low level of discourse by disparaging people’s dead relatives — making other people like me that may disagree with Jilted and a couple of others here but still have a modicum of respect and dignity left look bad in the process) and this has been one interesting blog lately. I have trepidation about what I will hear next — a certain law school grad lighting a fire in the studios of Mike South Entertainment, vandalizing Jilted’s house or even worse maybe this certain law school grad beating on porn chickies during his weekly trips to Los Angeles or San Francisco — a certain beer bottle wielding someone who is known to choke out his wife and beat her with a flip flop. Funny, I thought the first thing taught in law school was not to commit any felonies and only a few misdemeanors. Fortunately we commenters on here don’t know how to use Photoshop and don’t subscribe to the below the belt scorched earth antics of Dr. Flip Flop. I can only imagine what would happen if we did.

By: Cindi Spiegler Thu, 06 Nov 2014 18:45:57 +0000 In reply to common sense.

Lily Cade, Dana Vespoli, Annie Cruz and others are either completely ignorant and stupid about Whiteacre or are afraid of the consequences of not being his ‘friend.’ They could also be using him for promotions on TRPWL. The truth is it’s a shit site which hardly gets traffic. South’s site gets 15x the traffic.
