Imitation, The Sincerest Form of Flattery

I got an email today from a regular reader who noticed that my success in bringing in some new writers to my blog has spawned everyone else to pretty much follow suit.

It’s true I suppose but I didn’t really have the idea…hell avnonline did it ages ago…problem was they didn’t have anyone who could write. Mark Kernes ghost wrote for Sharon Mitchell, Lex Steele whined about howe hard it was being a black man and getting all that white pussy and everyone else pretty much pimped themselves or their latest project in as boring a manner possible. Needless to say it flopped.

Now we have publicists though who write what are really press releases and advertisements in the name of their contract girls, I have yet to read Bree Olsen’s column in Genesis Magazine but I will bet my last dollar she doesn’t write a word of it, Ditto columns written under Jesse Janes name, let’s be honest here if these pornchicks could write they wouldn’t be porn chicks.

Of course there are exceptions, Kayden Kross for one, and I am lucky to have her, but even that has gotten almost out of control, everyone and his brother now wants her to write for them, and well they should, she is good.

Will some good columns come from all of this, elsewhere I mean….Yes probably

Will they be better than Steve’s or Kayden’s?  Not a chance!

Will Tim Case ever write again?….who knows he hasnt even updated his own blog in 2 months

UPDATE: Tim says he has been writing for hours every day….addressing invitations to his wedding…

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Imitation, The Sincerest Form of Flattery

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Mike South

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