It seems the overwhelming majority of the people in the Free Speech Coalition are, in fact, against this unholy alliance to ramrod through the .xxx Top Level Domain. One thing you can bet your ass on, this is ALL about the money. Jason (The Snake) Hendales, The HWMIC at ICM Registry is fond of telling us how the government CAN’T regulate the domain. But you can bet your sweet ass The Snake won’t be there when we HAVE to defend ourselves from the Government.
Face it This is all about making money and ICM Registry stands to make a pretty penny if this passes. Jason and everyone else from ICM Registry could give a fuck what happens once he starts selling the domains, all he wants is the money.
The Snake Strikes:
Word I am getting is that Jason “The Snake” knows that given the current membership, the unholy alliance he is trying to forge to lead us all into slaughter is probably going to fail. Is that going to stop The Snake? NO. He packed the FSC meeting with “new members” and they are joining the FSC at a pretty high rate….hey at 50 bucks a pop the 5 Grand it would cost ICM Registry to stack the deck with 100 members voting for him is peanuts, way cheaper than trying to buy off the votes currently there. Lets face it even 50 Grand is nothing compared to what he will make if this .XXX Trojan Horse becomes a reality.
The FSC is wise to this effort, I applaud them so far, lets see if they can stand thier ground…Hell I might even join.
If for no other reason than to tell The Snake and ICM Registry to drag your sorry asses back to Canada then FUCK OFF AND DIE!
Do I feel strongly about this…OH HELL Yes!
Jenna v. Ginger:
Last week Jenna got a big billboard on Times Square and made a big announcement about it being a “first” and AVN ran a big story about it. Along comes an obscure actor named Taliesian who corrctly pointed out that it was in fact, not a first. That Ginger Lynn and John Holmes had a big sign on Times Square. AVN went on to point out some other interesting facts, like Club Ginger way preceeded Club Jenna as did I dream of Ginger and Gingers E! True Hollywood Story.
The article on didn’t last long, they yanked it real quick, what everyone was askin me is why. Most thought Jenna pitched a fit, and she probably did, but reportedly it was Steve Hirsch that had it pulled. Would you treat the mother of your child like that?
Some Political Analysis:
When I predicted that Ahhhnold would likely be the next Guvnah of California I think I was wrong. The way I see it Arnold is the Republicans best hope BUT Arnold isn’t much of a Republican, and his lets soak the Californians with more taxes idea don’t wash with the more devoted Republicans, So you have a few Republicans splitting the vote. Now the President could quietly ask the other guys to step down so that Ahhnold might win but that would be a dangerous tactic given that Ahhhhnold isn’t exactly toeing the party line, and, if elected would almost certainly prove to be an embarrassment to the Republican Party. So the best bet now looks to be Bustemante. Damn shame a good Libertarian don’t have a chance.
Withdrawing Support For Mary Carey:
After hearing the porn for guns idea I must withdrw my support for Mary Carey. You see I am a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment, and given the choice of giving up my first or my second amendment rights I will fight with my guns to keep both. You really want to get the fucking thugs off the streets….get rid of the war on drugs, make em all legal. Put the profits into the hands of Wall Street and take it out of the hands of criminals. Now ya got room to keep the thugs that use a gun to rob a liquor store in prison until he is too fucking old to be able to pick it up anymore.
Does California have a secessionist party? Theres one I’d support!
Rob Black Gonna Play Dead?
There is a lot of talk that he is going to plea bargain to a 2 year sentence, and probably a fine. In my opinion it’s a smart move on his part, plus it will get him out of our hair for a while, hopefully forever. What this means is that we won’t have a lot of legal questions answered regarding community standards, the Miller Test and distribution of obscenity. Its gonna be left up to the next guy to do it. If Rob doesn’t plea out this case could go all the way to the Supreme Court, for reasons that I have outlined in the past.
935150cookie-checkICM Registry v.FSC?:no
ICM Registry v.FSC?:
It seems the overwhelming majority of the people in the Free Speech Coalition are, in fact, against this unholy alliance to ramrod through the .xxx Top Level Domain. One thing you can bet your ass on, this is ALL about the money. Jason (The Snake) Hendales, The HWMIC at ICM Registry is fond of telling us how the government CAN’T regulate the domain. But you can bet your sweet ass The Snake won’t be there when we HAVE to defend ourselves from the Government.
Face it This is all about making money and ICM Registry stands to make a pretty penny if this passes. Jason and everyone else from ICM Registry could give a fuck what happens once he starts selling the domains, all he wants is the money.
The Snake Strikes:
Word I am getting is that Jason “The Snake” knows that given the current membership, the unholy alliance he is trying to forge to lead us all into slaughter is probably going to fail. Is that going to stop The Snake? NO. He packed the FSC meeting with “new members” and they are joining the FSC at a pretty high rate….hey at 50 bucks a pop the 5 Grand it would cost ICM Registry to stack the deck with 100 members voting for him is peanuts, way cheaper than trying to buy off the votes currently there. Lets face it even 50 Grand is nothing compared to what he will make if this .XXX Trojan Horse becomes a reality.
The FSC is wise to this effort, I applaud them so far, lets see if they can stand thier ground…Hell I might even join.
If for no other reason than to tell The Snake and ICM Registry to drag your sorry asses back to Canada then FUCK OFF AND DIE!
Do I feel strongly about this…OH HELL Yes!
Jenna v. Ginger:
Last week Jenna got a big billboard on Times Square and made a big announcement about it being a “first” and AVN ran a big story about it. Along comes an obscure actor named Taliesian who corrctly pointed out that it was in fact, not a first. That Ginger Lynn and John Holmes had a big sign on Times Square. AVN went on to point out some other interesting facts, like Club Ginger way preceeded Club Jenna as did I dream of Ginger and Gingers E! True Hollywood Story.
The article on didn’t last long, they yanked it real quick, what everyone was askin me is why. Most thought Jenna pitched a fit, and she probably did, but reportedly it was Steve Hirsch that had it pulled. Would you treat the mother of your child like that?
Some Political Analysis:
When I predicted that Ahhhnold would likely be the next Guvnah of California I think I was wrong. The way I see it Arnold is the Republicans best hope BUT Arnold isn’t much of a Republican, and his lets soak the Californians with more taxes idea don’t wash with the more devoted Republicans, So you have a few Republicans splitting the vote. Now the President could quietly ask the other guys to step down so that Ahhnold might win but that would be a dangerous tactic given that Ahhhhnold isn’t exactly toeing the party line, and, if elected would almost certainly prove to be an embarrassment to the Republican Party. So the best bet now looks to be Bustemante. Damn shame a good Libertarian don’t have a chance.
Withdrawing Support For Mary Carey:
After hearing the porn for guns idea I must withdrw my support for Mary Carey. You see I am a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment, and given the choice of giving up my first or my second amendment rights I will fight with my guns to keep both. You really want to get the fucking thugs off the streets….get rid of the war on drugs, make em all legal. Put the profits into the hands of Wall Street and take it out of the hands of criminals. Now ya got room to keep the thugs that use a gun to rob a liquor store in prison until he is too fucking old to be able to pick it up anymore.
Does California have a secessionist party? Theres one I’d support!
Rob Black Gonna Play Dead?
There is a lot of talk that he is going to plea bargain to a 2 year sentence, and probably a fine. In my opinion it’s a smart move on his part, plus it will get him out of our hair for a while, hopefully forever. What this means is that we won’t have a lot of legal questions answered regarding community standards, the Miller Test and distribution of obscenity. Its gonna be left up to the next guy to do it. If Rob doesn’t plea out this case could go all the way to the Supreme Court, for reasons that I have outlined in the past.
ICM Registry v.FSC?:
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