I Have Been Reading A Lot

TheArtOfThePimpI’m an avid reader, as many of you know and this injury has presented me with ample time to catch up.  When I finally got back into my house just over a week ago there was a book shaped box waiting on me.  I didn’t remember ordering anything from Amazon that hadn’t been delivered but I opened it and there it was…Dennis Hof’s book “The Art Of The Pimp”. The timing was perfect.

I have known Dennis for many years and he has always been nothing but nice to me.  I have never been to the Bunny Ranch but I have sent a few girls there who wanted to try it, something I doubt that even Dennis knows.  It got mixed reviews but thats actually what I expected, the girls who hustled and had self confidence did well and liked it.  My thoughts were if you want to try prostitution, do it where its legal.

One of my all time most interesting reads was a book called “Pimp” by Iceberg Slim.  It was autobiographical and it was raw, very raw.  It answered all those questions you ever had about why girls turned to illegal prostitution, why they would give all their money to a pimp and how the pimp exercized complete control over them.

Dennis book is the opposite of “Pimp”, because Dennis business is the opposite of what Iceberg Slims was.  Dennis gives you that look into the legal Nevada Prostitution scene, a bit of it’s history and a lot of Dennis Hof.

He is often referred to as the P T Barnum of prostitution and while there are some similarities I found more similarities to Zig Ziglar, Dennis is a born salesman and he cut his teeth in sales first by owning gas stations and then he got his chops by selling the most difficult sale there is…time shares.  By comparison selling pussy should be easy.

“The Art of The Pimp” is a good read, even if you aren’t interested in owning a brothel. It illustrates the importance of everything from common sense to the importance of good customer relations and good employee relations.

Whether you like Dennis or not and whether you think prostitution is good or bad there is something for you to learn in this easy to read  book.  Give it a shot.


121410cookie-checkI Have Been Reading A Lot

I Have Been Reading A Lot

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3 Responses

  1. Have you read that copy of TAMPA TEASERS & Other Imports (available on Amazon) that I sent ya last year?

  2. Mr Hof also realizes the benefits of being in a controlled and limited industry, where it’s unlikely that legal competition will try to undercut him. Legal prostitution in the US is essentially an Octopoly, with a small handful of players having the legal rights and licenses needed to operate and profit – and to provide an expensive but legal alternative to the Vegas phone girls.

    Unless something serious happens, they will never face a MindLess race to the bottom, in an attempt to make the highest volumes of sales and the lowest income per sale. The legal brothel market is simple, they charge you for the privilege of not getting arrested while you enjoy (clean and tested) pussy.

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