I Had Hoped It Wouldn’t Come To This

The performer in question has been identified correctly as TJ Cummings.  I tried to reach out to him and help him come forward on his own, I would have preferred that he be given the time to work that out but he wasn’t.  From what i know, he has no agent so there is difficulty getting an exposure list together, he is co-operating with PASS to do this but it appears he has worked with a LOT of girls and a lot of those contacts have been trades for content or personal.

He is a cross over performer and certainly that comes into play in the story.

It would be better if we as an industry didn’t focus on attacking him personally and instead addressed the problems that all of this presents.  Im sure it doesn’tm make a tinkers damn to him or anyone he exposed where he got it.

TJ I have people right now who are ready, willing and able to help you through this, from quality healthcare to dealing with it mentally, they wont ask for anything and they wont judge, I also have people who have been through this that will help you, contact me if you want.

I think it is way past time that we accepted that this whole testing thing is a failure and it always will be because it doesnt address prevention, only containment. No matter how you look at it condoms are the best single move the industry can make right now

88680cookie-checkI Had Hoped It Wouldn’t Come To This

I Had Hoped It Wouldn’t Come To This

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136 Responses

  1. Congratulations Mike for outing him if he really is the positive person. I hope it makes you feel good to drag this poor guy threw the ringer. Why couldn’t you just let the healthcare professionals do there job what difference does it make if its TTS or CET but as usual you needed your 15 minutes in the spot light.

  2. My thoughts and prayers go out to him.

    How many more have to face this before people wise up? To all of the talent that have the illusion that there is safety it is time to wake up and smell the latex.

    Even if a performer chooses not to work with crossovers they are anyways because they perform with those who have or with those who performed with those who have. The idea of a crossover is absurd when talent performs with so many different partners. As long as crossovers, well, crossover then everyone should be viewed as a crossover performer. Those who escort also have no idea if the person they were hired by swings both ways either.

    Labeling people as a crossover puts the idea in the minds of performers that they are safer if they don’t perform with crossovers. That is simply untrue. Why else state that someone is a crossover? What would be the point? Those who don’t crossover in their line of work may do so secretly in their private lives too. (For those that state STD’s are only transmitted off-set can’t fight that concept which means they allow dangerous talent to perform. The life or death of talent shouldn’t rely on the someone telling the truth.)

    The idea of a “crossover” is just smoke and mirrors when it comes to the adult industry. Anyone who has ever had sex with someone that had sex with a crossover performer is technically a crossover performer as well.

    The likelihood of an STD transmission does not lessen down the line of partners. It actually increases due to the variables involved.

  3. I am not stating fact here but as far I know he hasn’t performed anything on the gay side for about 10 years and the only thing he has done recently is solo videos for the gay side. He does approach a lot of girls to do content exchange and I have discussed that with him recently. I have no idea how the FSC could accurately be able to track that without extensive work that I doubt they could even begin to remotely handle. Unlike so many, TJ is always the consummate gentleman when he does approach you, and I wish him only the best.

  4. From above… ^^^
    “Why is everyone so surprised? This is the stupid directors fault not talent.”
    “Shooting people before they’ve tested.”

    If anyone still wants to question me about why I hate the testing system, see above.

    There is no denying that MANY performers seem to have NO FUCKING CLUE how the testing system works….
    This dumb fucking statement proves it.

  5. Yeah…I’m thinking she may be one fry short of happy meal…I will put Jennifer in the ignore corner and politely pretend she isn’t here.

  6. He’s escorted for men for many years and pops up on forums that cater to men looking for escorts that are into bodybuilding. I know he’s had sugar daddies in the past and was hoping for some kind of permanent arrangement with one but it never worked out.

  7. There’s nothing wrong about being Gay. Unfortunately and sadly the Gay community is way more affected by HIV, that’s a fact. Most Gay studios do not use testing and that’s crazy. Fact. Looking at the previous incidents in this industry:
    – Derrick Burts ( Did Gay porn and escorting )
    – Cameron Bay ( dated Gay porn performer and gay escort Rod Daily )
    – Rod Daily ( Gay male talent and escort )
    – Sofia DelGado ( close friend of Cameron Bay who dated Gay pornstar Rod Daily )
    – Tj Cummings ( Did gay porn )

    One can’t help but noticing a pattern here.
    – The Gay community in general is way more affected by HIV.
    – ALL pornstar that caught HIV the last 8 years had a direct link to Gay sex.

    The real issue here is ALL Gay studios should use testing period. Straight porn agencies must consider the fact that crossover performers are a greater risk of infections and stop booking their talents with such performers.

    Straight Adult agencies and Gay studios are the ones that should change their ways after this. The straight industry although not perfect has come a long way already by adding new Std’s to the panel and moving to a 14 day window.

    Turn for straight Adult Agencies and Gay studios to do their part.

  8. Wait is that person a performer? If so, I have a feeling she is pretty on the outskirts of the industry.

  9. Well now that his name is known let the character assasination begin, as is par for the course in the porn industry.
    Lets ‘assume’ everything dodo says here is true, and it most likely is. And producers still hire this guy to work unprotected on straight porn sets. This guy is no different that alot of male performers, everyone knows what they do, and yet they still get hired to have unprotected sex. Just how fucking stupid do you have to be to knowingly hire these guys to have unprotected sex, and how fucking stupid, or desperate do you have to be to work with these guys?

    Dodo, do you have any opinion about the producers who hire these guys to have unprotected sex?

  10. Actually he works a lot
    Team skeets, babes, and I know he worked for a big wicked movie that’s outb

  11. Bottom line is everone knows what these careless people do and they still get hired to have unprotected sex. Stupidity in the porn industry is as common as herpes, and it infects producers, directors, talent, and the FSC.

    “There” stupidity is obviously contagious.

  12. “Not engaging in high risk behavior” Jay,what about the high risk behavior that happens in virtually EVERY SINGLE SCENE being shot these days?

    Why is it so bad to engage in high risk behavior in your personal life, but its a-okay to do it in your professional life? LOL This industry is a fucking joke, thank you for confirming that.

  13. Not to sidetrack the thread from people creating under current with conjecture and adding insult to injury .. but it’s really sad that people have been reduced to machines with very strong opinions about real life serious situations for the people involved. One other point I would like to make is that trade content is not really covered by the new fangled porn laws that people think can be put in place, you will still have to be responsible for your own safety.. regardless the legal bullshit. Furthermore, in a trade situation whoever initiates the trade and produces the content would be considered the “Director” and one or more parties are then considered “Performers” regardless if the person who is directing is performing. It’s up to everyone to have a safe set, regardless if that’s a back alley or a McMansion someone rented to make the worlds best porn.

  14. Even CURRENT test results don’t necessarily mean anything unless performers are tested and then locked in a room by themselves until they shoot the scene. Seriously. Or, you better trust your scene partner(s) with your life.

    Someone can test on Monday and then turn a trick on Wednesday and become infected… No one, including the performer, would know they were infected until their next test which could be days or weeks in the future… the gamble is then who had sex with them between the onset of infection and the next testing date, if they even stay in the industry?

    Someone FROM the industry could have infected TJ and if they got tested anywhere other than CA no one would even know…
    Is that considered an off-set transmission? Of course it’s not, but that’s how you get a no on-set transmission statement.

    Does ANYONE know where the Bay/Daily/Sophia HIV came from? Nope. All we know is 3 performers were infected with HIV, but no one knows where it came from? A set where the performer quit when they found out Bay was positive? Escorting? Gay/Crossover connection? Drugs?

    The producers and directors have nothing to do with it… other than potentially getting their asses sued into bankruptcy if even 1 performer gets infected on their set and can even remotely prove it.

    Of course the industry gets blamed 100% of the time. The “adult industry” is the one who condones this bullshit.. you would never see another industry base the health of the entire industry on the fucking “honor system.”

  15. Jilted i don’t where to start. It’s no secret that talon, ryan driller, Johnny castle, Julian, and scott styles have/are escorted for men. At this point though I don’t know what to think. Kink uses gay talent that have rentboy ads for unprotected sex in a lot of their cuckold videos. All of the la talent agencies were providing girls for jake cruises straight guys for gay eyes website where the girls has sex with guys that did gay bareback. Gabriel dallesandro worked in mainstream porn while shooting for numerous gay bareback sites that didn’t test. Next door male uses la talent agencies to book girls for shoots with their gay male talent including charity bangs who fucked two of the guys in question same with rob blacks girlfriend katie summers. A few of their former contract guys said that the owner would have sex with guys off camera and bareback.

    No one batted an eyelash nor did any bat an eyelash when brenn wyson claimed to have contracted hep c on a porn set. What can you say at this point. Bareback escorts gay and straight charge more on the gay side of things many mainstream gay companies are going bareback just to survive. People feign outrage and shock but nothing ever comes of it and the same players that may have facilitated some of the trouble and the performers that people question go back to work in a few weeks like nothing has happened.

  16. I honestly thought Kira keners suit and settlement would have opened up the doors for more suits but it didn’t.

  17. I’ve been posting on Mikes blog for a few months now but for some reason I never get answers to my questions. So I’ll try it one more time, after all my girl and I have been in the business for years and I want to keep it that way. I’m a bit confused about the time line. It’s been said CET did the confirmatory test. The time line indicates CET did it on Thurs, so when was the initial test done, and what testing facility did the initial test? I’d like to know that, because why didn’t the testing facility who did the initial test come forward and tell anyone about the HIV+. By not coming forward, they put me and the whole talent pool at risk. What was the reason for the cover up???

  18. Brooke – are you thinking of the same person? According to IAFD.com he started working in 2008 at the age of 18…you seem to think he has been in for at least ten years…?

  19. I will assume you arent trolling…If I knew where his first test was i would say so, I dont. they may both have been at CET though that isnt the usual protocol but it may well have been from a CET affiliated lab

  20. No Mike I’m not trolling. But you do seem to have better sources then the other blogger. So do you think you can find out when and where the initial test was performed, I can’t stomach the thought that the whole talent pool was put at risk.

  21. I’m not sure how to say this without sounding like an asshole, but you and everyone else were ALREADY at risk. He didn’t get infected with HIV the same day and time he was tested…

    He could have been infected for a few weeks by the time he went in for testing. I guess they figured what’s a few more days until we get a confirmation before shutting the entire industry down…

    It sucks.. but, that’s the system. If you became infected sometime in between the original test and the confirmatory test, then you knew the rules. No one is here to protect you. It’s your responsibility to protect yourself.

    As they say “If you’re worried about getting infected with STDs, STI’s or even HIV then porn isn’t for you.”
    I’m not quite sure what other industry could get away with that moto, but porn can and they take full advantage of it…. Good Luck out there.

  22. fair enough what I have heard that is unconfirmed is that both tests were done the same day, I have also heard two days. Both the initial positive and the second positive were reported to the FSC and that the FSC chose to wait on the second test to release anything. i dont fault them for that unless it was a long period of time relatively speaking.

    You have to remember the labs…all of them are restricted from releasing any medical info to anyone but the patient and the county so how they report to The FSC is not known unless the patients sign a waiver that specifically allows the results to be reported to The FSC.

    In this instance there are things that I dont know well enough to state as fact like when the first test was and where I have heard too many different stories so I qualified it in the post by saying in the last few days which cover everything reliable it could have been in the last 24 hrs…prior to the post I dont know

  23. Which actually also proves that he’s not some irresponsible new performer bringing shit into the industry.

    If he’s been in the industry for 15 years then it’s pretty hard to just write him off, as usual, as some irresponsible bi/gay asshole when he’s doing (and has been doing for years) the same exact shit as everyone else. I really feel bad for this guy. 🙁

  24. Your point is still correct, but plenty of other industries “get away” with allowing consent to expose the workforce to things that could easily be labeled “bad” or unhealthy.

    “If you’re worried about getting long term brain damage, or increased risk of ALS then many pro sports aren’t for you.”

    “If you’re worried about seeing people die in front of you and taking on that burden and having high suicide rates then the medical field isn’t for you.”

    “If you’re worried about having a statistically high chance of death then fishing isn’t for you.”

    Essentially if someone starting in porn does not look at the field they are entering. Doesn’t weigh the risks and then make a decision. I see only a few possibilities, either you think the performers starting are dumb and have done no weighing of risks or they aren’t allowed to take risks. If it is the first and you believe them to be that ignorant: Why advocate for them? Do people deciding to go into porn not see the landscape and risks? Is that the argument?

    As they say “If you’re worried about getting infected with STDs, STI’s or even HIV then porn isn’t for you.”

    You mean this to be a biting criticism, but it is actually just truth. And should be. If these are your main concerns, I would argue further that unprotected sex of any sort is not for you.

  25. Ok when this last incident occurred with Alex Gonz, I liked breaking down who the performer has worked with recently. Some say TJ cummings wasn’t working that much? Ha. I beg to differ. Some of his scenes in 2013 include performances with:

    Bailey Blue – A nominee for 2014 AVN performer of the year
    Jessica Lynn
    Rilynn Rae (W/Condom for Wicked)
    Dillon Harper
    Ashlynn Leigh
    Tristyn Kennedy
    Christy Mack – A 2014 AVN Best New Starlet Nominee

    And I’ll conclude with the fact he has in a DP (With Condom) scene involving both Asa Akira and Jessica Drake for DP’s Wicked, which has been nominated for 21 2014 AVN Awards!

    So whoever wanted to try and feed the common idiot the idea that TJ Cummings WAS NOT some big name in the industry, you are sorely sorely mistaken.

    TJ Cummings put every single one of these girls at risk condom, or god forbid without condom every time he performed in a scene. He dodged tests from what I am hearing for awhile now. What I don’t understand is how Director of the Year candidates like Brad Armstrong, can continue to put cross-overs in their films and feel good about it.

    So here I go. Bash me. Call me a homophobe. Call me a racist. Heck whatever. I am going to say it. DIRECTORS PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN AND DO NOT HIRE CROSS-OVER ACTORS FOR YOUR STRAIGHT MOVIES.

    There in bold letters. Do not hire them. Do not have them on your sets. From Jim Powers (my personal favorite director) up to Jules Jordan, Axel Braun, all of them are responsible for hiring cross-over actors.

    You take the cross-over actors out of straight porn, and watch the STD rate go down. And personally, I think some of the cross-over guys seem like really nice guys outside of the biz. Heck some of them can put together a good scene. Scenes I have watched.

    No more. After the last couple of HIV scares, there is one thing in common with all these people. Weed them out of the industry, and get straight performers who will only perform on camera and not with Rich Daddies who will buy them a Ferrari to stick it in their butt bareback.

    -End of Rant-

  26. Ruby – is there anyone who’s saying that he actually worked without a test?
    Isn’t it possible he went for a normal test (just like the ones that you had get all those 11 years), and it came up positive, so he was prevented from doing further scenes?
    I’m not debating anything about risky behavior, but I’m trying to understand your comments.

  27. I have still never seen evidence that performers have a higher HIV rate than the general US population. I did some quick number crunching. Admittedly, I couldn’t ever present this as fact, but I can’t find anything official comparing. So even if you assume that in the last 15 years only 3000 people have been in the performer pool (this was a complete estimate, but I think close). If that is close the percentage of HIV infected in the general population, is equal or slightly higher than the percentage in the porn population. The last year has been especially bad for HIV in porn. If my porn sample size was from just that time period I assume the numbers would be worse. I went with a more stretched sample while still including the positives from the last year or so.

  28. This assumes his behavior has been consistent for 15 years. It is possible, not probable, but possible for someone to become irresponsible after being responsible.

    “same exact shit as everyone else”. Do you mean porn? If you mean something outside of that could you clarify? Do you mean “everyone” literally or in place of “most people”

  29. “TJ Cummings put every single one of these girls at risk condom, or god forbid without condom every time he performed in a scene.”

    Are you fucking serious??? I guess his co-stars weren’t putting him at risk either?
    There are a few girls on your list who are currently listed on escort websites and who knows what else they fucking do?

    But, you just keep blaming crossovers when everyone knows that EVERYONE is considered a “crossover” at this point. But, I get it. You need SOMEONE to blame.

    I’m sure none of the girls have “daddies” either, right? And, they sure as hell don’t fly around the world fucking people in every different country on the map, right?
    Fuck, even your beloved straight males do it.

    The guys fuck the girls, the girls fuck the guys, the girls fuck the girls and then the guys fuck the guys and then it just repeats.. and in the middle of all of this throw in every non-performer who these people fuck without a condom and a 20 day old test.
    We’re talking about people who get paid to have sex. Do you honestly expect them to be the world’s most ethical, honest and upstanding citizens on the planet? They fuck for money, hello??

  30. All this is great you bringing all that up but can you please tell me why PORNO DAN is filming tomorrow and going against the moratorium its all over his twitter account. That guy is truly a sick man. Perhaps the agents should put there foot down and put there talent before the small amount of money they’ll be making.

  31. Maybe Porno Dan hasn’t heard of the moratorium yet. Also, Dan has went all condom for his scenes so maybe he figures the risk is small. Why don’t you e-mail him, his e-mail is likely available on his site and nicely let him know what is going on and that you are concerned because he has a scene planned (now) today. I know if it were my company the scene would be cancelled for sure along with next week’s scenes.

    Also, everyone that thinks condoms are the answer, what happens when the condom breaks and the girl has a multitude of open abrasions from condom to skin friction to suck up any HIV or other VD in the guy’s cum? I think testing and no condoms is much safer than no testing and condoms. I don’t even think having both testing and condoms is as safe as the current regimen. Please don’t take this to mean that civilians shouldn’t use condoms, porn sex is one hell of a lot different than civilian sex due to the length of sex scenes. The average civilian only fucks for five minutes per orifice, not much contact for abrasions as long as lube is used so condoms are safe and probably a help in that population. The average porn scene is close to an hour per orifice, plenty of time to abrade a pussy even with lube.

    I also agree that porn performers should not be fucking non-tested johns while in the biz, I don’t give a flying fuck if it is the Shah of Iran, the UAE or Qatar offering you $50K plus expenses and first class airfare to let him fuck you up the ass with his sheiky dick!

  32. @Brooke
    Yer not a tin man after all….impressed with your compassion and empathy can we spread those like disease to support this guy?

  33. @damien

    That’s what the law says…the stakeholder is responsible…in trade work it would be the content owner, who is defined as the producer. Bottom line promoting and selling what you do/make isn’t nearly as important as becoming a stakeholder in protecting yourself. Counting on some big bucks stakeholder won’t get you rich but it could get you an early grave.

  34. Gay porn should test. However, since there are statistically a lot more gay HIV infected persons than straight ones they are able to serotype people so all people involved in a scene are either negative or positive but both have a chance at a career in the gay film biz. I like that system and eventually think we will have to go to it in straight porn as well. However this still requires testing in the first place. It also requires resolve not to allow any negative performer to waive the requirement if he/she gets hard up for money or simply goes stupid for the day and is stupidly willing to work with a positive serotype performer, condom or not.

  35. @jilted
    Tell me it ain’t so..if yer a pretty air head who can move this way and that way on command yer prolly gonna get bragging rights for bookings and more cash than the ugly jealous bitches who just want to pee on your parade when they tell you stuff you don’t want to hear?

  36. Hear hear…MSM = men having sex with men in medical community. They have years of studies and anecdotal evidence that the receptive partner be it MSM, or MF (male female) is at higher risk…then they look at oral, vaginal and anal…guess what folks …HIV may not like to travel via Oral but lots of other stuff can’t wait to grab on and fester in a warm body any way it can.

    Love jilteds analogy about the talent sharing a bath with dirty water..testing alone or condoms alone, just lets some water out to make room for fresh warm water.

    Makes me wish I could do a survey…how many performers would hang out in the hotel kiddie pool on a hot day with infants and toddlers wearing diapers? Or not if parents didn’t stop to get special “swimmers that don’t soak up half the pool” (not talking about what the pool chemicals do to hair and swimwear)

    Personally whatever hotels needed that much chlorine/shock to treat couldn’t be good for my kids no matter how convenient it may have been to let them roam in the hot shallow bacteria parasite breeding ground that made licking my toilet for a refreshing drink on a hot day seem attractive.

  37. @jw

    Have you and girlfriend tested yet? Not trying to be a bitch…that’s your answer. You know every time you have unprotected sex it’s a risk…the current events mean once again that risk is elevated and appropriate response is called for…if you engaged in any unprotected sex, get tested. Might not be a bad idea to check the weather and wear a rain coat, keeping an umbrella handy as this shitstorm rains down on the industry.

    Can you please tell me…why is it that even with FSC calling a moratorium folks still don’t believe it’s raining? Are they waiting for the hail balls to plink them before it’s a real storm? Waiting to see if neighbors Toyota gets dinged before they pop the garage and bring the Maserati in out of the weather?

  38. @Jennifer

    Lmao…do you seriously believe what you’re saying? Let me see if I understand.
    You like the laws that put brazzers owner in jail where your hoping bubba makes him his bitch…but don’t like OSHA laws that help reduce and contain communicable disease?

    If that’s true…good luck milking that trophy for warm fuzzies.

  39. @jw –
    Because, frankly, the moritorium doesn’t *really* mean jack shit.

    There is no way to enforce the moritorium which means people in the industry can do whatever they want.

    A moritorium is only a “suggestion.” Maybe Porno Dan feels like shooting tomorrow and trusts his performers to be honest? I don’t know?

  40. Do I sound like an expert? If so, Thank you. That’s quite a compliment.

    With that out of the way… what have I stated that was incorrect? Or, are you just making a general statement that your industry is THAT fucked up that no one could understand it??

  41. So now all those names you put out there have to prove they weren’t infected..release their personal health information to porn & the world at large so you could say…get the dirty fuckers out of porn? What happens when your name gets outed as a dirty fucker for going to work one day? No listed name nor Outed performer deserved to have their names attached to HIV in perpetuity.

    Directors/producers are hiring body parts. They don’t care what hole that money making dick fucked yesterday, or how many dicks plowed his or her asshole the night before….can they get it up, keep it up and do the money shot? Can she move this way and that way to give consumer what they want.

    …gay use condoms but don’t test, straight tests but most use no condoms…where’s the happy medium that bags the diseased parts and lets the clean ones do their thing? What a concept…EVERYONE tests, ANYONE with disease either bags it or takes time off till new test clears and everyone wins?

  42. It just keeps getting better with this one!

    Hi, you do realize that a performer could show up set with a CLEAN test from 3 days ago and still infect other people. How does anyone NOT see that? Duh.

  43. Someone did let him work… the director let him work after the performer handed him a 5 day old CLEAN test… per industry standards. I guess he got infected during those 5 days… oh well.

    How has someone who says they were in the industry for like 11 fucking years NOT KNOW THIS???

  44. Not only was she a performer, but she was in the industry for 11 fucking years and has a Hall of Fame trophy.

    Yep. I don’t even know what to say?
    It absolutely fucking amazes me how delusional these statements sound.

  45. No, I know the WHO in that phrase, I want to know the WHAT. What is the “shit” you are referencing? Just doing scenes or are you talking about something else like escorting?

  46. In all fairness Lacey wusshater has a point. You do position yourself in this forum in ways that would make others believe you do have some authority in the adult industry while you don’t. You don’t perform, produce or own anything within the adult industry. You give your strong opinions on matters that do not directly affect you. Surely well intentioned but somehow not productive because: you side with self righteousness not real life.

  47. PornoDan enjoys being hated because he will sadly take any kind of attention. Pretty pathetic little man that the industry should boycott. He represents everything that’s wrong about this biz. He gives a horrible image ( see any documentary or just visit his studio where he gets girls drunk so they will do free sexual acts ). After acting like a huge scumbag for years he has the audacity to be self righteous because he uses condoms in his little cam shows…Kinda like Rob Black who did the most disgusting movies in porn, abused women in his films making them puke, piss and all that good stuff and now acts like he’s some sort of pornstar protector. Please!!! stop the hypocrisy.

  48. Lacey you are a good writer and an intelligent person but please stop the self rightness. TJ situations is sad but all your comparisons with girls and escorting are pointless. someone above made a great point that sums it all up: FACTS:
    – Derrick Burts ( Did Gay porn and escorting )
    – Cameron Bay ( dated Gay porn performer and gay escort Rod Daily )
    – Rod Daily ( Gay male talent and escort )
    – Sofia DelGado ( close friend of Cameron Bay who dated Gay pornstar Rod Daily )
    – Tj Cummings ( Did gay porn )

    NOTHING wrong or bad about gay sex. But it is more risky and proven to be. So let’s push the gay side to test like the straight side and/or completely cut off any male talents that has/had done any gay porn.

    – Derrick Burts ( Did Gay porn and escorting )
    – Cameron Bay ( dated Gay porn performer and gay escort Rod Daily )
    – Rod Daily ( Gay male talent and escort )
    – Sofia DelGado ( close friend of Cameron Bay who dated Gay pornstar Rod Daily )
    – Tj Cummings ( Did gay porn )

  49. Poor Ruby… OSHA and the owner of Brazzers lol… I kinda want to humiliate you but I don’t think I could beat you at it. Your posts are masterpiece of ignorance and stupidity. Side note saying you redefined the industry is like Mike South saying he redefined the Internet…. Not one person is responsible here. Everyone involved is an adult and responsible for their own choices

  50. Funny same guy who asks Mike South for more info later blames him earlier for coming up with the name everyone was waiting. @MikeSouth1226 I differ with your views more than often but today you were a class act to both TJ Cummings and the industry. You gave TJ the time to come forward himself and you gave HUNDREDS of people in this industry the information they were ALL waiting and dying for. YOU took the legal risk to bring up his name so that other in this business could sleep tonight, sometimes I really disagree with you but this time you really acted right. Bravo.

  51. Not great analogies, Erik. In sports like football, boxing or hockey, where concussions are a possibility, protective gear is required to prevent or at least help minimize the impact of head blows. Protective gear and medical exams are used in combination.

    The suicide rate amongst medical professionals – whether its higher or not compared to other professions – is a byproduct of the job and not a direct result of performing the job. In other words, medical professionals do not die or contract a fatal disease in the course of performing their jobs.

    Safety gear is required on fishing vessels. Is it a dangerous profession? Absolutely. But in addition to the vessels being inspected and the captain being required to pass licensing exams, protective gear and safety systems are required before you go out on the water.

    Porn has Part A – a testing system that would be analogous to medical exams in sports or a licensing exam and vessel inspection in fishing. Porn requires no safety equipment or protective gear.

    And that’s the difference.

  52. @mharris
    “Also, everyone that thinks condoms are the answer, what happens when the condom breaks and the girl has a multitude of open abrasions from condom to skin friction to suck up any HIV or other VD in the guy’s cum? I think testing and no condoms is much safer than no testing and condoms.”

    Condom friction, eh? Your argument is invalid. As if a giant phallus going into a tiny rectum isn’t going to raise an issue.

    Who is saying “condoms and no testing”? No one is saying because condoms are being used testing can stop.

  53. I personally agree w Porno Dan. The moratorium is just a suggestion and he is well within his right to shoot, and since he shoots condoms only, his risk is very low.

  54. Charity….Im n agreement passively for the same reason…Im not gonna beat him up for it at all. im way more concerned about the people defying the moratorium with NO condoms

  55. How did I manage to shoot so many movies and still miss out on all the blow and cast/crew orgies???

  56. yes, and the more risky shoots like anal and creampie…. I think if we went condom only for all anal shoots a long time ago then we could justify condomless vaginal scenes.

  57. “I think if we went condom only for all anal shoots a long time ago then we could justify condomless vaginal scenes.”

    Where is the science to support that doing so would be safe? Condoms for anal would not stop STD transmission in the vagina. They are different holes.

  58. I will completely agree that I state my opinions strongly. I state them strongly here and everywhere else. I debate. I don’t hold back to make sure I don’t hurt someone’s feelings. This is serious shit, NOT some kind of game. People’s lives are on the line here. I’ve never seen a group of adults who were so defensive. Even though I completely understand due to the nature of your profession, stop writing everyone off who won’t state your usual bullshit slogans.

    I’ve put myself out there and explained EXACTLY how I got here. I don’t need to be IN the industry to understand it. As a matter of fact, I am part of “the industry.” I’m a buyer and viewer of what you create. I pay your bills, so stop bitching about me not being in the industry and just try to listen to what I’m saying. You don’t have to listen to all of it, but it wouldn’t be a bad idea to view the industry through the eyes of someone who isn’t IN the industry.

    I’m not somehow targeting the porn industry. And don’t you dare call me self righteous… I’m not Shelley Lubben.
    I actually don’t side with self righteousness at all.
    I side with real life and if you can’t see that then you’re in denial and there’s nothing I can say to change your mind. I guess have fun trying to figure it out on your own? You’ve done a great job so far, I see.

  59. Webmaster you couldn’t be more right everything you said about PORNO DAN is true. Hes scum of the earth a real attention whore but most of all he doesn’t give a rats ass about any of the talent everything is just fun and games to him. So now him and TTS is running everything forget the moritorium just do what ever you want. That’s his mentality just read his twitter. Everyone came back negative and lets get back to work. TTS must of been the initial testing facility since there the ones calling all the shots. In PORNO DANS own words on his twitter “everyone he worked with has already been retested we are back shooting tomorrow” how does he know this, when there hasn’t been a public list? If someone offered you a $1000 to sleep with a person you know is HIV+ but he wore a condom would you do it? Just saying, what’s your life worth???

  60. “NOTHING wrong or bad about gay sex. But it is more risky and proven to be. So let’s push the gay side to test like the straight side and/or completely cut off any male talents that has/had done any gay porn.”

    Are you stating that somehow girls are unable to be infected with HIV unless they fuck a crossover or gay guy?
    Are straight performers immune from contracting HIV? Obviously not, but you seem to think it’s that fucking simple.

    Get rid of the crossovers and HIV goes away for the straight side… yeah, that makes sense?

    Oh, and here’s another fact. Those stats are the ones you know about… just saying.

  61. “If someone offered you a $1000 to sleep with a person you know is HIV+ but he wore a condom would you do it? Just saying, what’s your life worth???”

    Wtf? Every single time you perform in a scene, whether with a condom or not (especially if not), you are having sex with someone who could very well be HIV+ and the testing system hasn’t caught it yet…
    So, how much is your life worth?

  62. Lol …bad enough porn has yet another name outed as the Guy who shut down porn with HIV, still waiting to see if GC is the Super bug or just resistant to most stuff, FSC still trying to overturn 2257 and taking support from convicted pedophiles…now were gonna add drugs too?

    Violins are nice but this calls for some rock and roll to get the winning trifecta going 🙂

  63. No, you missed my point. My point was not to analogies the safety. My point was that people in those professions are well aware of those statistical increases in “bad” categories. Porn performers are aware of the lack of “safety equipment or protective gear”, it has been that way. This was not a sudden change that people were tricked into. They, if we give them even slight mental credibility weighed those risks and decided to continue, just like the people in those other professions. Also, if you are 150% more likely to die fishing than the average job, why in the world does it matter if there is safety precautions. Still more dangerous than other jobs, just less dangerous than unregulated fishing. My point was not to compare protocols only to compare the awareness of the group that they are might be in more harm in some way. Personally the risks in porn seem (from a distance), even as of now, far preferable to many industries that have risks.

  64. I would like to note that Tricia is married to John Stagliano and is an executive at Evil Angel (I will assume that this is the former performer Tricia Deveraux since the last name isn’t common). Tricia caught HIV in a scene with Marc Wallice (who is a scumbag that knew he was HIV positive while performing and gave HIV to at least six women and possibly more that didn’t go public about it) many years ago before porn had a testing regimen. Thankfully we learned from the Marc Wallice debacle and started requiring tests to perform. That is why we only rarely have an HIV transmission in porn rather than every other month nowadays. It is unfortunate that Tricia ended up HIV positive from that debacle and I am sure she wishes adult had tested routinely during her performing days, it may have saved her a lot of heartache. I also feel bad that she has to relive that experience every day of her life and more so whenever adult has an HIV scare or infection.

  65. You are correct except that I dont think Tricia is any longer an executive at EA so to be clear unless she indicates otherwise anything she posts here is HER opinion/thoughts NOT those of EA

    If I am incorrect Tricia feel free to set me right but I kinda figured thats a distinction that should be made

  66. JW, everyone has their price. No, I wouldn’t sleep with an HIV positive woman for $1000 but for $1 Billion I might consider it. For $1 Trillion I would even dispense with the condom.

    As for Porno Dan shooting, I understand his logic but since HIV tests have a 8-10 day period before the test shows positive I would personally wait that long before resuming shoots.

    As for Porno Dan allowing talent to drink alcohol before a shoot (which is mentioned in an above post somewhere) that is dicey legally and morally. However if a very drunk Aaliyah Love waved a day-old negative VD test in my face and started tearing my clothes off of me in a hotel room I can’t say I wouldn’t let her fuck me so I guess I am not any better of a person myself. Also, Porno Dan seems to be a nice, fun-loving guy that just likes his booze while Rob Black is a disgruntled asshole that has smoked too much meth. Rob Black is the worse person IMO by far.

  67. I wasn’t aware that she quit EA. Either way I would take her posts as her opinion unless she states otherwise, I didn’t even think about that issue.

  68. You’re wrong that there was no testing when Marc Wallice infected those girls. Marc was running around with a faked test. There was definitely testing (every 30 days) and, at the time of the Marc Wallice thing, it had been in place for a while.

  69. Mike- you’re definitely correct about my posts being my personal opinion.

    While I am still associated with Evil Angel, I don’t work inside the office on a daily basis.
    If I were to say that ‘Evil Angel believes’ or something like that, that’s different. Otherwise, it’s personal opinion.

    Also, when I was infected, we were getting the Eliza screener test and it had been only every 90 days. That was changed to the PCR test and every 30 days.

    I’m proud of being part of the decision at Evil Angel that the company hasn’t shot anal creampies for years. Some fans went so far as to send hate mail to us and our directors. Because every on-set HIV transmission that we know when it was transmitted included an anal creampies, it was a decision that we felt was necessary.

  70. @lacey

    Lol..money in shit eating grins too….ATM and rimming. But Hep doesn’t get transmitted on set either..especially when new performers get the vaccine that covers one of numerous strains 🙂

  71. @webmaster

    Agree that the 14 day testing via independent properly licensed health facilities is a huge improvement…it falls apart with FSC stakeholders refusing to develop a consistent program that covers the entire industry…it also fails when the stakeholders refuse to pay for and actively do what they say they do…care for the folks who make their bottom line possible by providing that care.

  72. @erik2690

    Every industry you cited actually cooperates with OSHA the fact that porn refuses to work with existing proven effective methods of risk reduction, lowest permissible level etc is why 2013 is gonna bite them in the ass wherever they run to there they will be…they can run from CAL OHSA but they can’t bring FREEMAN with them and not expect fighting to expand FREEMAN is gonna expose them to the same labor laws they tried to run from. Game on folks 🙂

  73. @mharris

    How did outing this commenter by name improve your point that AIM was established in response to a 1998 outbreak of HIV? That testing and excluding active acute HIV has lowered industry incident rates?

    I don’t care how many people know already it’s sickening and abhorrent to repeatedly continue to violate peoples right to privacy on the www in perpetuity. Not mad at you…pissed at an industry that needs a name to blame before they accept the very real industry risks have happened and it’s time to test, abstain and let the dust settle…or bag it…if they think elevated risk doesn’t apply to them or aren’t concerned about risks.

  74. @jimmy

    There was testing before AIM? Please tell me more…I’m under impression that AIM was start of industry efforts to reduce and limit HIV transmission. Thanks.

  75. @tricia

    Ty for being so forthright. It sucks that consumers put their viewing preferences over the need and choice to limit HIV transmission.

    It confounds me that folks need a name to blame and point fingers at gay/crossover without looking at why MSM has higher HIV rates. It isn’t because they are men, it’s because human assholes are much more attractive to HIV than oral/vaginal transmission.

  76. Your inside knowledge has lost me. I don’t know what or who FREEMAN is. Does OSHA have authority? Why don’t they exercise it, if porn is breaking the rules.

  77. I should have made the point that she herself made that information public many years ago. I did not out Tricia or anyone else here. I do apologize if I was out of line here but honestly believed that her experience was common knowledge to 95% of us.

  78. I tend to agree with you guys on the anal creampie scenes, Tricia. Too many cases of HIV came about because of the practice. I do support personal choice, however. In that vein if I were directing a scene, a chick insisted on an anal creampie from the male talent of the scene and I could ascertain she understood fully the possible implications of doing such a scene I personally could allow one to happen (assuming whatever company I were working for allowed it). That is why I say I tend to agree rather than totally agree. However, that is my personal opinion and everyone has the right to their own including you and John. I really understand both sides of this debate.

  79. The only place I know of where shit eating is legal is the Netherlands. If anyone filmed that shit here they would for sure be prosecuted for obscenity, probably both state and federal charges if the DVD hit Michigan soil. You would be better off filming Aaliyah Love blowing a male horse (no, that scene or anything like it will likely not ever be available although I would be the first to buy if it were, BTW male horses have 21 inch dicks that are three inches thick so its unavailability is on more than legal grounds) than shit eating in the USA — analyzing the risk of prison from the two acts.

  80. For the record some people do test outside the biz. I have never performed as talent in adult but when I dated I tested at least every three months using adult industry test criteria (back then it was PCR-DNA for HIV screening and urine for chlamydia and gonorrhea, I added herpes, hepatitis, syphilis and HPV testing as available). My health insurance at the time covered it so it cost me about $20, my doc has a lab in his office so I could get the order and test in the same visit. I may consider going back to the ELISA HIV test now that Mike has said it detects within 30 days (that test is about $10 compared to $200 for PCR locally — I think Medicare covers either one, though), when I was dating the window was closer to 90 days which is why I used the PCR-DNA for HIV screening at that time. Since my doctor was the designated county doc for HIV patients he had to have PCR facilities available anyway (it has just been in the past few years that all doctors were required to take HIV patients in Michigan), that may have helped in its availability even though I am HIV negative.

  81. @mharris
    I’m so frustrated with people’s names being the news instead of US industrial standard of “incident” Common knowledge doesn’t justify repeated violations of individuals rights to privacy…each time there is a fresh incident more names get added to the repetitive list for that disease…start adding up the names. Too many names to blame.

    Catching a disease isn’t equivalent to trophies, awards and achievements….outing people by name and making sure they don’t work in porn may also subject then to mainstream discrimination, harassment and more, then porn bitches when they become AHF posters.

  82. This is the bottom fucking line as far as I am concerned. i just got into it with a friend about this exact issue, who tried telling me a heterosexual blowjob is just as risky as unprotected male anal sex, which is a crock of unadulterated shit.

  83. It’s great you are being so supportive of this guy Mike. But I don’t see making condoms mandatory as a solution to the problem. It will kill the interest of the vast majority of the porn consumers. And with piracy already eating into profits in a major way, this could kill the straight porn industry.

  84. It is a fact that transmission from anal sex is a much more viable way of infecting people than from vaginal sex. The AIDs Hysteria freaks want you to abstain from any and all sex unless you wrap your entire body with heavy plastic. I had some idiot tell me it is just as easy to get it from a BJ as anal. Well then, WHY DON’T LESBIANS GET AIDS??

  85. I don’t have exact dates altho I think we’re talking about 1997 or 98, but testing was definitely happening when Marc Wallice was using a falsified test. (The paperwork wasn’t all that good back then and there was no way to double-check the authenticity of a test.) Also, AIM wasn’t the only place talent was using for testing. In fact, there were (what I’d call) testing wars going on back then. Sharon Mitchell had AIM and Rob Spallone was pushing another testing facility in North Hollywood and the “war” got very nasty at times. (Testing was lucrative, as you might imagine.) Tricia says testing was every 90 days but I don’t recall it that way. I recall it being every 30 days.

  86. mharris –
    I agree about personal choice.
    However, due to personal experience of how I got HIV, it’s not something I could live with, knowing that that type of scene is so risky.
    During my time in the business, my experience was that most girls didn’t know that all of the known transmission causes were from an anal creampie.
    And to play devil’s advocate, I have heard girls say that they didn’t want to disappoint a director by saying no to a specific type of scene. So, I did something that makes it a little easier for me to sleep at night. I pushed to take that type of scene out of discussion.
    A lot of fans (and directors) are mad at me. But I’d rather live with that, than knowing that I was making a living off of a company selling those type of scenes.

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