Help Out A Johns Hopkins Study


I got this and I checked it out, it is unbiased and so I decided to participate.  The questions are open ended, so there are no leading questions, theres no bias and Johns Hopkins is a very reputable institution.  The girl I interviewed with was Pan and she was extraordinarily nice and non judgmental.  I Think all of my readers should participate in this. They even pay you for your time.  Your identity and your opinions and statements are completely anonymous and confidential.


We are from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, MD, and are conducting a research study on sexual health in the Adult Film Industry. We want to interview performers, producers, and directors to learn about people’s experiences in the Adult Film Industry and, in particular, practices in the industry that affect performers’ sexual health. We also want to know what people like you think about policies that affect the sexual health of the adult film performers.
We will be at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada from January 15-20, 2013 interviewing people. We would like to interview you if you want to take part in the research study. The interviews are anonymous and confidential. Participants will be compensated $45 for one 45-90 minute interview.
Does this sound like something you might be interested in? Do you have any questions about the study? Please email us at [email protected] for further information or if you are interested in taking part in the study.
Again, huge thank you Mike!
All the best,
Study Team:
Erin Mead, MHS, Dana Cernigliaro, MPH, Pamela Lilleston, MHS
PhD Students
Department of Health, Behavior, and Society
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


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Help Out A Johns Hopkins Study

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Mike South

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