Get Well Soon Goddess

For the rest of the weekend the background on this site will remain pink to remind Goddess that she is on our minds and that we wish her a speedy recovery!


Thanks out to Lurking Reader for the idea!

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Get Well Soon Goddess

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13 Responses

  1. You’re welcome for suggesting it as appropriate get well wish for Goddess…she gets credit for the idea of painting your site (town) pink for doing so one weekend when she stepped up to help you out. Stumbled on it clicking top links for related posts 😉

  2. WHAT?! No puppy or kitty clip art?! LOL…
    Awwww, that is so sweet of you all, thank you so much for making me cry:). I came home from the hospital Tuesday and I feel better and better every day, and I’m hoping there won’t be any chemo or radiation needed. Thank you for keeping good thought for me and pink is still my FAVORITE color!

  3. It’s all good, LR. I used to get some good scoop on him from Mom!

    Forgot to mention I’m deeply saddened that I can no longer selfishly spit out offspring I can’t afford and don’t want. And if they keep moving out at the rate they are, I might actually have to get a J.O.B. Damn those Republican bastards for not allowing me to continue suckling from the gub’ment’s teat!

  4. After seeing the (lack of) work ethic in some of the young kids, LR, I’m PRAYING Jeff Bezos invents an automatic butt wiper to sell on amazon, cuz I’m sure it’ll be my only salvation.
    After my surgery I bought a “grip n grab” and I’ve decided I may never bend over again. My only dilemma is what do I use to pick up the ‘grip n grap’ when IT falls over?!!!!

  5. OMG ROFLMAO my MIL custom built her last home and we all wanted to know why she installed automated bidet without safety rails for when she got old and feeble….as she recovered from hip replacement surgery.

    Spare grip-n-grab for fetching errant grip-n-grab? Or lost grip-n-grab newest thing in low tech robotic foreplay?

  6. Don’t worry Goddess, if you work more than ten years between now and age 66 you can draw Social Security and Medicare. Now recover quickly so you can get that job for Vivid or Mike South Adult Entertainment mopping up the splooge on the floor after one of their 50 man bukkake movies. Don’t worry, you won’t be the one taking the 50 loads to the face, Aaliyah Love and Jessie Andrews will. 🙂

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