Gene Ross Should Stick To Reading Tea Leaves


In his screed on his lesser site today he made numerous mistakes, the first was he credited the Sasha Grey bit posted here to me, seems he may be able to read tea leaves but bylines aren’t his thing.  Steve lick wrote that not I.

He also questions if Kayden Kross actually wrote the piece for AVN, if there is one thing I know after my years of friendship with Ms Kross it is her writing style.  yes she wrote every word of it, as I know, as do Sean, Mercedes, Monica, and Michael, she personally interviewed all of us.

Mr Ross then impugns Ms Kross for her use of the word “commenters” to refer to people who comment on blogs. He then defies people to point out that “commenters” is a real word.

Well it turns out that commenters IS the plural of the acceptable common use noun “commenter”. Having been used in publication many times including such publications as “The National Review”, “WordPress”, “Cracked” and others.

Who is the fool now Mr Ross?

Maybe you should give up the tea leaves as well.

54000cookie-checkGene Ross Should Stick To Reading Tea Leaves

Gene Ross Should Stick To Reading Tea Leaves

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5 Responses

  1. Unless Mark Kernes had the most comprehensive makeover in the history of cosmetic surgery, I’m pretty sure that was my friend Kayden Kross sitting across from me for our interview.

  2. I just got into my time machine and traveled back to 1997 to view the lesser site in question. I’m flattered that Mr. Ross mistook my quip as belonging to the great Mike South. I would write more on the subject, but I’m currently waiting for my seizure to subside after viewing his fine html programming.

  3. Geez Louise, I just finished reading GR’s article. Gawd, I thought you were yanking our collective chains with all those Tarot references, South. You weren’t!

    What I thought was interesting though was GR’s assessment of the Fool card. He never said which position it was in. UPSIDE DOWN, it teaches us that problems could arise from acting impulsively, but RIGHTSIDE UP, the Fool actually represents a new beginning & courage to start a new experience. The Fool is also the first and the last, the alpha and the omega, and he’s wise because he knows his own ignorance.

    Unlike some people.

  4. “The Lesser Site” reminds me of those little carnivals they have in buttfuck nowhere parishes.

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