Free Porn?

I’m on the Neal Boortz yahoo group where lively political discussion run amok. Now they all know what it is I do and one of them insusted that I should send him “free samples” statiung even drug dealers give out the first fix for free…damn I guess I alway used the wrong dealers, but I digress. Here’s My response that got em all laughing.

OK heres the problem with that….I send ya a free sample and you appreciate it and and you abuse little one eyed Ed with it then you leave it on yer puter and forget about it

Next day yer wife comes home and catches yer 15 year old son perusing your newfound samples.

Naturally you follow the creed of men all over the world…deny deny deny…its those evil pornographers they must have sent it to the kid.

Yer wife does exactly what women do…believes what she wants to believe…ie that you would NEVER look at anyone but her.

So next day she calls and complains to my hosting company, my merchant account issuer, Cynthia McKinney, The American Family Association and my mom if she can find her.

Now all these people are bitching at me for sending out free porn….

Tell ya what I will do though….If you can install an air conditioning system my house needs a new one…gimme a free sample and I will do likewise….

Mary Carey Masticates On Kiki D’Aire:

I was chatting a friend and describing a girl as looking as if Mary Carey Begat Kiki D’Aire. My friend asked whatever happened to Kiki anyway…I replied.

Mary Carey ate her

We damn near died….

Mari Possa Bailing on Adam and Eve?:

Ordell Robbie Writes

What’s up with Mari Possa and Adam & Eve? She signed with back in January and still has not put out a movie. Could it be because she’s back with Seymoron? They’re a great classy company and If she’s walkin’ on them all I can say is stupid move.

Ordell Robbie? Now there’s a classic character as for Mari both parties seem to be taking a sit back and see what happens approach I think. Given the tumultous past with Seymore and Mari things could change overnight but as of now I’m hearing Seymore does NOT want her under contract to Adam and Eve even though I hear she had the biggest contract offer ever in porn…or damn near it…Here’s the question of the day…would Seymore marry her to keep her from signing? Hmmmm.

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Free Porn?

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