Finally A Good Guy In Porn:

In my many years of writing here and elsewhere I have spent a lot of time busting people who rightly deserved it. I have exposed scumbags, thieves, liars, mysogynists and other people with similar qualifications like politicians.

for about the last 6 months I have been dealing regularly with Dan Davis at Genesis Magazine. Of all the people in porn that I have had ongoing business relationships with Dan and Genesis are without a doubt the most professional, the most honest and the best to work with.

I NEVER have to ask for payment, and the payment never bounces, I am paid fairly as are the girls and it is an all around pleasant business relationship.

That’s a welcome change from the two bit petty thieves that seem to infest this industry.

Thanks Dan…yer a standup guy man.

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Finally A Good Guy In Porn:

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Mike South

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