(Nashville, TN)
“I’ve been featuring in clubs for four years now,” said a stunned Felicia Fox, “And this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me.”
Two months after winning the “Best National Feature” award at the 2003 Nightmoves Adult Awards show, Felicia Fox was presented with a different award by Anthony’s Showplace in Nashville, Tennessee…”First Feature Entertainer to Ever Be Fired for Being Just Too Damn Raunchy Onstage”.
Minutes before she was to go onstage for her midnight show on Friday night, Nov 14, Felicia and her roadie Tim Case answered a knock at the door of her dressing room to find Bob Rentfrew, the club’s manager, in an obvious state of extreme distress.
“I have to talk to you two,” the manager said. “One of our house girls has evidently called the club’s owner in Rhode Island to complain that Felicia was being too raunchy onstage, and the owner wants me to have you guys leave.”
“Leave?” said a surprised Felicia. “You mean I’m not going to finish my shows?”
“Uh…no. And if I find out who the girl is, I’m going to kill her,” said a very upset Bob.
Fox explained that, during her 10pm performance, she’d brought a customer onstage and had gotten somewhat explicit with him, undressing him down to his boxers and doing some light dildo play while onstage. But she explained that, once the club’s managers mentioned that they preferred her to be a bit less penetrating, she’d agreed to shelve the toys for the remainder of the gig.
“Bob kept apologizing to me over and over,” said Fox. “He said they were going to have a meeting on Saturday to discuss what they were going to do. I told him that if the owners wanted me to finish out the remainder of my shows on Saturday night, I would be happy to. He assured me that, even if they owners wanted me to not complete my contract, I would still be paid my appearance fee in full.”
“I’m always willing to abide by a club’s rules when I’m featuring — they just have to make sure they tell me what they are.”
Felicia Fox Fired from Gig in Nashville for Being Too Nasty:
Details are sketchy but word is that the club management loved her till a house girl called the owner in Rhode Island and told him that Felicia was too nasty. The owner called the manager and said pay her and get her out. More as it comes available, I expect a full update from Felicia who will be here Sunday to shoot for www.southernbukkake.com.
OK, Y’all Splain’ Something to me:
Prostitution sting nabs 72
One was a 60-year-old Sun City woman. Another a Tempe woman with a brand-new $60,000 boat. And another advertised herself as a former Miss Canada.
They were among the 45 women arrested Thursday in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office’s prostitution raid, which swept from Wittmann to east Mesa. A companion operation netted 27 male customers.
Operation House Call targeted 33 homes and 10 massage parlors, while Operation Destiny ran a sting out of three Valley hotels, arresting men who came to pay for sex. Among the men were a local radio station’s sales director, an airline pilot and a state correctional officer.
This happened Thursday Night in Arizona Now what i want someone to explain to me is how this makes Maricopa County, AZ a better and safer place. I am serious here, how exactly does this protect the residents of Maricopa County? That is the job of law enforcement is it not? To Protect and Serve?
1015150cookie-checkFelicia Responds:no
Felicia Responds:
(Nashville, TN)
“I’ve been featuring in clubs for four years now,” said a stunned Felicia Fox, “And this is the first time anything like this has ever happened to me.”
Two months after winning the “Best National Feature” award at the 2003 Nightmoves Adult Awards show, Felicia Fox was presented with a different award by Anthony’s Showplace in Nashville, Tennessee…”First Feature Entertainer to Ever Be Fired for Being Just Too Damn Raunchy Onstage”.
Minutes before she was to go onstage for her midnight show on Friday night, Nov 14, Felicia and her roadie Tim Case answered a knock at the door of her dressing room to find Bob Rentfrew, the club’s manager, in an obvious state of extreme distress.
“I have to talk to you two,” the manager said. “One of our house girls has evidently called the club’s owner in Rhode Island to complain that Felicia was being too raunchy onstage, and the owner wants me to have you guys leave.”
“Leave?” said a surprised Felicia. “You mean I’m not going to finish my shows?”
“Uh…no. And if I find out who the girl is, I’m going to kill her,” said a very upset Bob.
Fox explained that, during her 10pm performance, she’d brought a customer onstage and had gotten somewhat explicit with him, undressing him down to his boxers and doing some light dildo play while onstage. But she explained that, once the club’s managers mentioned that they preferred her to be a bit less penetrating, she’d agreed to shelve the toys for the remainder of the gig.
“Bob kept apologizing to me over and over,” said Fox. “He said they were going to have a meeting on Saturday to discuss what they were going to do. I told him that if the owners wanted me to finish out the remainder of my shows on Saturday night, I would be happy to. He assured me that, even if they owners wanted me to not complete my contract, I would still be paid my appearance fee in full.”
“I’m always willing to abide by a club’s rules when I’m featuring — they just have to make sure they tell me what they are.”
Felicia Fox Fired from Gig in Nashville for Being Too Nasty:
Details are sketchy but word is that the club management loved her till a house girl called the owner in Rhode Island and told him that Felicia was too nasty. The owner called the manager and said pay her and get her out. More as it comes available, I expect a full update from Felicia who will be here Sunday to shoot for www.southernbukkake.com.
OK, Y’all Splain’ Something to me:
Prostitution sting nabs 72
One was a 60-year-old Sun City woman. Another a Tempe woman with a brand-new $60,000 boat. And another advertised herself as a former Miss Canada.
They were among the 45 women arrested Thursday in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office’s prostitution raid, which swept from Wittmann to east Mesa. A companion operation netted 27 male customers.
Operation House Call targeted 33 homes and 10 massage parlors, while Operation Destiny ran a sting out of three Valley hotels, arresting men who came to pay for sex. Among the men were a local radio station’s sales director, an airline pilot and a state correctional officer.
This happened Thursday Night in Arizona Now what i want someone to explain to me is how this makes Maricopa County, AZ a better and safer place. I am serious here, how exactly does this protect the residents of Maricopa County? That is the job of law enforcement is it not? To Protect and Serve?
Felicia Responds:
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