Evening Sky poses this question in ADT:

I admit that I am addicted to porn.
I find it stimulating to fantasize about having sex with a variety of sexy women under a variety of circumstances, however in all cases, I would like to please my female partner(s) and that she/they also enjoy the sex.I want to share with you the forum reader, that I am confused and frustrated. Very confused and very frustrated.

Why does so much porn include doing the following to the female sexual partner(s): slapping, hitting, chocking, gagging (often to the point of tears and suffocation), spitting on, dominating women, shoving a (often huge) penis from a rectum into a vagina and a mouth (often guarantied to cause an infection in the female partner), ramming including painfully ramming a VIAGRA-tized giant penis (without adequate lubrication, often into a small and delicate female partner), etc.

Why do so many manufacturers of porn frequently show beautiful women, young or mature, well groomed, well dressed, sexy dressed, smiling, in sexy or innocent attire, on the covers of their product. Then they film the woman or near girls (possibly sometimes under-aged girls), being treated like a piece of human Sh-t by her male sexual partner(s).

Why do so many male actors think that I purchased the porn to watch them, often behaving like a slob in every conceivable way, dominate the film, dominate the women, dominate the sex act, treating their female partner(s) like pieces of human garbage, and seemingly destroying any pleasure these female actors may have had with the sex in the film?

Can someone explain this to me?

 first of all lets adress this whole nonsense of porn addiction

You arent addicted, there is no such thing. You are obsessed or compelled or both but you arent addicted.

More to your question I have been in this biz for over 15 years now and I have seen this progression. I have long said that this industry attracts two types of guys, those who hate women and those who love them, and in that lies your answer. With the barriers to getting into porn ever decreasing for so many years it opened the door to way more people being in the biz than the market could support, When this happens markets tend to segment into vertical markets or niches.

In a sense, led by the misogynistic segment, this particular market broke out into its own niche market. Same as Trannys and others have.

Add to that a crop of male talent that is basically homosexual and it becomes an even larger niche. Any good psych major knows that abusive and violent behaviour towards women is just a step away from homosexuality, and in the case of so much of the male talent today they started in gay porn to begin with.

But bottom line is the consumer, no matter the proclivity or or misogynism of the person who made the porn, if there isnt a consumer to purchase it, it will disappear. So maybe the better question is why the porn consuming public seems to want this type of material.

On the one hand you could say that the anti porn crowd is right, in that it takes increasingly more violent material to satisfy the obsession and there could be some truth to that when applied to this genre.

Equally likely is the resentment that the 20-40 year old male seems to feel towards having his alpha standing usurped within his day to day life. Women are increasingly more aggressive and more successful and challenge his position in society. That resentment is reflected in how he chooses to escape from that reality.

Just some food for thought….I dont claim to have the answers but I can come up with some pretty educated guesses


24050cookie-checkEvening Sky poses this question in ADT:

Evening Sky poses this question in ADT:

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3 Responses

  1. When I was a senior in high school it used to almost make me physically ill to watch women getting slapped and choked, etc. in porn.

    Then during college I started an online porn site which I still run today, and it created the necessity to watch porn every single day.

    Four years, thousands of porn movies later, numerous trade shows, and the abuse no longer sickens me.

    I still hate the slapping in the face stuff, but the choking and all that I don’t really mind — at least watching it.

    I think my getting to know some of the girls changed my attitude in part. However, there’s no question that my tastes have gotten more extreme. Not in the violence area, but in general.

    You’re right about feeding the marketplace. I do find it troubling that violent and abusive porn is so popular. I think it taps into some kind of primal instinct of man to wanna dominate women.

    With such a glut of women in the industry now, I think they feel like the only way to get noticed is to do something more extreme than the next girl — which is probably true.

  2. Along these same lines, I have to say that I’ve never understood guys who despise women who are “easy”. They’re more than willing to sleep with them, but are also the first to call the woman “slut” and “trash” as if this allows them to distance themselves from the situation, and somehow makes them “better” than the her.

    If the woman is ‘trash,’ what does that make a guy who is more than willing to fuck her?

  3. Take a look at wild animals when they mate—we’re only separated from them by a few millions years. We have the same instincts hardwired into the primordial portions of our brains, and not only is it pleasurable to act on them, it is also pleasurable to see them acted out by others. Laws, rules, inhibitions imposed on us by society prevents us from acting on these instincts most of the time for fear of consequences.

    That’s where porn comes in. Porn is the act of exploring the depths of human sexuality without regard for the social consequences of those actions. When your socially programmed behavioral response meets porn, the results are unpredictable. Some people watching the what they consider degrading, degenerate porn will actually feel sick, while others are turned on by it. The elements of guilt, liberation, and fantasy play a part too in the arousal of the pleasure centers when viewing porn.

    So there you have it, not entirely a complete treatise on human sexuality but something I can type up only after watching some Kayden Kross porno. People want what they want, even if they don’t understand why they want it.

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