I have been hearing about this video for a couple of months now but didn’t give it much thought until I read the gut wrenching story of one of the participants. I mean not even I would have thought that they were doing this for real, that it wasn’t staged. And even if it was…how fucking stupid do you have to be to foist this on the adult industry at this time?
Apparently you have to be as stupid as Jeff Mike ( ka Jeff Steward), honcho at JM Productions. Who released this abortion.
When confronted about it JM tried to pass it off as an “old release”. One need only look it up on the net to see it was released in Dec of 2005, Hardly an old release…
AVN reviews the DVD in the March issue and gives it 3.5 stars and an overall good review saying ” rougher than most, but consenting cast is entertaining”
When I brought up the issue with Paul Fishbein, Head Honcho at AVN he had this to say:
“We won’t review Donkey Punch movies anymore.”
Indeed I sensed that this was something that “Fish”, as he is affectionately known, wasn’t aware of, and understandably so, Im sure he doesn’t read every review and I believe the video may have presented itself as staged.
Even at that it shouldn’t be something that we in this industry have to deal with. I, for one, do not want my name associated with an industry that would support this. This is not free speech, this is aggravated assault and aggravated assault is NOT protected free speech.
So a BIG FUCK YOU to JM Productions for having no concern for fellow pornographers. If they want to be an outcast I say fine, lets treat them as one.
Distributors can refuse to carry their product, retailers can refuse to buy it and industry publications can refuse to sell them ad space. [Adultdvdempire.com refused to stock it…good for them]
And at the same time maybe all of the above can avoid the criminal charges that may come from having it on your shelves.
Can we as an industry finally say “We may not know where the line is but this has certainly crossed it.”?
Stripper Quote Of The Day:
Victoria is sitting in Tim’s office, with her hooves…I mean feet propped up on his desk, she is taking a long drag off of a cigarette and complaining that she has made only 56 dollars. She has spent mos of the night talking to Felicia, talking to us in the office and talking to the DJ in the DJ booth, none of these are areas where paying customers are.
She exhales slowly and proclaims :” It’s psychologically challeneging being a stripper.”
Donkey Punch Or JackAss? Update Coming
1831150cookie-checkDonkey Punch Is A Kick In The Nuts To Porn, Jeff Mike/Jeff Steward Is The Jackass Who Thinks It Is Funny:no
Donkey Punch Is A Kick In The Nuts To Porn, Jeff Mike/Jeff Steward Is The Jackass Who Thinks It Is Funny:
I have been hearing about this video for a couple of months now but didn’t give it much thought until I read the gut wrenching story of one of the participants. I mean not even I would have thought that they were doing this for real, that it wasn’t staged. And even if it was…how fucking stupid do you have to be to foist this on the adult industry at this time?
Apparently you have to be as stupid as Jeff Mike ( ka Jeff Steward), honcho at JM Productions. Who released this abortion.
When confronted about it JM tried to pass it off as an “old release”. One need only look it up on the net to see it was released in Dec of 2005, Hardly an old release…
AVN reviews the DVD in the March issue and gives it 3.5 stars and an overall good review saying ” rougher than most, but consenting cast is entertaining”
When I brought up the issue with Paul Fishbein, Head Honcho at AVN he had this to say:
“We won’t review Donkey Punch movies anymore.”
Indeed I sensed that this was something that “Fish”, as he is affectionately known, wasn’t aware of, and understandably so, Im sure he doesn’t read every review and I believe the video may have presented itself as staged.
Even at that it shouldn’t be something that we in this industry have to deal with. I, for one, do not want my name associated with an industry that would support this. This is not free speech, this is aggravated assault and aggravated assault is NOT protected free speech.
So a BIG FUCK YOU to JM Productions for having no concern for fellow pornographers. If they want to be an outcast I say fine, lets treat them as one.
Distributors can refuse to carry their product, retailers can refuse to buy it and industry publications can refuse to sell them ad space. [Adultdvdempire.com refused to stock it…good for them]
And at the same time maybe all of the above can avoid the criminal charges that may come from having it on your shelves.
Can we as an industry finally say “We may not know where the line is but this has certainly crossed it.”?
Stripper Quote Of The Day:
Victoria is sitting in Tim’s office, with her hooves…I mean feet propped up on his desk, she is taking a long drag off of a cigarette and complaining that she has made only 56 dollars. She has spent mos of the night talking to Felicia, talking to us in the office and talking to the DJ in the DJ booth, none of these are areas where paying customers are.
She exhales slowly and proclaims :” It’s psychologically challeneging being a stripper.”
Donkey Punch Or JackAss? Update Coming
Donkey Punch Is A Kick In The Nuts To Porn, Jeff Mike/Jeff Steward Is The Jackass Who Thinks It Is Funny:
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