Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I am writing on behalf of some of the people in the porn industry.  I know that some of these guys really should only get lumps of coal in their stockings but we all know that never really happens.  We all knew kids that there’s no way they should have gotten anything good but they did anyway.

So here’s my list:

Please bring Steve Hirsch a Real Doll modeled after Octomom, He must have an Octomom Fetish and that real doll is about as close as he is going to get to that….

Please bring Nina Hartley some clothing that is more appropriate for her to wear when signing for Adam and Eve at shows.

Please bring John Leslie’s widow comfort and peace and understanding, John was a good guy, he will be missed by all of us.

Please bring the folks over at AIM a clue…just one….please.

Please bring Jeff Mullen a script that parodies “House” Which is probably the only show that porn hasn’t parodied yet it is the one most made for porn, I mean it has Bi chicks, interacial couples, milfs, porn, hookers…how could porners have overlooked THAT.

OK that’s just a few of mine…send me yours……

44100cookie-checkDear Santa

Dear Santa

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2 Responses

  1. I’m going to start a Octomom-Hirsch drinking game. Every time Vivid puts out an inane PR about that clown-car-pussy-waste-of-human-flesh-cancer-on-the-earth-freak I’m going to drink a bottle of whiskey.

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Mike South

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