Cancel My Subscription, I’m Tired of Your Issues


People in porn are perplexed as to what is going on. They are clueless about how and why the industry has suddenly gone to hell. I’m getting some ideas about it too, hearing from former fans, current fans and the like.  When you run a strip club you get a bit closer to the consumer it seems.

One of the things that surprised me is that the size of the female audience is apparently larger than the industry knew.  Now I’m not saying that strippers are indicative of single females in general but ALL of my dancers watch porn, so do my bartenders, including the 21 year old I just hired who formerly waitressed at a family restaurant and had never even been in a strip club.  Seems that porn is really no big deal to the under 30 single female.

As for the younger (under 30 guys) the overwhelming sentiment was why on earth would I buy it, it’s everywhere for free.  I can pull up something, watch it and be done in ten minutes, no video store, nothing.

As for the older porn fans, as one guy put it….”Porn has issues, it turned into a freak show, it isn’t sexy to turn sex into a violent act, I don’t want to watch that, do you?”  Seems that most would rather join a website that reflects their particular tastes, be it a particular fetish or whatever.

Indeed, it would appear to me that the industry has consumed itself.  Too much product, shifting the focus from the girls to the guys, removing anything erotic, it has become as plastic as Jenna.  It lost it’s soul.

There was a time when our industry made intelligent movies about sex instead of the unintelligent movies with sex that we make now.  In with your porn was some character development and a semblance of a plot. But the female stars were never abused, but then they didn’t turn tricks on the internet either.

So we have issues, and some genius out there thinks that bringing Rob Black into the industry is the answer?

The reason nobody flunks out of porn is because apparently there’s no one in porn with enough intelligence to recognize that our lack of intelligence is slowly but surely killing us off.  Not unlike Playboy Magazine we have failed to change and adapt, instead we have the confidence that we know what they want, not them and the result is that our customers are abandoning us.



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Cancel My Subscription, I’m Tired of Your Issues

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5 Responses

  1. Glad you are back Mike! Unlike some yellow journalism sites you are fair & no bullshit & I appreciate that. Also love your tales from the club. Get a laugh from your perspective of things!!! Have a great day & even better weekend!!!

  2. Seems that most would rather join a website that reflects their particular tastes, be it a particular fetish or whatever.

    Shhhhhhhhhh, you’re giving away my best secrets. 😉

  3. Porn lost lot friendliness to consumer once had. They say time change things for better or worst. In porn time change thing for worst place ever been in. Buy way Mike your dancer watch porn pick up moves they can use when lap dance with custmers. The feel good days of porn end when some scum bags out there found how easy was milk porn for all worth than leave in state in these days well blame ever one round them but them selfs. You know this be true there no one right now working fixing state of porn in right now.

  4. Right after reading this post, I came across an ad for Kagney Linn Carter’s new movie, so I watched a portion of it on GameLink. What did it feature. Spitting. Double Anal. Gaping. About halfway through that particular scene, she looked beat up and abused. I was completely turned off. It made me think of the lines in your column about freak shows and turning sex into a violent act.

  5. Hate to say I told you so (not necessarily you personally, Mike, but porn in general) but I predicted this shit more than a few years ago on my simplyjimmyd blog, and for the exact reasons porn is so mired in it’s current state of shit. Not just a single warning but many warnings. In response, more than a few people lined up to shoot, shun, silence, scorn, and scoff at the messenger. For the most part, it’s why I quit writing my blog.

    I’m no rocket scientist like you, Mikey. And I didn’t need a crystal ball or finely honed prognostication skills to see the future. The future, in my mind, was plainly evident. To the people in porn, however, from company owners to cast and crew folks, I simply looked like some religious wacko standing on a street corner with a sign reading, “The End is Near!”

    P.S. I take no solace, none whatsoever, in being so fucking right.

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