Bin Laden is Dead, Can I Have My Rights Back now?

Thats all Ihave to say about that.

49920cookie-checkBin Laden is Dead, Can I Have My Rights Back now?

Bin Laden is Dead, Can I Have My Rights Back now?

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10 Responses

  1. Certainly… just as soon as you and your ilk learn to think of Others and can prove you’ll do what’s best and fair for the everyone. Particularly the less fortunate.

  2. One religious zealot neutralized…but there are others out there. Recently sighted at Sardo’s in Burbank. Not armed, but dangerous.

  3. i don’t give a rat’s ass how many terrorists are out there. when they take away our rights because of terrorists, the terrorists win. BTW, Frank, thinking of others and doing what’s best and fair for the unfortunate has absolutely nothing to do with stealing our rights. in fact, i’ll guarantee the more rights that are stolen, the more fucked up things will be for those “less fortunate” folks.

  4. I hear Vivid might offer one of Osama’s widows a million bucks to do a scene. Might just be a rumor tho.

  5. UUuuuhhh… JimmyD..DUH. Ya Think it might have something to do with just aquiring more power for themselves? Hummmmm…

  6. Hirsch offering a million bucks to osamas widows, thats genius….the biz needs your keen insight JimmyD ….write for me man, even under a pseudonym…we miss ya

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