Beware of Rogue Agencies

A new adult agency has come on to my radar that calls itself xclusive modeling.  Apparently it is out of the Tampa Florida area and is run by a guy named Lanfranco Pescante.  According to the young lady who contacted me they try to deal only with new talent and they charge them a very hefty 30-40% of their bookings.

That number is WAY outta line.

If you know of or have had asny dealings with this guy or this agency email me.


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Beware of Rogue Agencies

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75 Responses

  1. Mike? How much does Derek pay you? And please do not lie, k? Your defense of Gonz is RIDICULOUS AT BEST! And now you’re steering talent away from his competition? Classy, right?

  2. The only people who pay me are listed as advertisers derek nor latata has every advertised here I comped latata a couple of months…I do that often

    Nick if you have some sort of PROOF please post it…

  3. Mike, Nick is right! your defense of Gonz is laughable!
    Come on Mike! How can you believe his bullshit story?
    Clearly he was coached… that’s why he disappeared for 2 Months.
    The guy is full of shit! And Now… you’re steering talent away from Derek’s competition?
    It does make one wonder if you are being paid by Derek?

  4. Seriously, Mike? Prove it? OMG!!! The proof is in the pudding, so to speak! You ‘comped’ latata? lol!!! You sir, are the nicest guy to do that for them out of the goodness of your heart, eh? So you think your readers are stupid or something? Why haven’t you been able to convince even one of us that Alex wasn’t INTENTIONALLY spreading Hep C? And now you’re spreading shit about a new agency? Why are you doing that? Warning people to not use them? They are not part of latata (the organization you promote out of the kindness of your heart)? Face it, Mike. Derek Hay runs a prostitution ring and has YOU in his pocket and the proof is definitely in the pudding, sir. Now you know as well as anybody else reading these words that I cannot ‘prove’ ANYTHING!!! Duh!!!! How about the fact that you were ‘invited’ to be a part of the Gonz confession? And how about the fact that you wrote an entire article about the antibody’s you carry and if you should warn your lovers about it? Get real, Mike! Tell Derek I hope he gets deported, okay? We have torn the Gonz confession down to it’s essential elements and you STILL harp and protest too much (in my opinion). Blood transfusion as a baby? Yeah, lets ‘prove’ he had a blood transfusion! Can’t do it, right? And lay the blame on someone who is legally required to be silent on such matters? Brilliant!!! And it took them TWO MONTHS to come up with that laughable story? When the lawsuits start piling up, are you going to report on those? When Alex admits that Derek KNEW he had Hep C and allowed him to work anyway will you tell Alex to PROVE IT???? LOL!!! You really must think we are all morons!!! Or maybe we think you’re soooo smart that if you think he’s innocent of INTENTIONALLY SPREADING HEP C then the rest of us will buy your opinion as legitimate? Credibility means everything and you are losing it in leaps and bounds, sir. Please leave the dark side of the force and join us on the other side? We have cookies and cake! lol


  6. OMG Nick…
    He asked you to prove that he isn’t being paid by Derek. First of all .. how can you prove it?… and second of all…
    If someone accused me of that .. I would say…Hell no!!! I’m not being paid by Derek!!! I can’t believe you would even suggest such a thing! How Dare You Nick!
    Not prove it! Come on, Mike! LOL

    and the antibody’s article was a joke!!! LOL
    What lawsuits Nick? Mike told me there aren’t going to be any.
    And Nick?? there are people on here that actually are defending Gonz… LOL. there is one troll in particular who I won’t mention… but I know you will figure it out..

    Oh Yeah…. NICK YOU’RE AWESOME!!!

  7. Mike: Proof again? LOL. What about common sense? It’s obvious Gonz is full of shit… and he was CLEARLY COACHED! WAKE UP!!

  8. You roasted Mr. Marcus over the spit, Mike!!! Syphilis? Who’s had syphilis? Marcus actually didn’t think it was syphilis because NOBODY ever caught it! It wasn’t like other STD’s and so his analysis was that it was not an STD at all!!! Prove Marcus KNEW he had syphilis! You can’t! So either realize that the guy you call Mr. Syphilis (who didn’t think in a million years that that was what he had) was just as innocent of wrongdoing as Gonz for failure to think things through properly, or roast them BOTH over the coals EQUALLY! Oh, and I do know that you are not a racist and I absolutely positively believe that the difference between the two cases is nil at best! They BOTH did the same thing and you treated them completely differently!!! Wake up, Mike, the similarities are there! Neither thought they had something any longer, both showed only the test results allowing them to work, and they got COMPLETELY DIFFERENT treatment from you. Why, Mike? Why oh why would their cases be any different? So either apologize to Mr. Marcus OR rake Gonz over the coals EQUALLY!!! @Marcus::: You have every right to think that you got the short end of the stick this time! However, I will never excuse showing up to a set with ANYTHING funny looking going on down there if for no other reason than that it doesn’t look good in any way, shape or form. Even if you didn’t know it was Syphilis (I mean, I understand, nobody knew that that was what it looked like), you don’t go to work LOOKING like that! It’s bad for your image, eh? But Mike is treating Gonz like a victim, and you like a perpetrator when your situations were pretty similar.

  9. Nick is right again… Mike? prove Marcus knew he had syphilis?
    Why is Gonz a victim and Marcus not?
    Are you going to write an article apologizing to Mr. Marcus, Mike?

  10. Be careful with Nick, Mike. He’s a dangerous one. Not only does he have a trained deenager parrot name Kate (YOU’RE AWESOME, NICK, RAH RAH RAH), along with having friends in the satanic harassment business (the OTO?). I hear he also has his own personal angel. Scares the hell out of me.

  11. Oh No!!!! You know you’re speaking the truth when you start getting harassed!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK, NICK…
    Don’t let this troll bother you!!
    Take it as a compliment!!! I know I DO!!!

  12. Neither one of these guys deserves to be hung out as examples inside and outside the Industry…as proof that…when disease shows up its the performers fault…our testing works, see how it kept these guys off the set when they were bad off set.

    Will crucifying the new guy help the last one?
    What happens when HIV2 or the European strain show up and it’s that guys fault for bringing to us? Will that be a comfort to talent who never got the chance to travel….and never will.

  13. Remember Nick… losers like this troll….there only goal is to get rid of you because you are speaking the truth. And/or out of jealousy ….
    Some people are really pathetic and they hate themselves so they get off on mocking and bullying others hoping that they can get them to feel as bad about themselves as they do… but you already know that…you have been dealing with assholes like this for 2 years..

    This loser probably lives in their mothers basement… Lol
    Don’t let it bother you nick…YOU’RE AWESOME!!

  14. @Kate

    Last year a performer with a curable but easily transmitted disease…showed up with incomplete test info to hide relevant info.

    States…went to private PCP (primary care md) who gave me a shot. Didn’t tell him what I do for a living, when new test came back still showing disease I thought I was okay cuz I had shot.

    What reputable doc do you know gives a shot and doesn’t say..before you have unprotected sex you need to be rechecked to make sure this shot got it all?

    Then add how many were exposed and showed up with the curable disease via NEW testing and how many had to choose…treatment or laid off for 90days….industry to rescue …found a BETTER test to let you come back to work sooner.

    This year…how many we’re scared about the same curable disease…then the big bad uncurables show up? Work stoppage again.

    So it’s okay to bring some shit to work but not the BAD ones? The same way the common ones show up is how the bad ones are repeating history.

    So over the years…each time someone got hung out to dry as the culprit..we’re they really?

  15. Didn’t quote anyone…wrote what I thought about a event as part of ongoing situation…

    Will you feel better if I point out that last year it was easy to see who was personally affected pretty quickly…this year it will be impossible to see who was directly affected no matter how many we’re exposed.

  16. @kate
    I’ll be sure to add “TROLL cuz Kate doesn’t like what i said” to my CV. Sure hope that makes you feel better.

  17. LOL. You trolls really need to change your act!
    it’s getting old… lol.

    This is what I am talking about nick…. take the insults as a complement …these trolls who hide behind fake names are laughable!
    you don’t hide behind a fake name like these cowards….
    people know who you are…that’s why they can take cheap shots at you…. losers…

  18. Aah, gosh Satan! You are soooo awesome!!! Thank you for promoting my book!!! Now to check out how many more views it’s received since you’ve graciously embedded that little story into Mike’s little blog…!!! Love it!!!! Here’s a thought for a header, Mike! Come for the stories, stay for the comments!!!!! I wonder if that little plug for my book will remain? I sure hope it doesn’t get deleted, eh? The health and welfare of the adult industry talent is only a small aspect of my life. Attack me more!!! I love it!!!! Sell my book for me!!!! — Available as a Kindle— Do not get the paperback as it is first edition and the writing sucks!! That’s why I rewrote it and kindled it! Once again, thank you whoever you are! You are a Godsend!!

  19. kate: Satan just plugged my book!!! AWESOME! TOTALLY AWESOME!!! For all you readers out there, friend me on facebook and enjoy an amazing and true story about Guardian Angels, Soulmates, and a Grateful Dead concert or two!!! Oh, and my book is only 4.99 on Kindle! Please DO NOT buy the paperback as it is antiquated and the writing sucks, k? Oh, and you’re awesome too, Kate! And so is everyone else who posts here

  20. Hey nick ….I think I’m gonna tell you how awesome you are everyday…since it bothers Satan so much!! Lol.
    I think Satan might be LURK…Not sure …LOL.
    Thanks for promoting nicks book, Satan..
    I read it… I highly recommend it…IT WAS AWESOME!

    I believe in angels…I must be crazy too.
    and for the record….I can’t stand James deen….why the hell do the trolls keep calling me a deenager!!! WTF… LOL.
    Satan you scare the hell out of me…lol.

  22. Really Kate?

    Who I really am? Lol …
    Laugh away…anonymity isn’t fear on my host has my REAL IP and real email address…what I choose to share with the world is still a reflection on me, so I act accordingly.

  23. @lurking….if being a Midwestern housewife with kids and a policy background makes you a Troll…. I want to join the troll club!….oh wait I think im already in…..:)

  24. @laura: Kate was simply pointing out that a midwestern housewife with kids would NOT be posting here anonymously AND being sooo informed on the industry for SOOOOOO long! Troll lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol! I guess Derek has people defending Alex for him or maybe he’s here as well? Why wouldn’t he be, right? This is his stupid lie, isn’t it? Oh, yeah, some midwestern housewife feels that strongly to post here AND ridicule others? I am from the midwest and for the life of me I cannot envision (that means see) why some housewife here would even CARE ENOUGH TO POST HERE. Oops, sorry, my caps lock was stuck (good one, eh Mike?) but it isn’t now so… LOL That was intentional just like it was when Mike wrote it, eh?

  25. @nick….where did Lurking ridicule others?….she’s just a smart woman sharing her opinions and ideas like everyone else on here….what housewives from the Midwest don’t enjoy porn?…or care about the health and safety of others?

  26. Nick… Laura’s a troll.. it’s best to ignore her and Lurking.
    There pathetic and they’re not worth it… Trust me..

  27. @Nick

    I grew up in jersey, and NYC, lived in Ma, Fl and now Ohio. Some people get off on pics, some get excited over policy development…

    To develop policy you need to research and know what the issues are so five years from now you aren’t bitching about the stupid people who had input. My art is looking at a 20, 50 or 300 page policy and seeing its defects prior to the approval process, offering input and the reward is seeing the policy come to fruition in whatever it’s end form may be.

    In August I got a facebook friend request.. he gave me HIV when he didn’t take his meds, referring to the bf of someone I care about…this led to research about how can we find out for sure…test research at the same time the industry was dealing with the Bay situation..then finding OPIM-STI policy in development at OSHA. Meanwhile the jerk is HIV pos and after giving my loved one a lawyers letter offering 50k to shut up we took it to lawyer who said call police. He was served w/ warrant for blood, rapid EIA was positive and VL was high enough to infect, he was immediately charged with assault and is sitting in jail with additional charges for intentionally infecting his old girlfriend. More and more gets revealed as prosecutor called each of the last three weeks to see what her tests were…so far so good. Some people aren’t trouble making trolls just have good reason for anonymity.

  28. Nick…see how smart you are…you figured out why I asked lurking if she was a housewife… That’s what makes you AWESOME!

  29. Nicks it’s best not to respond to anyone except me or jilted…you know we are not trolls… there are so many trolls and bullies on here… it’s laughable!! like there stories are.

  30. Oh yeah…Nick? Laura is a deenager…and there isn’t anything crazier then a James Deen fan… Those girls are freaking Crazy! LOL.

    She might be Satan…just saying.. lol

  31. @laura

    Ty for compliments…perhaps these two will grow beyond the name calling attention seeking, accusatory school yard bully stage someday, but I’m not holding breath.

  32. I was thinking the same thing Nick …I think LURK might be Gonz or Derek Hay… I know for Sure …she’s a troll..

  33. @lurking: friend me at facebook, k? We’ll chat about Ohio over the phone once you IM me with your number! If you are legit, I will know for sure and I will not be rude or condescending, okay? Cleveland Rocks!

  34. Remember Nick…birds of a feather …flock together….
    That’s how you can figure out who the trolls are…
    They’re laughable!

  35. Im really sorry to hear about your friend Lurking….good thing she has a friend like you to help her with all the research and support…. I could tell you have a strong policy background from your writings here:)….I wish your friend the best and hope everything turns out well for her…. Its my understanding Kate used to work in a doctors office but I think she’s just an interested party like us…..

  36. LURK… when do you even spend time with your husband and kids…
    You seem to post on here 24/7….
    You’re sooo informed.

  37. @Kate: Relax! These people are in fact our friends!!!!! All of them! And we all need to play as nice as we can or we will never coalesce properly, please? Truth always wins in the end, and they will run out of lies soon enough while truth will stand strong! I am not sure who anyone is except the people who post as themselves and the anonymous ones who run out of arguments to defend their cause will agree with us in the end if we simply persist and stand up for what is ultimately the right thing! Hell, everyone makes good points! I will not turn anyone away if they want to talk to me and I am open minded enough to be swayed, so let them sway me if they can! So far though, I think things are going rather swell, eh?

  38. Gee Nick? How would the Deen troll Laura know that LURK is a smart woman sharing her opinions and ideas like everyone else on here..
    LOL.. Unless she knows this person…how would she know that?
    How does she know it’s a woman…because Lurk said so? LOL
    Deen fan trolls.. dumb as a rock… LOL.

  39. Nick…They’re not our friends… there ONLY purpose is to cause trouble…look at their comments and the way they act…that’s what always gives them away… and truth does always win in the end… These trolls are laughable! they are nothing but a bunch of liars.

  40. Kate: If we are having a discussion we NEED both sides, even if they post anonymously, k? Otherwise we’re just spinning our wheels. Alex deserves a defense as much as the next guy, but his defense needs to stand the litmus test is all, please? And the reason I define certain words is not to belittle ANYONE. It is because I want non-native english speakers to understand the words I’m using WITHOUT needing to consult a dictionary. Remember, people all over the world with all kinds of background may read this someday, so why make them get out a dictionary just to decipher what I say, eh? Laura and Lurking have just as much of a right to speak their minds as anyone else, no matter who they may be. And if I have bullied anyone other than people who in fact jeopardize the health and safety of performers, I apologize with all of my heart, sincerely. Peace, EVERYONE!

  41. @laura
    Ty, she is doing well and after third test Friday we expect will continue to be healthy.

  42. Mike: How come you didn’t answer Nicks Questions?
    Why is Gonz a victim and Marcus not?
    Are you going to apologize to Mr. Marcus?

  43. Nick: Lurking and Laura don’t have the right to come on here and harass and bully people.

    And what are you apologizing for? you did nothing wrong… You were attacked! This is how bullies operate… They try to make you feel like you did something wrong! YOU DIDN’T! YOU did not bully or talk down to anyone… Nick… And neither did I!!

    You were attacked and I defended you… It’s OK to disagree with someone… that’s not what these attention seeking trolls are doing…

  44. Kate? Nobody is attacking me! It’s all good! I invite any and everybody to make valid points I might have missed. This is all in good fun, and I don’t want anyone to have hard feelings who don’t deserve them. I refuse to play the ‘who is it’ game with anonymous posters, k? Dissenting opinions are welcome in my opinion. Let the better one win! And If I did something wrong by apologizing? Please accept my apology, k?

  45. Nick.. you’re driving me crazy. Lol
    you think a troll is going to make a valid point?
    their only goal is to get rid of the people who speak the truth.
    they do not want to have an intelligent debate !
    Didn’t you notice all this started after you asked Mike about Mr Marcus? Why do you think that was?

  46. Simple, because I dont answer to Nick or to you or to anyone else my thoughts are well documented here yer free to have your own opinion…afford me the same courtesy. There are many schools of thought on allowing comments….it usually just degenerates into childish antics and Im well aware of that but once in a while some good info comes out of it….the only person ever banned from here was Donny Long…I try to be pretty tolerant but there are times when I think Id be better off weeding out about 3 or 4 people and raising the collective signal to noise ratio. Its a fine line…one thing I would point out though is that every single time one of you reads this site or comments or whatever it costs me money, admitted it isnt much but its still a cost. the ad revenue of for six months doesnt even pay a month of hosting. The number of joins to my paysites from are negligible…it goes up sometimes when I get a high traffick link from a mainstream source but by and large the people coming here arent going to join or stripperfaials,com. I have a few that have and have never once logged in, they did it to help support what Im doing here…I dont have a wish list or a donation link or anything like that because I dont want my readers to feel obligated, they aren’t. you are free to have your opinion here but rest assured if I get fed up or if you cross a line I will show you the door. I do NOT want this blog to turn into what lukeisback was so I expect you guys to back off with the combative nonsense and stick to intelligent posts with a little more respect for the people who read them.

    This blog is my opinion, its informational but I dont expect to change your mind and you shouldnt expect to change mine, it may happen but in the end that aint the purpose.

    Now…having said that carry on….

  47. Mike: I don’t think Nicks questions were childish. I thought it was an intelligent post… Thanks for letting me know that if anyone asks a question or has an opinion you don’t agree with.. you might ban them. And nick was attacked mike. And I defended him…if that makes me a bad person then I guess I’m an asshole… I am not apologizing.

  48. All’s good Nick!…. and thanks for the nice words…..and yes the best opinions will rise to the top…the process of a good debate helps us all to cultivate and fully form our ideas:)

  49. No individuals opinion is bigger than the subject being debated. It should matter more what is said than who said it. All of the UNFOUNDED allegations about who is who, who is paying who, etc. actually plays directly into the hands of those who want to derail the actual debate. Congradulations, on playing your part in derailing the debate. The only place in the entire industry where ISSUES used to matter has now become the same fucking bullshit as the rest of the industry.

  50. In my humble opinion, it is responses EXACTLY like this that trolls are looking for. Playing directly into the hands of the troll is not exactly the best way to get rid of them. We dont need somebody to point out the obvious to us here. These posters are easily seen for exactly what they are, and we dont need anyone taking it upon themselves to show us the light.

    Yes, I just did the same thing, but my post isnt aimed at the trolls, Its aimed at those that empower the troll by responding to them.

  51. There are NO legal adult “talent agencies” in Florida. AMA (Giirlz Inc), Good Life (CJ is scum), Riley Reynolds, East Coast Talent (what else can be said about John Obryne) are all bogus and illegally taking a commission from talent.

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