Craig Lamar Davis of Stone Mountain faces two counts of reckless HIV, a felony for which he could face 20 years in prison.
To make a long story short much of his defense revolved around etsting methodology and his use of crack cocaine, with his expert witnesses claiming that crack use can mimic the symptoms of HIV and that the tests used didnt specifically prove that Davis had HIV only HIV antibodies.
Most states now have partner notification laws including California, generally they fall under “reckless conduct” and as Mister Marcus could tell you they will prosecute for it.
Depending on what he would have done had his test come back Monday instead of Friday T J Cummings may have dodged a bullet. He set up a shoot for Sunday, had he gone through with that shoot he would likely have been prosecuted. We will never know, thank goodness, what he would have done had his test results come back Monday instead of Friday….
Bottom line here, if you know you have an STD and you do not notify your partner you may end up a ward of the state, or the county.
2 Responses
Atlanta Man Convicted Of Not Revealing His HIV Status To Two Female Partners he Had Sexd With http://t.co/khxYWv3aFp
These cases usually involve a bf/gf who after being lied to gets pissed enough to essentially stalk the infected a life to inform new contacts.
Ohio doesn’t rely just on antibody tests for charging with “intent to infect” they take it a step further by using PCR to measure live virus. The charge is a type of felonious assault.
When the complaint is made a judge will order mandatory testing by state approved facility to draw blood/body fluids to work with victim devices to work with docs for immediate victim testing and f/u.