As some of you may know I have been involved in shooting a video for a nationally known rap act:

While involved in this project I have learned a lot. mostly I have learned that recording people are WAY slimier than porn people. Just to be clear I have not even met the band members that I am shooting the video for but the producer and the bands management people are about as low life as you can get.

If you are a band and you are interested in having a video made, follow this advice

My job is NOT to supply you with hookers, if you want hookers go down to the stroll and get them your fucking self. Don’t ask my talent for blowjobs and whatnot, as you are learning I don’t put up with that shit.

My job is deliver you a quality product, I can’t do it when you are parading your hood rat, idiot, buddies through my fucking set.

My job is NOT to provide you and said hood rat buddies with a live sex show, watch the scene outside the room on the monitors if you must but leave your friends at home.

Anytime you think you can do better…do it your mother fucking self!

Respect me and my employees and we will respect you, if you don’t you will see your name here.

Just something I needed to get off my chest.

5070cookie-checkAs some of you may know I have been involved in shooting a video for a nationally known rap act:

As some of you may know I have been involved in shooting a video for a nationally known rap act:

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Mike South

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