Another Thank You This One to M3Server

In the many years that I have had this blog I have had many hosting companies including all the big adult hosting companies, M3Server stands out for several reasons.

First they have pricing that is as good as anyone and better than most, whether you need a dedicated server or a virtual server, managed or unmanaged M3Server is priced right.

But lets be honest price is irrelevant if the support isn’t good and that is where M3Server really shines. Unlike all the rest of the hosting companies I have used M3Server monitors my server and if it looks like it is getting slow, they immediately look into why so that it doesn’t crash, this proactive monitoring has kept my site up and running during hack attempts, huge traffic spikes and everything else. Since using M3Server has not had one minute of downtime due to a server outage….none, zero, zip. That is almost 5 years with o outage on a server that is under attack almost 24/7, thats a great record. Anytime I have had a question or needed help with anything they have responded quickly (24/7 support) and they answered my question and or fixed my problem.

If you need hosting and you need your site to stay up and running at a reasonable price with support that is simply the best M3Server is the best you can do.

145050cookie-checkAnother Thank You This One to M3Server

Another Thank You This One to M3Server

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Mike South

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