Another Porn Award Show, Really?

OK y’all know I don’t normally do press releases but this one BEGS some commentary…which follows:

Paul Raymond Publications, the UK’s biggest and bestselling adult top-shelf magazine publisher, announces the launch of its first awards ceremony.

The event, due to take place on Monday 4th November 2013 at the “The London Club & Bar Awards” Winner and World Famous Gentlemen’s club Spearmint Rhino in London will be attended by the hottest and sexiest models and performers the industry has to offer.

The award winners will be decided by readers’ votes through PRP’s vast array of magazines and other forms including SMS,
postal, email and social media.

The Awards will contain 13 categories and 6 nominees for each. All listed below.

Mayfair Cover Girl of the Year – Sponsored by

Club International Cover Girl of the Year – Sponsored by

Escort Magazine Cover Girl of the Year – Sponsored by Skins Condoms

Adult Film of the Year – Sponsored by Forno TV

Female Performer of the Year – Sponsored by Pure XXX Films

Male performer of the Year – Sponsored by SizeGenetics

Bluebird TV Girl of the Year – Sponsored by BBTV

British Performer / Model of the Year – Sponsored by ShytoBuy /
Comfort Click

Adult Product of the Year – Sponsored by Westons Global

Newcomer of the Year – Sponsored by Your Choice

MILF of the Year – Sponsored by .XXX

Bluebird Film of the Year – Sponsored by Bluebird

Best Customer Service for Adult Products – Sponsored by The Gallery

“When you have a brand as strong as Paul Raymond, the world is your oyster and we feel we wanted to give something back to the hard-working and popular people, companies and brands that make this industry great,” said Mark Hassell, Event Co-ordinator at Paul Raymond.

For further details contact:

Andy Thorp
Head of Adult Publishing
[email protected]

Mark Hassell
Group Advertising Manager / Event Co-ordinator
[email protected]
0208 873 4407

OK it’s obviously pretty lame, I mean Bluebird gives themselves an award for Bluebird film of the year?   But here’s the real question I have.

What fucking genius over there said you know what porn doesn’t have enough of?  Awards.

Seriously  we now give out more awards than there are movies released every year.

76380cookie-checkAnother Porn Award Show, Really?

Another Porn Award Show, Really?

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7 Responses

  1. Like the Industry is really poppin’ and they need any awards cermonies!! really stupid!

  2. E-bay should be happy get more porn stars sell off more there porn awards there when they retire.

  3. Hey, Mike. Hope all is well.

    For what it’s worth, I’ve been here in the Netherlands for the past three years working for a mail order/internet DVD retailer that caters to the U.K., so I’m pretty familiar with the territory.

    Actually, the U.K. does need a more consolidated award show. Unfortunately, this probably isn’t going to be that.

    Unlike the U.S., the U.K. porn scene is severely fragmented geographically. You have heavy hitters that primarily film across Europe but often use British talent, lots of one-man-shows that shoot in their own backyard (and it is a rather large island), and a small handful of studios headquartered in the larger cities.

    The result is that it’s difficult to get people together in one location to actually talk shop and recognize one another’s work. And it is to the detriment of the business.

    There have been awards in the past, all of which have had problems. The UK Adult Film Awards took place in 2006 and 2007 if I remember, but ended up being rigged by shady characters. The SHAFTAs (a take off on the British Academy of Film and Television Arts or BAFTAs) really only recognized those working for Television X when it was still in production, and the UK Adult Producers Awards (put on by the well-meaning, but largely disorganized trade association of the same name) we’re ignored by many.

    There’s the Xbiz conference, but that rarely brings out the smaller content creators and seems to be fill of ad networks and billing people.

    So yeah. We could use a good award show back by the likes of Paul Raymond. I’m just not so sure it will be as universally attended due to it’s exclusive nature. I mean really. Bluebird movie of the year? Pfft. I didn’t even think they were still producing anything new to speak of. I’m pretty sure they’re just releasing out of the vault.

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