An Interesting Perspective

I was talking to an industry legend yesterday and in the conversation she mentioned that she had recently spoken with someone who I fuck with mercilessly on here and that particular fellow said that “he actually liked me” because at least I have “original thoughts”.

While on the subject of original thoughts (and off the porn topic) for the past several days Egypt has had the biggest protest against the government ever, period and yet, what has been at the top of all the news?  George Zimmerman.  Today we have Morsy stepping down(OK being forced out)  and seemingly Sharia law about to give way to more democratic ideals, yet who were we the USA propping up….Morsy….

Now head over to Syria….Same thing except there’s a more democratic regime in Syria and the protestors are wanting Sharia law and who are we propping up?  The protesters.  We have a long history of meddling in the middle east when maybe we should let them alone. Did we learn nothing from Jimmy Carter’s meddling in Iran?

I know I know it’s the oil

The race baiting nonsense that is bringing out the worst in both sides is far more entertaining to most Americans, it’s easier to grasp.

And people wonder why I watch Al Jazeera news….

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An Interesting Perspective

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2 Responses

  1. Our leaders always want us at war somewhere under the guise of keeping the world safe for democracy and also how all the war work keeps people employed.

    In reality we keep fighting around the world so the real people that run america (see Haliburton and others) keep making money off the USA tit.

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Mike South

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