Am I The Only One Who Sees “Commander In Chief” As A Ploy To Prepare Us For President Clinton?

Hillary Clinton that is…..

Apparently not…Harry Weiss called me this morning with that observation, problem is it could just as easily backfire, in spite of the participation of Donald Southerland.

I made a quick call to Mark Kulkis over at Kick Ass Pictures for his political analysis.

Kulkis didn’t say “Not at all it is actually my doing, we wanted someone who looked like an aging porn star to play the President and who better than Ms Davis with her High Speed DSL (Dick Sucking Lips). My goal is to prepare the public for President Mary Carey”

Now if I remember my civics correctly Mary might still have a few years before she would be eligible, see a President must be at least 35 years old and while Ms carey certainly has the…ummm…political WEIGHT she does lack the chronological maturity to hold said office.

Sometimes Y’all Surprise Me:

I fully expected a lot of email about yesterdays rant and I got it…LOTS of it.

I also fully expected to be widely criticized and beat up for it…I mean I kinda slaughtered some sacred cows…

Every single email, bar none was positive and supportive…Wow….guess I hit on one of those simple truths in life

Thanks Y’all I guess I ain’t as crazy as I thought.


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Am I The Only One Who Sees “Commander In Chief” As A Ploy To Prepare Us For President Clinton?

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