A poster on GFY Writes:
Originally Posted by Redrob
Might be a little premature to blame AIM for the leaks. See the following statement and read the entire article.
“The San Fernando Valley clinic maintains an online database accessible to hundreds of porn producers, allowing them to view private medical information about actors, including results of HIV testing.
However, the AIM clinic says substantial amounts of information posted on the site are not stored in its database.”
No Fear, Just Knowledge.
AIM is full of SHIT.
MY info came from AIM with a stage name that was never used other than on 1 form, given to AIM. Only one place in the world that name was ever written, and that was at AIM on my first HIV test there.
What do you think, they are going to man up and take responsibility for being irresponsible, again? 
I may not agree with what is going on here, and I think AIM should be shut down because they are incompetent tits, but this teaches the industry a lesson if anyone is smart enough to understand it.
Who owns PornWikiLeaks at this porn is irrelevant. While this is dangerous for the female models, I hope whoever made the site gets away with it because they used the industries own ignorance and arrogance against them. Passing out 2257 docs with screeners and giving them to 2nd and 3rd parties without thought as to WHO they are giving them to…. well, this is what you get.
Congrats for being fucking idiots, all of you. So just keep passing IDs around like they are candy bars and see where it gets everyone. And when some chick gets raped or worse, don’t fault Porn Wiki Leaks, fault yourself for passing her ID around and putting your faith into a testing center who doesn’t even know how to protect their database.
The humorous part is, AIM can’t even protect their client database, but everyone will put their lives in AIM’s hands for HIV testing. Now OSHA is fining people for not wearing condoms on the set… big surprise. Gay guys working in straight movies, girls who bareback escort on the side, an incompetent testing facility, and complete reckless behavior from producers, distributors, and anyone else who will happily pass along IDs and 2257 docs to anyone who wants them. No surprise that any of this is happening.
Sad part is, most of Porn Vally is simply too stupid and/or greedy to change for the better. Models have sadly always been disposable to the porn industry and the lack protection of their personal identity clearly shows just how much no one gives a shit about them. It’s a good thing none of these models, male or female, have good credit because all of these IDs and personal info is a identity thief’s wet dream.
4868150cookie-checkAIM Is Full Of Shitno
AIM Is Full Of Shit
AIM is full of SHIT.
MY info came from AIM with a stage name that was never used other than on 1 form, given to AIM. Only one place in the world that name was ever written, and that was at AIM on my first HIV test there.
What do you think, they are going to man up and take responsibility for being irresponsible, again?
I may not agree with what is going on here, and I think AIM should be shut down because they are incompetent tits, but this teaches the industry a lesson if anyone is smart enough to understand it.
Who owns PornWikiLeaks at this porn is irrelevant. While this is dangerous for the female models, I hope whoever made the site gets away with it because they used the industries own ignorance and arrogance against them. Passing out 2257 docs with screeners and giving them to 2nd and 3rd parties without thought as to WHO they are giving them to…. well, this is what you get.
Congrats for being fucking idiots, all of you. So just keep passing IDs around like they are candy bars and see where it gets everyone. And when some chick gets raped or worse, don’t fault Porn Wiki Leaks, fault yourself for passing her ID around and putting your faith into a testing center who doesn’t even know how to protect their database.
The humorous part is, AIM can’t even protect their client database, but everyone will put their lives in AIM’s hands for HIV testing. Now OSHA is fining people for not wearing condoms on the set… big surprise. Gay guys working in straight movies, girls who bareback escort on the side, an incompetent testing facility, and complete reckless behavior from producers, distributors, and anyone else who will happily pass along IDs and 2257 docs to anyone who wants them. No surprise that any of this is happening.
Sad part is, most of Porn Vally is simply too stupid and/or greedy to change for the better. Models have sadly always been disposable to the porn industry and the lack protection of their personal identity clearly shows just how much no one gives a shit about them. It’s a good thing none of these models, male or female, have good credit because all of these IDs and personal info is a identity thief’s wet dream.
AIM Is Full Of Shit
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