What Does Rod Daily’s Testing Positive Mean For The FSC? Nothing.

With rod Daily now testing positive and Diane Duke lifting the moratorium last week before we knew Daily’s status one has to wonder at what point even the board of the FSC has a vote of no confidence on Duke and sends her packing.

Admitted they are a bunch of gutless yes men who don’t care a bit about performers and in any other profession Duke wouldn’t be able to get a job taking out the trash in my office, but this is porn…There could be a lot of people infected right now who aren’t yet testing positive.  Despite what Duke and company tell you the test we use isnt considered 95% accurate until 21 days after exposure…It can be less but not always.  And what will the FSC do now?

The FSC should NEVER EVER have been involved in testing in the first place but Diane saw it as a money tree.  We al know why she has never released the names on their medical advisory board…its because there arent any doctors, there isnt any advisory board  its Doctor Miao  thats it.

This latest blunder could and should be the end of Duke but it wont be…mark my words.  She is too much of a psycopath to resign and the board of the FSC are too gutless to fire her.


82240cookie-checkWhat Does Rod Daily’s Testing Positive Mean For The FSC? Nothing.

What Does Rod Daily’s Testing Positive Mean For The FSC? Nothing.

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9 Responses

  1. Lets start a pool. How quickly will Dianne Duke proclaim that Rod was not infected on a porn set? I give it 10 hours.

  2. You got to admire the guy for manning up and going public. Just a sad situation for him and Cameron Bay. It would be good to know who infected whom.

  3. Now that is a reasonable bet…. or, maybe not considering she’s probably gone already……. I wonder if she’ll last for 10 hours?

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