London, England — Parliament’s computer system logs all websites visited by MPs, Lords and their staff – including the addresses of sites blocked by a porn filter. A Freedom of Information request has provided a remarkable snapshot of Westminster internet traffic over several months last year.

The revelation comes as MP Damian Green, Theresa May’s de-facto Deputy Prime Minister, again denied that he downloaded so-called ‘extreme pornography’ onto his computer in Parliament.
The released data reveal that September was the busiest month for porn searches, with over 32,000 attempts to view websites with blocked XXX-rated content.
This being England, while about 1,000 attempts were made to log on to Tinder, gay hook-up app Grindr had 272,000 hits in a single month last year.
Dating sites are not classified as pornography but are still banned by House of Commons’ rules. MPs make the rules, but don’t follow them.
H/T Daily Star
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